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Discussin on open carry advocates


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Well, i don't think it's dead,,it's like bubonic plague..  it's completely under control..   occasionally an outbreak happens and is immediately controlled. (I think there's a n animal found with it in Idaho right now, in fact.), but overall, it exists, but does not.


Things like this never die..  but really, there's not much effort required to keeping them still. Certainly not the necessity to walk around scaring everyone or creating potentially hazardous situations with police.



Again, where is this happening? Police are more likely to shoot someone today than ever before. Where is this happening?

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Because its their job. They have to take anything like that seriously. Sure, 99% of the time its probably just someone who wants to do their 2nd amendment thing, but that 1% possibility means that everything has to be investigated. That's the thing that gets me. None of these people seem to understand (or are interested in understanding) that there is a legitimate reason for people to be fearful or worried about a person walking around with an AR15. They act like its the most normal thing in the world.


That's the point. You walk up the to person, do they appear to be drunk or on drugs? Do you have any reason to suspect they're a felon? When you asked them for an ID do they give a 45 second pre rehearsed speech, citing case law? '


If No, No, Yes- you can stop. After that, you're just stroking their ego because they get off on the fact they really don't have to show you their ID. 

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Again, where is this happening? Police are more likely to shoot someone today than ever before. Where is this happening?

in the OP, he asked us for thoughts on confrontations with police.


A quick youtube search of "open carry police confrontation" yields dozens and dozens.

This one is indicative of pretty much all of them i watched, showing cops stopping someone and asking questions. 


As Popeman pointed out, it does cause concern in a place like Quakertown where little girls are riding bicycles down the street, as is the little lady at about 1:26..   when the cop is telling the guy to 'have a nice day'. 

The gun owner is correct in his terse back and forth with the cops, however, he's being a bit of a dick. (His laugh at the end... well..  seems he got what he wanted, and he won. This is speculation on my part. Maybe that Quakertown neighborhood with the little girl riding her bike is particularly bad. I don't know.)

I think the cops handled it well in this one, and i  only chose it because it's the first one that came up.


If those cops (who, as you say, are more prone to shoot than ever before) get nervous, the situation that could develop is what is known as "potentially hazardous".


"Potentially hazardous" can be a hazard caused by the gun carrier or the cops. Doesn't really matter which.

It's totally unnecessary.



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Not sure where I fall. As my history tells gun control is an issue where I lean pretty hard to the left, but I think I might be more in favor of open carry than concealed.

As I type this I start to go back and forth though.

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in the OP, he asked us for thoughts on confrontations with police.

A quick youtube search of "open carry police confrontation" yields dozens and dozens.

This one is indicative of pretty much all of them i watched, showing cops stopping someone and asking questions.


As Popeman pointed out, it does cause concern in a place like Quakertown where little girls are riding bicycles down the street, as is the little lady at about 1:26.. when the cop is telling the guy to 'have a nice day'.

The gun owner is correct in his terse back and forth with the cops, however, he's being a bit of a dick. (His laugh at the end... well.. seems he got what he wanted, and he won. This is speculation on my part. Maybe that Quakertown neighborhood with the little girl riding her bike is particularly bad. I don't know.)

I think the cops handled it well in this one, and i only chose it because it's the first one that came up.

If those cops (who, as you say, are more prone to shoot than ever before) get nervous, the situation that could develop is what is known as "potentially hazardous".

"Potentially hazardous" can be a hazard caused by the gun carrier or the cops. Doesn't really matter which.

It's totally unnecessary.


So supposition and fear mongering is all you got? No evidence of police gunning down the open carry enthusiasts?

It would seem that it is safer to interact with police with your hands in your pocket and an AR15 on your back than to be unarmed with your hands in the air.

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Every single other constitutional right has limitations on it.   Free speech, freedom of assembly, free exercise of religion, right to petition for redress of grievances, right to be secure in your home, search and seizure, speedy trial, confronting witnesses, you name it.   Why are no restrictions at all permissible on this one sacred right? 



well, we do have limitations on it.  sure we have people that want no limitations.  see the armed bikers thread if you'd like to see people that believe in complete, unlimited free speech. :)

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well, we do have limitations on it.  sure we have people that want no limitations.  see the armed bikers thread if you'd like to see people that believe in complete, unlimited free speech. :)


I tend to draw the line at speech where speech becomes action. A bigoted protest against Muslims is one thing; a bigoted protest against Muslims while armed and standing outside a mosque is another thing. It's a fuzzy line, but one you can draw.


The issue with the right to bear arms is I'm not even sure we have a definition for "arms." Are you allowed to open carry a bazooka?

Am I allowed to own an Tomahawk Missle?

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I tend to draw the line at speech where speech becomes action. A bigoted protest against Muslims is one thing; a bigoted protest against Muslims while armed and standing outside a mosque is another thing. It's a fuzzy line, but one you can draw.


The issue with the right to bear arms is I'm not even sure we have a definition for "arms." Are you allowed to open carry a bazooka?

Am I allowed to own an Tomahawk Missle?

 please find out.  if i'm allowed to mount a bazooka on top of my suv, i gotta do it.


and i agree with your post.

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I tend to draw the line at speech where speech becomes action. A bigoted protest against Muslims is one thing; a bigoted protest against Muslims while armed and standing outside a mosque is another thing. It's a fuzzy line, but one you can draw.


The issue with the right to bear arms is I'm not even sure we have a definition for "arms." Are you allowed to open carry a bazooka?

Am I allowed to own an Tomahawk Missle?



Freedom of Speech + Freedom to Carry = crossing a line? If I refuse to consent to an unlawful search by police, is it some sort of trifecta causing the world to flip upside down?

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So supposition and fear mongering is all you got? No evidence of police gunning down the open carry enthusiasts?

It would seem that it is safer to interact with police with your hands in your pocket and an AR15 on your back than to be unarmed with your hands in the air.

Nothing was supposed.

You asked where potentially dangerous situations and confrontations with police are happening.

If you need it explained why these situations can be potentially hazardous, than i can see why you'd be worried about them taking your guns.

In all candor, if you want to discuss this topic with me, you can't be this stupid.

Somebody else maybe will screw around with this idiocy, but this is not something i'm going to waste time with.


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Freedom of Speech + Freedom to Carry = crossing a line? If I refuse to consent to an unlawful search by police, is it some sort of trifecta causing the world to flip upside down?


Yes, it does.


If the KKK wants to march in front of a black church chanting "Kill the N------," that's one thing. It's repulsive but probably something a free society just has to deal with.


Marching in front of a chart chanting "Kill the N------" while carrying rifles is quite another.




We don't edit that word automatically any longer, people?

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Nothing was supposed.

You asked where potentially dangerous situations and confrontations with police are happening.

If you need it explained why these situations can be potentially hazardous, than i can see why you'd be worried about them taking your guns.

In all candor, if you want to discuss this topic with me, you can't be this stupid.

Somebody else maybe will screw around with this idiocy, but this is not something i'm going to waste time with.


No I'm asking where are the specific instances where there have been issues. Some guy being a jerk to cops is nothing new. Plenty of people pull that card every day, without a gun. So again, I'll ask, where are the specific instances where open carry advocates were confronted by police and the result was gunshots being fired?



Yes, it does.


If the KKK wants to march in front of a black church chanting "Kill the N------," that's one thing. It's repulsive but probably something a free society just has to deal with.


Marching in front of a chart chanting "Kill the N------" while carrying rifles is quite another.




We don't edit that word automatically any longer, people?


No, it's not. It's the same thing. The KKK didn't need guns to grab black people and lynch them, nor burn their churches. Suddenly having guns doesn't make them intimidating while without them, they're not.




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By the way, I have no context for that second picture. It only seems to appear on tea party blogs. It could be from a movie for all I know.


The first picture, I believe, is a protest Huey P. Newton launched when Republican lawmakers tried to make it a felony to carry loaded weapons in cities...in response to the Panthers carrying loaded weapons in cities.


Again, you should be in favor of Huey P. Newton here.

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No I'm asking where are the specific instances where there have been issues. Some guy being a jerk to cops is nothing new. Plenty of people pull that card every day, without a gun. So again, I'll ask, where are the specific instances where open carry advocates were confronted by police and the result was gunshots being fired?






I never once claimed there WERE any such instances. But it only takes one for somebody to die.


This is why i used the words "POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION".

I think these folks create a potential hazard, and i think it's unnecessary. Not too hard to figure out.


I think people who walk down the street with a rifle and a go-pro camera are looking for a confrontation so they can do what he just did.. show he knows his rights, put the police in his place, load it up to youtube and be stroked by all the people who feel the same way. 

But the reality is three cop cars were dispatched into a residential neighborhood to find out why a guy is walking down the street with his weapon. (Which may or may not be strapped to his back, as you seem to think. i never saw his hands, have no idea where his weapon is.)

As i said in the post i put it in, the cops did very well, and there was no problem, but it is a confrontation with police, and it is a potentially hazardous situation. 

Popeman wrote an excellent post a few pages ago that explains why police in this situation have to investigate, and considering you believe that cops are more likely to shoot than ever before, this places the video into the realm of "POTENTIAL" hazard.

Read the thread,, you can find the little blue monkey picture beside my posts. You can find out exactly where i stand on all of it.

I'm not standing where you think I'm standing.



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  If I refuse to consent to an unlawful search by police, is it some sort of trifecta causing the world to flip upside down?


No.  However, depending on what you look like, there are quite a few ways that situation could end....

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I never once claimed there WERE any such instances. But it only takes one for somebody to die.


This is why i used the words "POTENTIALLY HAZARDOUS SITUATION".

I think these folks create a potential hazard, and i think it's unnecessary. Not too hard to figure out.


I think people who walk down the street with a rifle and a go-pro camera are looking for a confrontation so they can do what he just did.. show he knows his rights, put the police in his place, load it up to youtube and be stroked by all the people who feel the same way. 

But the reality is three cop cars were dispatched into a residential neighborhood to find out why a guy is walking down the street with his weapon. (Which may or may not be strapped to his back, as you seem to think. i never saw his hands, have no idea where his weapon is.)

As i said in the post i put it in, the cops did very well, and there was no problem, but it is a confrontation with police, and it is a potentially hazardous situation. 



And why is that? 


Caller: 911!! sweet baby Jesus, I just saw a man with a gun. 

Operator: What was he doing ma'am?

Caller: Carrying groceries to his car!

Operator: Was he saying anything? 

Caller: He was talking to his son about race cars! 0hhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Operator: Was doing anything erratic? 

Caller: He had a gun!

Operator: Where was the gun, ma'am?

Caller: In his side pocket thingy. 

Operator: Holster? 

Caller: I guess so, the horror!

Operator: Ma'am do you understand 911 is for emergencies? 

Caller: BUT! GUN! HE HAD! 

Operator:  I hate my job. 


The police should not be entertaining these calls, if they do happen. 

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And why is that? 


Caller: 911!! sweet baby Jesus, I just saw a man with a gun. 

Operator: What was he doing ma'am?

Caller: Carrying groceries to his car!

Operator: Was he saying anything? 

Caller: He was talking to his son about race cars! 0hhhhhhhhhhhhh!

Operator: Was doing anything erratic? 

Caller: He had a gun!

Operator: Where was the gun, ma'am?

Caller: In his side pocket thingy. 

Operator: Holster? 

Caller: I guess so, the horror!

Operator: Ma'am do you understand 911 is for emergencies? 

Caller: BUT! GUN! HE HAD! 

Operator:  I hate my job. 


The police should not be entertaining these calls, if they do happen.

yeah, you have a nice evening.



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A man carrying a rifle inside the Atlanta airport wasn’t breaking any laws, but he did raise a few eyebrows, including those of some Atlanta police officers.




Cooley says he was first approached by a fire marshal who asked him why he was carrying the gun in the airport. He was then approached by an APD officer, who asked him about the gun and whether he was permitted to carry the weapon.


“I told her I was carrying this for safely when she asked me why,” Cooley posted on Facebook.


Cooley says as he and his wife began to leave the airport the APD officer stopped him again and radioed to others that he was carrying an automatic weapon. Cooley says he was then followed to his car by a police lieutenant and two officers, who took pictures of their car.


“It shouldn’t matter what I carry, just that I choose to carry,” Cooley said. “You never know where something might happen.”




Cooley says he doesn’t believe Atlanta police officers should have followed him out of the airport to his car.


An APD police report says, “At no time was Mr. Cooley deprived of his ability to leave property or freely move around the airport with the weapon. Officers followed to assure the safety of all patrons at the airport.”


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