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Any awesome Redskins stuff for newborns/infants/etc.?


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A little personal, but what the hell, shared a lot on here anyway:


My wife and I have been trying for four years, four IUI's (turkey baster technique), five rounds of IVF (too much to explain), and six digits to have a child, and we're going to be blessed with a son just before kickoff this year.  Not that any child isn't, but this is a huge, HUGE deal to me.


I don't know why in the hell I haven't though of it before now, or expected any differently, but my wife/in-laws/her friends have kind of taken over 99-150% of the nursery/clothing/decorating/EVERYTHING choices, and I'm getting a late start on trying to get some ideas to put the burgundy and gold in him right from the start.


Nursery's a no-go for a Redskins theme, as I already have a Redskins basement (and no, I can't put him down there), but I was looking to have a few items here and there that would get my son off on the right track, ESPECIALLY because we live in the middle of Eagles country.


Any dads or moms have any recommendations for anything in particular?  I'm awful at this stuff, so any pointers or suggestions would be much, MUCH appreciated.  There's nothing in the stores here since it's all either Ravens or Eagles, so it's tough to just impulse buy something.



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My brother and his wife did something cool with their kids. They bought them each an adult size jersey (your son's will be a Redskins jersey, of course). Each year on their birthday they take a picture of their kids wearing the jersey. It's really cool to see them grow up in the jersey. Their kids are old enough now that the jerseys fit but the annual picture updates are really fun.


One thing I did with my daughter is sing Hail to the Redskins to her when I was changing her diaper. She always smiled and it made me smile (even during really messy diaper changes). Now, it's one of her favorite songs and I'll catch her singing it when she is playing. (she is 3 now).


Have fun.

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Thanks guys, I really appreciate it!


I think that I'm going to try and steer away from anything with a current player just because I'm kind of 1-4 with a player's longevity/success on the team (Moss versus Sean/Orakpo/RGIII/Landry) and I'd like to get that history started ASAP.  I think that's an awesome idea with the jersey each year.


And HTTR for the diaper changing song is a must.  Routines are unbelievably important, so working that in there for either diapers or lullaby will be really important.

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First off, congrats! :)


My wife and I got a ton of stuff the other week at her baby shower. Pacifiers, bibs, shirts, hats, cups. Her parents even found a really cool ceramic like this - http://www.ashtondrake.com/products/913774_washington-redskins-baby-dolls.html It's not usable, but it's something different than just redskins branded clothes etc.


I got so much redskins stuff I'm actually kind of concerned about how much I advertise myself as a redskins fan now....


If you go to amazon, as HogNose suggests, and type in "redskins infant" you'll get pages of results. Also check google.com/shopping.

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I live in Eagles country too. All I'll say is the rule you really have to enforce is ABSOLUTELY no green bird stuff.

There's always one uncle or relative that will try to sneak in a bib or cup or onsey... Just lay down that law now. NO EAGLES ANYTHING

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the mobile and bibs were regulars, as well as clothes for me. Congrats! Cleatus broke after a short period, not worth it.

We have had Cleatus for a year.  He is one tough dude.  Although my son does seem to have him lose every fight against the transformers he plays with. 


I like the song idea.  I live in San Diego, but my kids can sing HTTR as easily as singing the mickey mouse theme song.

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Just wanted to say Congratulations to you and your wife!


As for items, maybe a few baby things, but they will grow out of them quickly, so perhaps some simple household objects to add to the decor of the room (poster, helmet, etc)? Of course, need a couple things like a pacifier and bib like HogNose mentioned!

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My lil guy was born day after the first preseason game last year.  I'm not big on paraphernalia but he does have a jersey and two redskins onesies.   I got all the items on sale when the season started to tank and after the season was over.  The regular prices were too expensive for me.

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Congratulations, Man! That's awesome. My wife and I are having a boy, due Sept 2 (but not our first, so they get less exciting as you go, at least for everyone else).


We just got really lucky finding Skins stuff in cheap places, since we've always lived far off (I think Georgia was the closest we've come to living in DC area since being married). I've also bought some jerseys and onsies that were burgundy and gold, but didn't have any team's name on them. Not ideal, but it works.


I've got a couple I'm trying to pass by the wife currently, but so far she's a no go:





Anyway, enjoy it, DAD

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Congrats! I happen to live in Northern MD, Ravens, Steelers & Eagles country for some crazy reason! I do have the mobile that was posted above! My daughter loved it and now my son almost 16 months always wants to check it out when he sees it! You def want to plan when getting a creeper or Jersey. See how big your little one can be as they can easily outgrow the size even before they get into it! And I wouldn't just yet get a "player name" jersey or shirt until they are proven! For me It's been Theismann, Riggio, etc...Classic Skins stars whose names will be forever! Good luck!

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First off Congrats, congrats on conquering the trials and tribulations. I know all too well a hard road to fatherhood. But it is certainly worth the effort and the fortitude it took to accomplish what I consider the best experience in life. I have two boys, thanks to God...after a challenging journey to say the least. 


The opportunities to go to games as he gets older should not be missed. This is from Fedex south game vs. the Bucs, 2006. We lost but it was his birthday and we enjoyed the heck out of it. 




Portis signing his hat and jersey. Got Santana's glove from a Bucs fan kid about the same age, We were talking to him and told him it was his B-day and the kid said, you want this glove.....hahaaa Bucs fans have been really cool to us at the games, win or lose. 



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