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Some More Cops Who Need to Be Fired

Dan T.

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1 minute ago, Mr. Sinister said:

Well with basically encouraging gunning down civilians, he's opening a can of worms, with an already pissed off populace. 


Secret Service can't stop everyone 


I knew he was stupid, but I never expected this level of incompetence. Does he not know where he lives?


When people wake up to this in the morning... 



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Just to be transparent from the outset here, I'm a white guy born and raised in the UK. There's a billion things I would criticise in the UK, but our police don't systemically murder a subset of our population due to racism. 


Really saddened to see what's going on in the US, and frankly I don't understand how it keeps being perpetuated. The closest we have come to a similar incident is Stephen Lawrence who was murdered in 1993, in a racially motivated killing. The murder was committed by citizens but covered up by a corrupt and racist police department. This happened nearly 30 years ago, but everyone who was alive at the time knows his name, it was the biggest news cycle of the 90s in the UK. In fact, it still makes the news cycles here from time to time... simply it's a big deal when something like this happens in the UK, but it seems to happen pretty much 4 or 5 times per year (and that's just the major cases, I'm sure there are others) in the US. The only data I could find suggests that in 2015 unarmed black people were killed once every 3 days by police in the USA. 5 times more often than unarmed white people were killed by police. ( https://mappingpoliceviolence.org/unarmed ). 


Kaep was forced out of the league because he knelt on the field in a protest against injustice and racist treatment/police brutality, yet the officers who knelt on an unarmed black man's neck until he died are currently sat on their couches and have not been arrested... they will likely get their jobs back in a year or two.... ( https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2020/may/28/us-police-officers-fired-rehired-why ) time and again we have seen white police officers murder unarmed black people without any real justice served. On the George Floyd case, it's unequivocal, CCTV has come out showing his arrest and he didn’t resist... the officer who stood by and let it happen should face jail time... the THREE kneeling on him should get the death penalty (although I don't think Minn has it, so I guess life without parole). I totally understand and empathise with the protesters who burnt down the police building etc. I don't condone it but the rage is totally understandable, and to be honest, should transcend race - every decent human being should be outraged by it.... but George Floyd is just the latest in a long line.... we know some of their names, Freddy Gray, Eric Garner, Philando Castile, Tamir Rice.... there are many I guess we don't. https://newsone.com/playlist/black-men-boy-who-were-killed-by-police/item/4


This is also not limited to the police. Trayvon Martin, Ahmaud Arbrery and thousands of others, literally hunted down and murdered in cold blood for being black and in the wrong place at the wrong time - will justice be served for Ahmaud? It sure wasn't for Trayvon - that scumbag Zimmermann got away with it. Make no mistake, he would absolutely have got sent to prison for life here.


I understand I'm an outsider looking in, and I'm also aware that some people don't like outsiders looking in and will take this as criticism of the USA as a whole and possibly kick back against it. It's not intended to be a critique of every American citizen. I've met a bunch of you from on here and also variousothers at points in my life, and I've yet to meet an American I didn't like - the ones I've come across have all been genuinely good people. Which is why I don't understand how this keeps happening. Your police departments are corrupt and have a significant number of violent racists wearing the badge (although the overwhelming majority are not racists I assume) and your justice department is complicit in allowing a two tier justice system based on race. That’s just not right.


Will it ever stop? Something has got to change, this can't keep happening.


Edited by UKskins
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The country is at the brink of a meltdwon.  There is absolutely, positively no explanation or excuse for the fact that the Minneapolis PD have chosen not to arrest Derrek Chauvin -- other than to take it for what it clearly has become: a clear message.   And the clearer the message gets, the bigger the fires that are going to be lit. 

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7 hours ago, abdcskins said:

Protests are getting wild and out of control.  Not sure what the response should be other than anger.  Attacking and burning police stations won't help though.


I honestly don't know what should happen at this point.  I just hope the officers, particularly the one who killed George Floyd, go to jail.


Cops are making it way worse... just randomly shooting tear gas out of their car as they drive by? WTF is that?  Arresting a CNN news reporter? If there was any leadership in the department there they would have been instructed to stand down.  It’s like they don’t give af.... 

Edited by CousinsCowgirl84
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