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WaPo : Republican letter to Iran deepens White House ire


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I like the response be Iranian Foreign Minister. Maybe there's hope for peace between us after all...

Yeah, who in the hell would predict that the Iranian government would be the reasonable party?


If that doesn't shame the Republicans, nothing will (and I'm afraid nothing will)

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Then by all means lets get back to the rest of that post.



What is the republican response to the 97% of actual climate scientists who say that global warming is real and is man made? 



you do know that wasn't actually 97% of climate scientists right?



Yeah, cause no one disagreed with Bush about going to war in Iraq, right? 




Obviously not enough since they gave him the choice of war

Yeah, who in the hell would predict that the Iranian government would be the reasonable party?


If that doesn't shame the Republicans, nothing will (and I'm afraid nothing will)


They are very reasonable people, when Obama is giving them quick access to nukes and goodies  :P

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They are very reasonable people, when Obama is giving them quick access to nukes and goodies  :P

Because everybody knows, when you kick the weapons inspectors out, then your nuclear program grinds to a halt, and will stay there forever.  But when you bring the inspectors back in, for the first time in decades, then that's "quick access to nukes". 

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you do know that wasn't actually 97% of climate scientists right?


And the verdict from University of Free Republic is in.






Although preliminary estimates from published literature and expert surveys suggest striking agreement among climate scientists on the tenets of anthropogenic climate change (ACC), the American public expresses substantial doubt about both the anthropogenic cause and the level of scientific agreement underpinning ACC. A broad analysis of the climate scientist community itself, the distribution of credibility of dissenting researchers relative to agreeing researchers, and the level of agreement among top climate experts has not been conducted and would inform future ACC discussions. Here, we use an extensive dataset of 1,372 climate researchers and their publication and citation data to show that (i) 97–98% of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field surveyed here support the tenets of ACC outlined by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, and (ii) the relative climate expertise and scientific prominence of the researchers unconvinced of ACC are substantially below that of the convinced researchers.



Better tell NASA to update their website too.
Consensus: 97% of climate scientists agree


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And the verdict from University of Free Republic is in.






Better tell NASA to update their website too.



for a bright person your reading skills suck.


"of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field surveyed"

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for a bright person your reading skills suck.


"of the climate researchers most actively publishing in the field surveyed"


People driving the field of research, those who are doing the bulk of the work. Nice spin though.


Perhaps University of Free Republic can teach NASA better reading skills as well.

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WOW...Sickening. I read the letter and just thought, hmmmm, something my 12 year old daughter and friends might construct in a petty schoolyard drama.


'Hey you, even if he likes you, next week we'll be cool and we won't like you. And oh yea, we're super cool and probably gonna be teachers pet in 2017 and we're real badasses for writing this....BLAH, BLAH, BLAH'.


It's embarrassing to be an American.


I don't care if you call it treason, being a petty twit, ignorant ****... It's embarrassing me that they feel they 'need to educate Iran'.Shows a disconnect and I can state how disgusted I am by our politicians right now.


Open statement to all 40 Senators...Get real



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People driving the field of research, those who are doing the bulk of the work. Nice spin though.


Perhaps University of Free Republic can teach NASA better reading skills as well.


Spin or reality?


Is it 97% of actual climate scientists or NOT?  :P


Ya'll sound like friggin telemarketers 

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Spin or reality?


Is it 97% of actual climate scientists or NOT?  :P


Ya'll sound like friggin telemarketers 

So, you are concerned with the opinion of the climate scientists who aren't researching or active in their field? I'm not unconcerned with them, but I'm not sure a) how much that changes the numbers, but more importantly how much weight the opinion of a 90 year old climate scientist who hasn't picked up a journal or looked at a current model in twenty years or one who can't get their research published in a peer reviewed journal should have.


Mind you, this has little to do with the topic at hand which is why the Republicans are trying to pull Iran away from the negotiating table and encouraging them to give the world the nuclear bird.


Irresponsible, illegal, and shameful. If the states who voted those Senators in had any sense they'd vote for a recall election. They are not serving America.


Not even sure if I'm being hyperbolic. Congress hasn't been serving America's interests for a long, long time, but this letter is outrageous and disgusting.

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is just any agreement on Iran nukes better than none?


Who is funding these climate scientists that are being published?

Yes, I suspect that any agreement negotiated by the US and the host of other countries working to stop Iran from getting a nuclear program is better than none. A bad agreement is even a better than telling Iran not to trust the US and that it's word is worthless (which gives them a major green light to ignore us)


The funding sources are varied. Some of the funding in the US comes from the government, others from energy interests, others from foundations.  When you're talking about literally thousands of carefully vetted and replicated studies done over the years your funding implication is pretty sad. It gets weaker when the replication and work is showing things done in independent labs all over the world. Foreign countries with wholly different funding sources than US labs.


However, if we look at the three percent of dissenters. Look at their degrees, their funding, their lack of transparency, the fact that their findings are non replicatable or frequently disproven, etc. etc. etc. there are some pretty easy conclusions that can be drawn about the quality of that work.

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Not automatically jumping to a conclusion. I've been watching these behaviors for six years. I thought the circus of the Clinton witch hunt was bad and I thought the Dems were pretty rotten to Bush, but this Congress has been exponentially worse and is now outright breaking precedent in foreign affairs twice in a way that can not possibly be in the best interest of the United States.

There's got to be something worse than politics going on here. Then again, maybe the Republicans really are that cynical and evil.

The GoP has changed. Neoconservativism was the party identity for 40 years and it died in the disaster of the W presidency. The party was in crisis in 2006 and 2008. Now they're harboring a far right wing third party in their conference that they glommed onto in 2010 to win majorities in state and federal elections. But there is no true unity in the conference or the party as a whole and that's why they can't govern nor win the White House. They undermine each other when they aren't trying to undermine Obama. That's why all of their energy is spent on reactionary bull**** and running to the Right on every single issue. That's why keystone is basically all they've got on their agenda. All they've had for years. Their legislators aren't governing. They're trying to cling to their offices by placating the big money interests and going with the rightward flow created in the upheaval.

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is just any agreement on Iran nukes better than none?


Who is funding these climate scientists that are being published?

There won't be 'just any',  no need to assume the catastrophic in such a hyperbolic undiplomatic way.  It's petulant of those senators.


I think you're using a rationale for the motivation of scientists that's much more applicable to politicians.  


You got trust issues son.

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So apparently #47traitors has been top 3 trending all evening and night in the US on Twitter.

People are pissed. Haven't seen this much political anger from all sides in some time. Maybe there will be some push for ramifications

They did a good job hijacking the news cycle from Hillary Clinton's email scandal.

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