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Josh Gordon - An Open Letter to Charles Barkley & Co.


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Letter found here:




From the Article:


"Yes I have a 'problem,' but it's not the one all of your seem to think it is"


"Dear Sir Charles, Stephen A., Cris and other interested parties,

Thank you for your recent outpouring of concern about my well being. In what has been a difficult time for my family, friends and fans, you — and those like you — have taken it upon yourselves to express just how much you care about me and my future. For that, I am truly appreciative.

Chuck, you have never so much as shook my hand, let alone exchanged a single word with me. Few of you have, to be honest. Respectfully, your worry over my “problems” with substance abuse and my twisting descent into darkness and, apparently, my impending death, is misplaced — mostly because you have very little idea what you are talking about. None of you do, even those of you who seem curiously obsessed with the goings-on in my life:
The thing is, though, you don’t even know me."
More at link.
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Wow...Incredible letter. The media has certainly vilified Gordon without knowing the facts. Shocking. 


And Commissioner Gordon has another screwed up decision he's made laying at his feet. Leave, Roger. For all of us. Just go. 


Where have you gone Pete Rozelle? A football nation turns it's lonely eyes to you...

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I really hate "I'm not making excuses, but here are my excuses" responses from anyone. I don't care where he came from because it doesn't excuse or explain anything about his situation now unless he wants to claim that he's suffering from PTSD. That's not callous to say, that's how the adult world works even for those that are "only 23".

He says he just made a mistake. Sorry but he's shown a consistent pattern of behavior which is much different. As he himself admits, his credibility is shot, but now everyone must believe that he's just a victim of circumstance and a tiny handful of bad choices and bad luck?

When he shows that he can get through two nfl seasons with failing a drug test, I'll believe him. Then he can tell me all about how hard his childhood was and we can all ooh and ahh about how far he's come.

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I can understand where Gordon is coming from, explaining that the media's take on his failures are not entirely fair to him, AND I'm perfectly sympathetic to the fact that the league's drug policy is crazy bad AND that (while Gordon doesn't mention this) the players got screwed by the CBA...




He plays in the NFL, and that comes with certain strings.  Those strings might not be fair (getting a long suspension for 2nd hand smoke?  Silly), but they were there, and I would hope that someone sat him down and explained the full extent of those strings to him the first time, or that he realized what those strings were after the first time.


I sympathize with the guy, he's under the thumb of some very harsh policies and has gotten crucified in the media as a result of those policies (those policies only briefly getting scrutinized thanks to even more over the top domestic violence instances), but if avoiding 2nd hand smoke and drinking is what you need to do to stay in the NFL, gotta do it.  Lobbying for changes to the policy is much easier from within when you're in compliance than from outside.

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I like him going at the faux outrage/sympathy types in the media. Who the hell is Charles Barkley to speak on anything at all.

And for a player to be suspended for alcohol considering how much Anheuser-Busch gives to the NFL is beyond hypocritical.

I believe that is genuine in what happened to him but that does not mean he was not in the wrong and deserves his suspension.

I applaud him for writing this though.

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What a moron. Sorry I'm not buying this sappy bull**** letter.

He DOES indeed deserve to be dissected and analyzed because he keeps breaking rules in a league that pays him MILLION OF DOLLARS. Don't give me this boo-hoo my life was tough ****. It sure looks good now. You make enough to remove probably your whole family and friends from whatever tough neighborhood.

Honestly, this guy's looking for sympathy? And he's lashing out at tv sports guys for doing their jobs. That letter wasn't 'powerful' it was childish. The league selling alcohol has nothing to do with the fact that you can't be trusted to stay clean...among other childish things he said...

I'm not pooping on his unfortunate childhood, but that's no excuse for anything when you've made it all the way to the nfl.

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Good for him, I believe him. Whether there's a stretch of the truth or not.

Frankly, the league is hypocritical. I do qualify the offenses, I'm sorry, it's not just rules is rules.

Weed and alcohol... Give me a break. And by record barely detectable or simply slightly over.

I did say prior that meh, league told you- so listen... Bla, blah, blah... Millions of dollars.

But you know what, F this league, F CC, F Barkley and F em all

This doesn't reek of 'woe is me' IMO.

Good luck Josh, get on point. I believe you can do it

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Whatever. Rules are rules and breaking them has consequences.


It doesn't matter what his reasons are for his breaking them again and again.


the rules say he can't, and each time he does it's a conscious decision, not an accident.


He's paid millions to be a football player, and to be that football player and collect that money (and ALL the extras that can come with it.. like a lifetime career of talking about other players on TV), all he has to do is follow the rules in the contracts he signs and his union negotiates.


And he doesn't. Plain and simple. No caveat, no excuses.


Crying over Stephen A Smith's or Cris Carter's opinion? You signed up for it. You don't want them critiquing your life and trying to present it from a standpoint that encourages viewers, then go sell cars again.. there are no networks covering their employees. 


I haven't got a mature sense of self control, but it's not my fault and i don't want people saying things about me! Waaah!



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I am in Gordon's corner on this since when has achohol been illegal? Who is the NFL to say you can't drink but other can? It's a joke if you want to test for HGH fine but Achohol? PLEASE. The guy smoked weed and drunk a few beers, it's not like he cheated by taking PEDS. Banning him a year while the Patriots are REPEAT cheaters and keeps getting a slap on the rist.

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I am in Gordon's corner on this since when has achohol been illegal? Who is the NFL to say you can't drink but other can? It's a joke if you want to test for HGH fine but Achohol? PLEASE. The guy smoked weed and drunk a few beers, it's not like he cheated by taking PEDS. Banning him a year while the Patriots are REPEAT cheaters and keeps getting a slap on the rist.

I thought they were testing for alcohol as well because of his DUI arrest. Poor Gordon just has the worst luck. Barely too much weed in his system, barely too much alcohol when he got pulled over, and gets tested the ONE night he decided he wouldn't follow the rules and drink. Amazing how it just keeps happening to him.

You'd think that with literally millions of dollars and a career on the line he's just stop hanging out with people that are drinking or smoking weed. You know, remove yourself from temptation so that you can live a dream life of fame, success, and fortune. I guess that would be unfair though and asking too much. Can't expect a guy to stop partying in exchange just that.

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He needs to shut up and stop talking...Whether he likes it or not he choose to be a NFL player and be in the spot light. He knew what he was getting himself into before he signed the contract and he also knew what comes with it good or bad. He screwed up his own life but he knew that the critics would be there regardles of who they happen to be. His letter was a way to deflect the blame or taking responsibility of his own actions. People can wish you well and hope you turn your life around without knowing you especialy if you had similar situations. He doesn't think he has a problem and that he is going to correct his life and that by explaining his life story to everyone that it would bring back his credibility. It is like giving the Michael Vick explanation of how he grew up in society of dog fighting which made it alright to do even if it was wrong. Everyone knows what is right and what is wrong but use excuses to make the things that they do not as bad especially if you can blame someone else for you wrong doings. Josh Gordon admits to them but then goes on to explain what his life was like growing up like that wil change everyones view of him. Stop! Just Stop!

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