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Is Gruden an NFL Coach?


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Who cares? He's just the first year coach between big splashy hires in Dan Snyder's formula the revenue streams flowing.


Who's the next splashy hire?  I'm being serious.  I don't think there are any left.  


The ONLY one would be Jim Harbaugh.  And honestly, if that's the splashy coaching move they made, I'd live with it.  Because that guy is crazy.  And if Dan or Bruce got in his way, he wouldn't argue with them, he'd body slam them and then take a ****tail of Meth and Crack.   


But, apart from Jim, who?  Gibbs isn't coming back for round 3. Cower is no longer an option.  Jon won't replace his little brother.  Holmgren has hung it up.  Parcels is 90.  None of the retread coaches who are going to get fired are splashy.  


Shanahan was the last of the splashy hires available, at least for now.  


The other option would be college.  But who's splashy there apart from Nick Saban? And he's not coming back to the NFL. One might develop in the next couple years, but there isn't a Chip Kelly at the moment.  


I think Snyder has run out of splashy.  He's run through all of them.  

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But posts like these are precisely my point.  Yeah, I don't know what is wrong with Robert, but he needs help from a gameplan to attempt to get it back.  But standing in the pocket getting smashed in less than 2 secs certainly isn't helping him.  I played ball, getting hit like that will make you play differently.  Call it what you want, fear, courage, insanity, but when you get up or wake up and everything's green your head swivels. 


I'm just asking for the coach to control what's in he power to control.  Him calling a chip to give Robert 3 secs instead 2 is in his power.


Have you been in the all 22 thread yet?


I'd give that a shot before making posts like this.


We're literally at QB 101 right now, and it's not working.

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I'm not sure if he's a good coach or not. I think he seems like the kind of guy, like Parcells, who is better off being head coach and hiring his own Belichick/Shanahan to coordinate their own offenses/defenses. So far the offense looks nothing near the level of sophisticated offense that Shanny or Al Saunders ran, and I'm not a Shanny fan as a HC and never wanted him.


Could that be because the QB he's working with can't execute a complex offense?


The Shanahan offense for Griffin in 2012 was pretty simple:  R/O, or 1 -read, if it's not there, run.  


Now that he can't/won't do that, and has to read/react/throw, he's struggling with even the most basic concepts.  

I don't think Jay wants Griffin as his QB. I think the front office (and no, I don't necessarily mean Snyder. He may or may not be involved) wants Griffin. Hence more issues. And if the team is aware of this divide, it becomes team changing. 


I'll also add this: Hindsight talking loud here, but man, it would have been nice to keep those extra two firsts and come away with Tannehill in the first round in the 2012 draft if Griffin doesn't turn this around.

Hindsight being 20/20, it would have been nice to keep all that and use a 3rd on Wilson, and use the first 2 round picks on OL/S. :)


I don't know if Jay wants/doesn't want Griffin.  


But one thing that I think speaks loudly is 2 pretty good OCs in Kyle and Gruden haven't been able to get much of anything out of Griffin since the injury.  Kyle isn't an idiot, and doing pretty well in Cleveland.  Gruden knows offense, but is being made to look like an idiot.  


Speaks volumes.  

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check this ... see bold. 




Read the whole article.  Great read.  It's exactly what I'm talking about.  As the head coach, it's your responsibility to design the game plan to maximize a players talents and minimize his weaknesses.  Not say, this is my approach, and by golly we're going with it. 


Andy Reid is a great coach.  The Chiefs have sucked just as long as we have, yet in two seasons, with him being there, they've righted that ship and play winning football.  Not splashy, not spectacular, jut grinding out wins using playaction, screens, running game, defense, special teams. 


I'm not seeing Gruden do that.  Hell we can't block the gunners on the punt returns.  Yesterday was really the first time Jackson was put back there for a punt return.  He's electrifying. 


I'd line up Jackson in the backfield ala Percy Harvin, if just as a decoy.  We have to be creative.

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Gruden gets a pass because he's a rookie HC and he's working for dumb and dumber (Allen and Snyder). 


That really is the answer....  Until we get a proven front office this joke will continue and never get any better...They are clueless


You can't make chicken salad out of chicken sh#t...

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Urban Meyer ...

... you asked

No that would be the first year guy after the splashy proven NFL coach hire. It has to be a proven coach known for running the ball (Marty, Gibbs, and Shanahan all fit that mold). The new hires are the passing game guys (spurrier pitch and catch, Zorn was a QB coach, and Gruden is the man that turned a ginger into a real NFL QB).

Would have to be Jim Harbaugh or Bill Cower. After that fails, Urban Meyer. lol this team man...

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lmao ... this is so sad

For the record, I don't think that Urban wants to coach in the NFL, nor do I think that Snyder would hire another former Gator HC.  


But yeah, it's very sad.


I still like Jay.  


I also think that if he could give a #1 to the Bengals right now for Andy Dalton, he'd do it in a heartbeat, and the team would improve offensively by about 70% overnight.


And that's with Andy Freaking Dalton.

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I don't think Jay wants Griffin as his QB. I think the front office (and no, I don't necessarily mean Snyder. He may or may not be involved) wants Griffin. Hence more issues. And if the team is aware of this divide, it becomes team changing. 


I'll also add this: Hindsight talking loud here, but man, it would have been nice to keep those extra two firsts and come away with Tannehill in the first round in the 2012 draft if Griffin doesn't turn this around.

What's funny is this is exactly what I wanted us to do.  I thought we had too many holes o give up what we did.

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No that would be the first year guy after the splashy proven NFL coach hire. It has to be a proven coach known for running the ball (Marty, Gibbs, and Shanahan all fit that mold). The new hires are the passing game guys (spurrier pitch and catch, Zorn was a QB coach, and Gruden is the man that turned a ginger into a real NFL QB).

Would have to be Jim Harbaugh or Bill Cower. After that fails, Urban Meyer. lol this team man...

Jim is the only splashy NFL coach availabe.  Bill has been out of it too long.  Wouldn't be splashy.


Now, how about they pull a NE or TB: Trade picks for a coach!  Both teams that have done it in the last decade (NE gave picks to the Jets to get Bellichick, and TB to the Raiders for Jon Gruden) ended up winning SB.


So, maybe trade every 1st rounder to NE for the remainder of Bill Bellichick's career?  

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He is a HEAD COACH of the NFL franchise Washington Redskins; so yes he is a NFL head coach. :D



Now, since he is a first time head coach; does he have what it takes to become a successful head coach?  That is debatable. They are coaches that were failures the first time but were successes in the next opportunity. Mike Shannahan and Bill Billicheck come to mind.


I don't know how Gruden will be but my gut says the Redskins may not be the best place for him to be a success the first time around.  Zorn 2?  No.

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What's funny is this is exactly what I wanted us to do.  I thought we had too many holes o give up what we did.


I got excited by the Griffin trade, but I was certainly stating that I wasn't sure which would be better. The idea of Tannehill and more help was attractive. I had a few posts about it as well. Again, I can't claim that I was preaching for us to do that though. 

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It is disconcerting that Gruden's game planning has managed only 1 win with any of our starting quarterbacks. And that Cowboy win would not have happened without the shockingly dominant performance on defense. And even that took OT. 


Combine that with the penalties and the lost challenges and the media frenzy his "honesty" feeds, and its just as fair to raise an eyebrow at Gruden as Griffin. 


Raised eyebrows or not I still want both of them back next year. FML. 

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WE COULDN'T FIX THIS TEAM IN ONE OFF SEASON.  It is gonna take Years. Allen got handed a ton of crap. Half of you know nothing about football. I have bashed haz on here as much as anyone. But the dude does alot with mediocre talent. Us playing poorly at this point is exactly what this team needs for the future. Our drafts the last 2 years have had no 1st round picks. Although the ones we have drafted have been forced into playing. We all know that we have problems on the o line. We are god awful and even Trent when healthy has not played his best ball. Dont sleep on colt McCoy either. The dude is good. And as far as RG3 we will just have to wait and see what happens. he only has four starts under gruden in a new offense. RG3 is a project that could blossom into a beast of a qb. 

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WE COULDN'T FIX THIS TEAM IN ONE OFF SEASON.  It is gonna take Years. Allen got handed a ton of crap. Half of you know nothing about football. I have bashed haz on here as much as anyone. But the dude does alot with mediocre talent. Us playing poorly at this point is exactly what this team needs for the future. Our drafts the last 2 years have had no 1st round picks. Although the ones we have drafted have been forced into playing. We all know that we have problems on the o line. We are god awful and even Trent when healthy has not played his best ball. Dont sleep on colt McCoy either. The dude is good. And as far as RG3 we will just have to wait and see what happens. he only has four starts under gruden in a new offense. RG3 is a project that could blossom into a beast of a qb.

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Could that be because the QB he's working with can't execute a complex offense?

I think the problem isn't that Griffin can't execute a complex offense. I think the problem is whether or Jay is inclined to put in heavy work required to teach his offense to a QB, to use Gruden's words, as 'raw' as Griffin.

People forget that Andy Dalton did not come from a 'pro-style' offense; Dalton, like Griffin, came from a similar spread zone-read offense.

A pointless question is whether or not we would even be in this dilemma if Jay was never presented with the option of playing a QB he didn't have to groom, a QB that already had the basics of WCO like Kirk?


The Shanahan offense for Griffin in 2012 was pretty simple:  R/O, or 1 -read, if it's not there, run.  

I can't tell if this is hyperbole or you really believe that the entire offense was 1 read then run.


Hindsight being 20/20, it would have been nice to keep all that and use a 3rd on Wilson, and use the first 2 round picks on OL/S.

Funny how things come full circle. Back then I had Russell Wilson in my sig. And even though I liked Griffin I was against the trading those picks for any QB because it cripples your ability to build a team. Now it seem I'm one of the few that doesn't think Griffin sucks, lol.



Gruden knows offense, but is being made to look like an idiot.  

Is he? I think Jay looks pretty clean in all this right now. Gruden made sure that everyone knows that its not his fault that he can't work with the coddled, entitled, lazy, unsure/gunshy, unprepared QB that lacks fundamentals. Heck, even his brother's QB,Rich Gannon, was parroting Jay's comments about Griffin.


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Funny how things come full circle. Back then I had Russell Wilson in my sig. And even though I liked Griffin I was against the trading those picks for any QB because it cripples your ability to build a team. Now it seem I'm one of the few that doesn't think Griffin sucks, lol.



Kinda funny because I remember that and thought Wilson would at worst be a guy like Flutie who just found ways to win. Every time I brought him up his rookie year all I heard was the hate too lol.

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