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I don't like President Obama's new immigration Reform


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Fact of the matter is if the illegal immigrants were predominately conservative, the dems would be singing a different tune. This "illegal immigration" problem is a manufactured problem designed to add more dem voters. How about we do the right thing and enforce our laws. I would be willing to discuss limited amnesty for people who were brought here as kids and have grown up here, however, it needs to come with paying the full fees to obtain residency and maybe a penalty as well as a requirement to not be on public assistance. We can put them out if we so choose and by doing so we can help our economy.


This is (speculated to be) not a path to citizenship, but a reprieve from deportation.  The political leanings of illegal immigrants are irrelevant.  And Hispanics don't really vote in a block right now (although they could--with big action by one party that they like, and the other party possibly throwing a tantrum and shutting down the govt because they're so mad about it--turn into a reliable demographic for the next 50 years).  You could say the Dems are using this to try to appeal to undecided Hispanic voters or to get them engaged, and maybe they are.  But I disagree that it's a manufactured problem.  Among other things:  1) They're here, and it's not possible in the real world to deport them all.  2) There's a humanitarian angle, as you acknowledge, that we don't like breaking up families or punishing decent people for something their parents did decades ago.  3) There's a very real problem where we invest in the education of people on student visas, only to see them take those skills somewhere else. 4) There's a perception that for the unskilled labor jobs, these are jobs that most Americans (even those out of work) aren't willing to do.  That's not a universal truth, but true for many. 


In light of all that, there's plenty of room for disagreement on what the right policies are.  I just don't see how you can say it's a manufactured problem.

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Can some one tell me why Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986?  Obama has said before that he is following Reagan's play book hook, line, and sinker.


signed a bill is a major difference (one that included enforcement)


I'm waiting to see what Obama actually does.....besides talk

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 Just depressing. I experienced this first hand.  President Obama has done nothing for African Americans like this.  I am not saying his agenda should be slanted towards one group.  But the idea of bridging the gap between classes would be exemplified if Obama did something to help the lower class in turn effecting the middle class.  This reform is slanted just for one group and not everyone.  I don't understand him right now. 

Can some one tell me why Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986?  Obama has said before that he is following Reagan's play book hook, line, and sinker.



Regan worked very closely with Tip O'Neal on that.  The rise in illegal immigration led to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA). It provided amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants, in return for increased border security and penalties for companies "knowingly" hiring illegal immigrants. Also creating the H-2A visa for seasonal employment. 


In 1986 the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration bill was created.  It was supposed to solve the problem of massive illegal immigration. In President Reagan's diaries, he said he was going to sign the bill because illegal immigration was out of control on our borders. The Simpson-Mazzoli bill contained three promises:

  1. 1. The government would make a concerted effort to control the borders.
  2. 2. An effective employer verification program would ensure that only legal workers were hired.
  3. 3. One-time amnesty would be granted for people illegally in the United States.

All three promises were broken. The government has made no serious effort to control our borders. Employers continue knowingly to hire illegal immigrants without any real fear of punishment.


The laws was supposed to be a comprehensive solution with provisions intended to clamp down on border security. These provisions were never enforced, and the subsequent explosion in illegal crossings has resulted in some 15 million illegal aliens, possibly more, living in the United States today and that number continues to grow.


The GOP has  been burned once by false promises of border security in exchange for tying security to other aspects of the immigration debate. I mean, I know it's popular to slam the GOP over this issue but honestly, you really can't blame them for wanting to have the boarder issues addressed before they agree to anything IMO.

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 Just depressing. I experienced this first hand.  President Obama has done nothing for African Americans like this.  I am not saying his agenda should be slanted towards one group.  But the idea of bridging the gap between classes would be exemplified if Obama did something to help the lower class in turn effecting the middle class.  This reform is slanted just for one group and not everyone.  I don't understand him right now. 

Can some one tell me why Reagan signed an amnesty bill in 1986?  Obama has said before that he is following Reagan's play book hook, line, and sinker.


You mean Obama should do something like expanding Medicaid to help more poor people?

Regan worked very closely with Tip O'Neal on that.  The rise in illegal immigration led to the Immigration Reform and Control Act of 1986 (IRCA). It provided amnesty for 3 million illegal immigrants, in return for increased border security and penalties for companies "knowingly" hiring illegal immigrants. Also creating the H-2A visa for seasonal employment. 


In 1986 the Simpson-Mazzoli immigration bill was created.  It was supposed to solve the problem of massive illegal immigration. In President Reagan's diaries, he said he was going to sign the bill because illegal immigration was out of control on our borders. The Simpson-Mazzoli bill contained three promises:

  1. 1. The government would make a concerted effort to control the borders.
  2. 2. An effective employer verification program would ensure that only legal workers were hired.
  3. 3. One-time amnesty would be granted for people illegally in the United States.

All three promises were broken. The government has made no serious effort to control our borders. Employers continue knowingly to hire illegal immigrants without any real fear of punishment.


The laws was supposed to be a comprehensive solution with provisions intended to clamp down on border security. These provisions were never enforced, and the subsequent explosion in illegal crossings has resulted in some 15 million illegal aliens, possibly more, living in the United States today and that number continues to grow.


The GOP has  been burned once by false promises of border security in exchange for tying security to other aspects of the immigration debate. I mean, I know it's popular to slam the GOP over this issue but honestly, you really can't blame them for wanting to have the boarder issues addressed before they agree to anything IMO.


The immigration bill that passed with bipartisan support does this. Boarder security is addressed long before any illegal immigrants have the opportunity to become legal given the length of the process. If the GOP in the House allowed this bill to be voted on anytime over the last 18 months, it would have passed. With the power of the purse the GOP will control, they can make sure the funding is there for the boarder security.



This is how I feel.  I want everybody to have a chance, everybody.


Obama Continues To Sell Out American Workers For Political Gain



The opinion piece you posted is a joke. The GOP doesn't care about addressing jobs, they are just anti-everything Obama. A perfect example is in NC where the GOP has refused to expand Medicaid. If they did it would be millions of dollars to the state and more long term jobs than the Keystone pipeline would ever create. (BTW, if the writer did any research on Keystone, he would know the oil refineries aren't sitting idle waiting for this oil. They are refining other oil and getting Canadian oil via different routes.)

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The immigration bill that passed with bipartisan support does this. Boarder security is addressed long before any illegal immigrants have the opportunity to become legal given the length of the process. If the GOP in the House allowed this bill to be voted on anytime over the last 18 months, it would have passed. With the power of the purse the GOP will control, they can make sure the funding is there for the boarder security.



I think the sticking point is the when.  I have heard that the Bill addresses all of these things but I think the GOP wants the security piece to be done first.   I think this is the sticking point.  I.E., Separate Bills or a two step program of some kind.   Or, they may just want this to happen under the New Senate.   It may just be all politics.  

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All you have to do is enforce the Bill that Regan signed, its really that simple. Once you kill the job market for illegal labor, you get more American's jobs. I am tired of hearing that they are jobs that Americans won't do. That is an out and out lie, they are jobs that Americans won't do for pennies. Why should we reward people who broke the law to get here with amnesty. that's like allowing the person who broke into your home to keep the TV he stole because he doesn't have one. The Federal government has done absolutely NOTHING to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, we keep getting more and more every year.

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wait a sec....I didn't say I WANTED anything...just poining out a possible and likely scenario.


How will making illegal immigrants legal hurt small business?

I think the sticking point is the when.  I have heard that the Bill addresses all of these things but I think the GOP wants the security piece to be done first.   I think this is the sticking point.  I.E., Separate Bills or a two step program of some kind.   Or, they may just want this to happen under the New Senate.   It may just be all politics.  


Why does there need to be separate bills? Again, it's a long process for immigrants to gain citizenship vs the immediate infrastructure work on border control. I think it's pretty clear that Republicans have no intention of granting legal status to these immigrants.

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All you have to do is enforce the Bill that Regan signed, its really that simple. Once you kill the job market for illegal labor, you get more American's jobs. I am tired of hearing that they are jobs that Americans won't do. That is an out and out lie, they are jobs that Americans won't do for pennies. Why should we reward people who broke the law to get here with amnesty. that's like allowing the person who broke into your home to keep the TV he stole because he doesn't have one. The Federal government has done absolutely NOTHING to stem the tide of illegal immigrants, we keep getting more and more every year.


Because the Dems are crumbling like a cookie.  Obama has been a colossal failure as a President and it's time to get votes so the 2016 election isn't a major failure either.  This is a desperation step for votes to swing the illegal/latino community.

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 Once you kill the job market for illegal labor, you get more American's jobs. I am tired of hearing that they are jobs that Americans won't do. That is an out and out lie, they are jobs that Americans won't do for pennies.





HURON, Calif. — When Chuck Herrin, who runs a large farm labor contracting company, looks out at the hundreds of workers he hires each year to tend to the countless rows of asparagus, grapes, tomatoes, peaches and plums, he often seethes in frustration.

It is not that he has any trouble with the laborers. It is that he, like many others in agriculture here, is increasingly fed up with immigration laws that he says prevent him from fielding a steady, reliable work force.

“What we have going on now is a farce — a waste of time and money,” said Mr. Herrin, a lifelong Republican who grew up in central California, adding that the country should be considering ways to bring workers in, not keep them out. “We need these people to get our food to market.”

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So Republicans don't trust themselves to make sure they secure the border? The House couldn't even pass funding for border security without attaching a bunch of other things to it.


they control the govt now?

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they control the govt now?


When POTUS asked for border funding earlier this year, they couldn't pass a narrowed down version without adding things like speeding up deportation of children, etc. They can't even pass a clean border funding bill.

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a clean border bill is relevant to not trusting the Dems?....especially the head one


that makes absolutely no sense at all. I guess that's your tactic for this issue when you can't actually defend the actions of your Republican party.

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There will be a time when there is a republican in the White House. And the people who currently think Obama is doing the right thing are going to realize the error in that thinking.

Just like the filibuster change, once this genie is out of the bottle, it won't get put back.

Imagine what nefarious actions a hard right potus could initiate?

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There will be a time when there is a republican in the White House. And the people who currently think Obama is doing the right thing are going to realize the error in that thinking.

Just like the filibuster change, once this genie is out of the bottle, it won't get put back.

Imagine what nefarious actions a hard right potus could initiat


There will be a time when there is a republican in the White House. And the people who currently think Obama is doing the right thing are going to realize the error in that thinking.

Just like the filibuster change, once this genie is out of the bottle, it won't get put back.

Imagine what nefarious actions a hard right potus could initiate?

This is on the money. Disregard the rule of law at all of our peril.

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There will be a time when there is a republican in the White House. And the people who currently think Obama is doing the right thing are going to realize the error in that thinking.

Just like the filibuster change, once this genie is out of the bottle, it won't get put back.

Imagine what nefarious actions a hard right potus could initiate?

Kilmer is this the same Republican Party that you wanted me to vote for? The Feckless party that gives up the power
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There will be a time when there is a republican in the White House. And the people who currently think Obama is doing the right thing are going to realize the error in that thinking.

Just like the filibuster change, once this genie is out of the bottle, it won't get put back.

Imagine what nefarious actions a hard right potus could initiate?


It's amusing to make it out that one party is doing all these things and the Republicans haven't pulled any stunts. Gridlock is here to stay until gerrymandering is gone.

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So Republicans don't trust themselves to make sure they secure the border? The House couldn't even pass funding for border security without attaching a bunch of other things to it.


they control the govt now?

If you look real hard, you'll notice the words "The House" in Hersh's post.

There will be a time when there is a republican in the White House. And the people who currently think Obama is doing the right thing are going to realize the error in that thinking.

Just like the filibuster change, once this genie is out of the bottle, it won't get put back.

Imagine what nefarious actions a hard right potus could initiate?

He could make American citizens dissapear, and ship people off to secret prisons where he claims neither the laws nor the constitution apply.

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