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Sorry Cowboy Fans...We have a new #1 Rival


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Yeah right. Dallas is certainly an overhyped team,  but I would say they are more mediocre than consistently poor.  We can dog the Cowboys for choking in end-of-season big games as of late, but at least they are in those games. Unlike the Redskins, whose seasons have usually been over by Thanksgiving.

Then we have different definitions of "consistently poor".  I think anyone who's missing the playoffs more than they're in them is poor.


When I think of Dallas, I think of a team that's picked to go to the SB every year and can't win their first playoff game, or choke before they even get there.  To me, that's "poor".  Unless you have a team that's making the playoffs consistently, you have a "poor" team.  Dallas is definitely overhyped every season and fizzles out every season.


I never said the Skins were better than Dallas, but Dallas has won the division twice in the last 15 seasons.  That's pretty *****, especially when you think that the Skins have also won it twice in that period.


The Eagles have won it 7 times, have won it 4 times.

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Always, always, always Dallas. On the other hand, me being a Redskin fan is approaching 50 years so maybe that has something to do with it.


Always had respect for the Giants on the field and their fans (Mara not included) - not so much with filthy or their fans...ever.


Lot of hate towards the Seahawks I see. Me, not so much towards the team but more towards their fans, who are ignorant of the game (I live here, trust me) & John Clayton (yet another media Redskin hater) who actually lowers their football IQ to sub-zero levels. 

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It will always be the cowgirls for me they have the most arrogant and fair weather fans as well, which adds to my hate. I will have to say the Giants are 2nd for sure with the Eagles being #3.

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I'm a lifelong Redskins fan and hate the Cowboys as much as any fan, but after the BS cap penalty brought on by that weasel Mara, I actually have rooted for the Cowboys when playing the Giants the past two seasons. Mainly, because I hate the Giants that much now, but also because the Cowboys were with us (to a lesser extent) with that BS penalty. Like Snyder said in 2012 after we beat Mara's ninnies, "I hate those Mother *******." So, just being able to stomach rooting for the Cowboys against anybody, tells me from my gut that the Cowboys have moved to 1B on my hated list, with the Giants atop at 1A.

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The #1 rivalry will ALWAYS be the Cowboys. The NFL has ordained it (yeah right SI... Raiders and Steelers, LMAO). Now that Mara's crapgate is over with, I might just change to the Eagles as #2 (since Lurie couldn't keep his mouth shut).

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The #1 rivalry will ALWAYS be the Cowboys. The NFL has ordained it (yeah right SI... Raiders and Steelers, LMAO). Now that Mara's crapgate is over with, I might just change to the Eagles as #2 (since Lurie couldn't keep his mouth shut).


NFL network didn't put it in their top 10 rivalries list. However, they have such great rivalries like Cincy and Cleveland on it though. How many of us were alive when they played a game that mattered? Last time I checked Jim Nance and Phil Simms weren't busting down CBS' door to do their games every year.

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NFL network didn't put it in their top 10 rivalries list.


The NFL Network likes to be obvious now and then. Obviously stupid that is. They (or should I say the NFL, that is) has already PROVED to everyone that THEEEE biggest numero uno rivalry in the NFL is the Redskins vs. Cowboys by not putting Dallas in the NFCS when they re-aligned. Carolina is more north and east than Dallas.

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Lets just be real... the cowboys will always be a mess with Jerry running the team and picking the players, the fans are clueless and its beginning to be more annoying every year dealing with cowboy fans. the real rivals are the eagles. going forward i want nothing more then to embarrass them. Chip Kelly has this arrogance about him that truly rubs me the wrong way. Add the fact that we pretty much stole Desean from there trash can is going to make these games carry alot more weight. 

I have to wonder how long you've been a Redskins fan. I've been hating on the Eagles all my life. Their arrogance & typically terrible behavior toward other fans is documented at length. I have always hated the Eagles. However, no matter how much I hate the Eagles, the Cowboys will ALWAYS be the team & fans I hate the most. Especially the ones with NBDS. I love seeing both teams embarrassed, but when the play each other, nothing satisfies me more than watching the Eagles embarrass the Cowgirls!

Don't understand Baltimore. Figure they'd be one of the alternate teams for most Redskins fans.

I hate the Ravens. For the most part, it's because their fans are incredibly overbearing, stupid, & angry. I hate the Ravens.

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The older cowboy fans still view the Redskins as their biggest rival. 


You have the younger band wagon fans that claim it isn't the Redskins, and to be a rival, you have to be worth playing.


I just respond with "Oh, who won the NFC East last between the two teams?   Oh, we did?  That's neat, tell me again how we aren't worthy.  Don't worry, you're Superbowl bound every off-season...  Congrats."


#1 - Cowgirls

#2 - Philly

#3 - Giants

#4 - Anyone else we are playing that week.

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The older cowboy fans still view the Redskins as their biggest rival. 


You have the younger band wagon fans that claim it isn't the Redskins, and to be a rival, you have to be worth playing.


I just respond with "Oh, who won the NFC East last between the two teams?   Oh, we did?  That's neat, tell me again how we aren't worthy.  Don't worry, you're Superbowl bound every off-season...  Congrats."


#1 - Cowgirls

#2 - Philly

#3 - Giants

#4 - Anyone else we are playing that week.

Yeah....actually, in the NFCCG against the Cowboys, we're undefeated, so....there's that. :)

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I'll agree that the Redskins/Dallas games do not feel like they did back in the 80's and early 90's but no way anyone else takes over as main rival.


The Eagles are our main rival now simply cause we got DJax? We picked up Jason Hatcher from Dallas also. I think the only reason you probably feel this way is cause both the Skins and Eagles have been battling for not being the last place team for so long it seems like there is a rivalry. Now we are hopefully going to be battling for first place.

The older cowboy fans still view the Redskins as their biggest rival. 


You have the younger band wagon fans that claim it isn't the Redskins, and to be a rival, you have to be worth playing.


I just respond with "Oh, who won the NFC East last between the two teams?   Oh, we did?  That's neat, tell me again how we aren't worthy.  Don't worry, you're Superbowl bound every off-season...  Congrats."


#1 - Cowgirls

#2 - Philly

#3 - Giants

#4 - Anyone else we are playing that week.


Maybe #4 is Seattle. Their not in our division but I hate them. Actually they maybe higher then #4, maybe even #2 for me.

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I've already stated in the "Top 5 most hated teams" thread where I stand, but I'll post again in here:


1. Cowboys

2. Eagles

3. Patriots

4. Giants

5. Ravens


I look at it like this. I often try to envision, out of the teams I hate the most, when they play each other, who I want to lose the most between them. If the Cowboys are playing the Eagles, Eagles/Giants, Giants/Cowboys, Pats/Ravens, etc. I rank them from that.


At no point do I ever want to see the Cowboys win a game.



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you might wanna read this thread, then...



It's interesting. The further down I read, the more hate for the Saints I found. That fascinates me a little. Saints fans are a bit...weird, to say the least. They are bangwaoners, but...not. Only fanbase to actually SELL & market brown paper bags to wear at football games.


Either way, some of their comments were hilarious. The one about how horrible the Eagles fanbase is...that they would smack a baby with a battery if it cried in a different way they think a baby should cry....classic stuff. lol



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