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Griffin Points Blame At Coaching (Postgame-Eagles)


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Gruden just pointed out the Panthers have a defensive lineman playing guard for them.

These o line excuses need to stop. Griffin has been holding the ball too long.

Why cant it be a combination of things.

Like : Our OL is not very good at pass protection. Our receivers are not getting open fast enough, and our QB is holding the ball too long waiting for the play to develop.

Then of course there is the matter of our sibling OC who doesnt know how to call the correct plays.

But of course there is the matter of our defense not stopping the opposition, which results in putting too much pressure on the offense, whether it be by field position or by scores.


How about if its just we are not a very good team this year and go with that...................

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Just would like to know the standard time it should take to "groom" our super star ( realizing the injury rehab), to consistantly produce the way he did in year 1. How long do we make excuses? Certainly not putting it all on RG3, but I've watched every game too and have come to the conclusion that he has the capability of being very bad as well as very good. Like a lot of QB's.

Certainly more than 2 seasons.

I'm sure Falcons fans weren't ready to give up on Ryan when he had an inconsistent sophomore campaign, or when the guy currently up 10-0 on the Pats had a rough second year the fanbase in Charlotte wasn't clamoring for a return to Jimmy Clausen, or when Brady led the Pats to a 9-7 record and missed the playoffs in his first full year as a starter, fans in NE didn't think they traded the wrong QB.

Again, he's on pace to throw for 1,000 more yards last year and gain almost 5,000 total yards/20+ touchdowns while throwing for a higher completion percentage than 3 QBs who have won Super Bowls in the past decade and a handful of other Pro Bowlers, along with the guy who was picked ahead of him. He's thrown more picks this year, sure. He's still thrown less than most of the guys I've alluded to. Most of them are having losing seasons, and the ones who aren't have defenses that stop the other team and special teams that are actually effective.

His sophomore season isn't nearly as bad as some people on here are making it out to be.

The season hasn't been a success, but we don't have the roster depth to have any sort of sustained success. It's not the end of the world and we have 32 Million dollars this offseason to try to rectify the situation. Not that it will happen without wholesale changes in coaching philosophy, if not the coaches themselves.

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I do place a lot of blame on the coaching staff for this game and hope that they are canned after this season. That said, RG3 himself played poorly and should take accountability for his play. He made some awful throws and terrible decisions. The guy's got the potential to be an Aaron Rodgers level QB. He's got to improve at reading defenses and his pocket presence.

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best Qbs out of last years draft were Wilson and Foles .

The influx of fecal fans lately is fascinating. Where were you guys last year?

Have fun winning the division with a mediocre 8-8 record only to get crushed bythe 9ers in the first round.

This will make what? 53 consecutive seasons without a Lombardi?

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Cousins is limited through physical ability, he has better mental acuity concernIing the pro style offense and its nuances than G3.

Yeah cousins sure showed that superior mental acuity in the Broncos game.

Seriously go find another board to troll, you're embarrassing yourself.

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I mean it took some skill to place that pick six that perfectly in DRC's hands dude

Let's be fair here..  You can't say be patient with RGIII with no offseason etc all, then turn around and slam a QB that get's no snaps with the first team. I'm not for benching RGIII unless he hurts himself again, but Cousins WILL be a starting QB in this league.

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Yeah cousins sure showed that superior mental acuity in the Broncos game.

Seriously go find another board to troll, you're embarrassing yourself.

I had the pleasure of being at every game Cousins got to play in last year, including taking a road trip to Cleveland to watch that win. He made some nice plays but the talent level isn't even close. Cousins took much longer to make decisions than this fanbase is trying to give him credit for. He'd get killed behind this line and there would be no discernible drop off in turnovers.

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Let's be fair here..  You can't say be patient with RGIII with no offseason etc all, then turn around and slam a QB that get's no snaps with the first team. I'm not for benching RGIII unless he hurts himself again, but Cousins WILL be a starting QB in this league.

That's great because the draft choice we get in return should help to continue building this team. I will smile the day Cousins is traded because I can't take hearing about him anymore.

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So your asking a 200lb running back to block at 250 lb backer running full speed when he is standing still and be successful most times... Thats asking an awful lot, he's doing pretty good if he doesnt whiff 50% of the time in that situation.. I have to agree with MartinC, griffin needs to be aware of this situation and adjust accordingly...

Seriously...besides Portis being the obvious counter, when guys like Warrick Dunn, Ray Rice, MJD, Doug Martin, Jamaal freakin' Charles, Steven bloody Ridley...I mean, these tiny backs don't seem to have any issues blocking any sort of pressure big or small.

So if you're firmly entrenched in the belief that your passing-down back blatantly missing a block off of play-action with the first primary read being to his left is somehow RGIII's fault then lemme tell you about a man named Joseph Smith & these gold tablets he found.

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Let me respond in kind...likewise my fellow intellectual.

Thank you for acknowledging the premise of the post & supplying data & valid information to the conversation.

You sir are a gentleman & a scholar.

Figured since you were making mormon jokes you'd get the reference. I'm 100% with you. Here you go.


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Right. And then you make a purchase with your remaining penny. Total purchase cost = 4 pennies.

I am sick of this argument. I have seen this same stupid debate dozens of times since we made the trade. Let me clear it up.

We paid 3 1sts and a 2nd for RG. That is what he cost us.

We gave up 2 1sts and a 2nd to move up. That is what it cost to swap picks.

That is all. Now please make it stop.

Let me say if it was such a stupid debate, then WHY RESPOND with your input? LOL!!! Let me also say that THE TOTAL amount of picks was 4. What we gave up to get RG3 was 3. If you can't understand that then your reply is accurate. The debate does at that time becomes pointless. I'm NOT going to refer to any post or anyone as stupid.


Again, if you don't get how trading a 1 for 1 is NOT spending ANYTHING until you add more to the original 1, I don't know what  to tell ya buddy............That's the cost!!! Which in this case we added 3.

So any clearing up you're doing needs to go more to understanding what we actually LOST in picks to get him. You CANNOT lose what you already have. You can ONLY lose when you add more to what you already had.


That is all. Now, we can make it stop. ;)

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Seriously...besides Portis being the obvious counter, when guys like Warrick Dunn, Ray Rice, MJD, Doug Martin, Jamaal freakin' Charles, Steven bloody Ridley...I mean, these tiny backs don't seem to have any issues blocking any sort of pressure big or small.




So you would be quite happy if Orakpo was rushing one on one with Ray Rice and Rice effectively blocked him on a passing play?

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After Sunday’s debacle I have taken a little more objective look at our offense. Here some pointers that I think are holding us back. Defense is an entire different story, don’t get me started there:


So I looked at our five possessions against the Eagles last night at the plays very quickly. I found it quite interesting. Although I don’t agree with RGIII coming out moaning about coaching I do think he has a point. Defenses have worked out how to play us this year and the Eagles executed it very well. We operated the Read Option to near perfection last year and teams were very scared of Morris so continued to stack the box. Look at RGIII against Dallas, right at the end of the season. He completely owned De Marcus Ware, one of the most experienced and best in the game. Even after an entire season of film. This year from the get go teams knew RGIII would be rusty and not encouraged to run, so seemed to want to make him beat them from the pocket. It became evident fairly quickly that he was not progressing through he reads very well and zoning in one receiver. What also became quite evident is apart from Williams we have quite a weak offensive line that although is built for zone running scheme gets pushed back at times very easily. Those two factors together have really hurt us. Morris is that good he will run on you and grind yards whether you stack the box or not, so what I’ve seen and this was never more evident that Sunday, was team playing a lot softer coverage. The Eagles bent but didn’t break. They knew we were going to run on them but didn’t want to give up the big play. Unfortunately we still had a couple of opportunities that we just could not execute, the glaringly obvious one was Logan Paulsen on the first drive which would have been a big play. RGIII simply missed him and had to make that throw (although there was Eagles jumping up near him so there was an element of pressure) Kyle dialed that up nicely, it worked, or should have worked because it was first down. RGIII didn’t deliver. However the soft coverage is very effective against us, if defenses take out RGIII’s first read, when he often stares down his receiver and locks on a target, our passing game becomes ineffective from the pocket. Combined with a weak O line getting pushed back and a QB who tries to force it, it’s  recipe for disaster . KS saw what the Eagles were giving him and took it, in the hope we would get points. Now once again, I don’t think this was a bad strategy when the game was close. We moved the balled inside the their 40 twice (once missed Paulsen) once got stuffed. There should have been points from both those drives, especially the first one. We also drove the ball the length of the field before turning it over, for the same reasons stated above. When your offense is not executing that well you take what you are given and hope for the best, but it failed. Only the Redskins can run 160 yards on the road and come away with 0 points.


Any team implementing soft coverage forcing RGIII to try and progress through his reads with a solid D line has a great chance of stopping this offense.


The answer, teams have adjusted to us and we haven’t adjusted to them. How many balls are getting battered down this year? How many of them have resulted in crucial turnovers? We need more high percentage quick slant stuff Kyle. However, this is not all on the OC, when he does dial it up well, we have to execute. Sunday’s game could have been different Sunday if we march on them and score first possession they are going to be thinking if their strategy is working. I don’t blame KS taking what he could with Morris but I do feel overall this season there has been a lack of adjustment and strategy. Morris can carry this offense but only so far

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How about we all flood RG3s Twitter and Facebook account, and tell him to SHUT THE HELL UP AND PLAY FOOTBALL!!!

Hes starting to become an RGME as people predraft did say he did have a problem with that. Big mouth for a player that stares down WRs!

How ever long it took you make this horribly constructed post, I assure you it took much less time for RGIII to tweet to his guys to keep their heads up.

Are you aware that constructing 140 characters into a sentence or motivational phrase takes almost no discernable amount of time? Or do you struggle that much with the English language?

You realize that football players have lives outside of the game and do things, like eat food, drink water, socialize with friends and family, have sex with their wives in their own house and so on? That they aren't locked in cages at Ashburn being forced via cattle prod to go over route trees?

Fans like you who think you take a game and what it takes to be great at it more seriously than a guy who puts in 12+ hours daily working on his craft are the freaking worst.

If you have a job to do why don't you get off the internet and focusing every last bit of energy on winning Employee of the Year like a PROFESSIONAL instead of a primadonna who spends all of his time jawing on message boards.

If you think that last part sounded ridiculous, good. It was supposed to.

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So you would be quite happy if Orakpo was rushing one on one with Ray Rice and Rice effectively blocked him on a passing play?

Of course I wouldn't be happy, but each man need to do his job & ESPECIALLY when it comes to Shanahan play-calls...Each man executing is assumed & you need to do what's assigned before ad-libbing. Execution is presumed & lack of it is dealt with in meetings & practices as I'm sure Helu will be dealt with accordingly.

The fact is that his primary read on that play was to the left, Robinson's route was never intended to hit the pylon as he was meant to cut back inside & he didn't look back to the pocket until he made his stop-cut which was already way too late.

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