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Per Usa Today And Others: Josh Freeman To The Vikings


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Assumed as of right now to be a 1 year deal.


Unknown the implications it has on Ponder, but if I were the Vikes I'd have Freeman starting next game assuming he looks halfway decent in practice that week. 


Could be a good move for the Vikes, and 1 year deal was smart IMO, a "show me" contract essentially. Vikes have best run game with AD, and Patterson is a promising rook, Jennings a decent vet. Ponder IMO has been holding them back. Time will tell if Freeman elevates them.

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Freeman is not much of a step up from Ponder. Not sure this will work.

Freeman has the physical ability to throw more than 10 yards downfield. Ponder's piss poor arm strength is his biggest liability. Stretching the defense out and allowing Peterson a tad extra room to run is the goal here I think. He's a huge upgrade over Ponder in that regard. Not sure if it'll work, depends a lot on which Freeman they get (showed a ton of promise a few years ago), but in theory it's a good move.

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Sure, Freeman has a better arm, but his accuracy is very inconsistent to put it nicely.  Defenses will still plan to stop Peterson and put the game on the shoulders of Freeman to beat them.  I don't think he has the ability to consistently or mentally live up to that.  He had one good/great year in Tampa.  Since then, he has been extremely mediocre.  A fresh start may be what he needs, but I have serious reservations about him being able to up his game much.

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If you can't stretch a D with 8-9 men in the box, you don't deserve to be a starting NFL QB. Freeman may get off to a rocky start this year, but I think that with a good offseason with no BS, he can be what the Vikes are looking for. Guy has (already) one of the greatest RB's of all time in the backfield. The Vikes O-line has also been pretty good for awhile. So much energy will be spent towards stopping AP that he should find a fair amount of doable completions. 


PA downfield will be deadly as well. That team should've at least had a chance to comepte in a SB or two by now (at least before their mini-rebuild). QB has been holding them back for years. Freeman's career may have been saved. Most of his other options were places where football players go to die.

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Comparing the career stats of the two QB's, Freeman and Ponder, They really aren't that different:




Freeman, who has two more years of work than Ponder, has a career rating of 78.8, with 80 TD's and 66 INT's, an average of 16 TD's a year and 13.2 INT's a year to date. His Completion percentage is 58.2%




Ponder has a career rating of 75.8, with 33 TD's and 30 INT's, an average of 11 TD's and 10 INT's a year to date.  One must keep in mind that Ponder's yards and TD's will be limited by the fact that AP gets so many carries and opportunities with the ball.   His completeion percentage is 59.2%


Again, Freeman is better, but not by much.  Plus, Freeman has some headcase issues that Ponder doesn't.  I am not seeing how this signing is going to really do much for the Vikings.

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Sinister nails it pretty solidly here.  The buzz around the Twin Cities is exactly what he said, (i.e., Ponder's arm strength, legendary RB all set, had two very good years in TB, just better than Ponder).  Vikes fans are pretty excited.


I am a die hard Skins fan, being born and reared in NOVA.  Nothing can change that.  But I have lived in the "Cities" for 23 years, love talking sports with friends, so it's nice when something worth talking about happens to the local team.

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Sure, Freeman has a better arm, but his accuracy is very inconsistent to put it nicely.  Defenses will still plan to stop Peterson and put the game on the shoulders of Freeman to beat them.  I don't think he has the ability to consistently or mentally live up to that.  He had one good/great year in Tampa.  Since then, he has been extremely mediocre.  A fresh start may be what he needs, but I have serious reservations about him being able to up his game much.


Not to mention the fact that the bucs and there coaching staff says he has poor work ethic and that he is very lazy

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Freeman signed for 1 year, $3 million.


The Buccs staff is being investigated for leaking Freeman's medical info and is losing many of the players in their locker room because of the micromanaging by Schiano. The players think he rigged the captain votes so Freeman wouldn't get it, and players don't like that he had a guy on the sideline filming them during the game so he could yell at players he thought were slacking off. I'd take what they have to say about Freeman with a big grain of salt.

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Freeman signed for 1 year, $3 million.


The Buccs staff is being investigated for leaking Freeman's medical info and is losing many of the players in their locker room because of the micromanaging by Schiano. The players think he rigged the captain votes so Freeman wouldn't get it, and players don't like that he had a guy on the sideline filming them during the game so he could yell at players he thought were slacking off. I'd take what they have to say about Freeman with a big grain of salt.

Alex Van Pelt, his former QB Coach (now in GB) had nothing but great things to say about him.
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I certainly would take Freeman as a back up here after we trade Cousins in the offseason


I don't think Cousins is going anywhere unless someone gives us something crazy. At least an extra 2nd. That being said, I think Freeman may end up having to hit the reset button, put on the baseball cap and hold a clip board far a season or two, and work on some fundamentals, before he's ready to be a starter again. The guy has talent, but he hasn't really been in a stable environment for awhile. He may get worse while he's in Minny.

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I don't think Cousins is going anywhere unless someone gives us something crazy. At least an extra 2nd. That being said, I think Freeman may end up having to hit the reset button, put on the baseball cap and hold a clip board far a season or two, and work on some fundamentals, before he's ready to be a starter again. The guy has talent, but he hasn't really been in a stable environment for awhile. He may get worse while he's in Minny.


I think someone will at least pony up a 2nd for him. There are a lot of QB needy teams. Ideally, Jacksonville would pony up theirs--freeing them to take Clowney #1...


As far as Freeman goes--I would not mind him holding Griffin's clip board. Unlike a lot on here, I like our offensive coaches.

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My thoughts exactly when I heard the news earlier today.  This was the only way for the coaches, team, and Freeman to save any face.  Truth be told, I think Ponder would have made the Giants game much more competitive.  Freeman is just a poor quarterback, as has been pointed out in this thread and on football fields thoughout the league.

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