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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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JebBush.com Redirects to Donald Trump's Campaign Website




The website www.JebBush.com began redirecting visitors towww.DonaldJTrump.com on Monday, the latest in a series of slights directed at the former Florida governor by the New York tycoon and his supporters. The site is not owned by Bush or affiliated with his campaign—the campaign's official website is www.Jeb2016.com—but JebBush.com's redesign to direct visitors to the Trump campaign's website still represents an embarrassment for Bush.

The Trump campaign was not involved with the website's redesign, said Trump spokeswoman Hope Hicks. Likewise, Bush spokesman Tim Miller said his campaign had no involvement.

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Elizabeth Warren Shows Support for Hillary Clinton’s Wall Street Plan


Hillary Clinton, hearing criticism for her ties to the financial industry, received the critical support of Senator Elizabeth Warren on Monday for her proposal to expand the Dodd-Frank regulatory structure and urging of President Obama to veto any legislation that would weaken Wall Street regulation.


“Secretary Clinton is right to fight back against Republicans trying to sneak Wall Street giveaways into the must-pass government funding bill,” Ms. Warren, the liberal senator from Massachusetts, wrote on Facebook after Mrs. Clinton published an Op-Ed article in The New York Times with her proposals to regulate Wall Street.


In the Op-Ed, Mrs. Clinton specifically called for Republicans not to defund the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau, which Ms. Warren previously oversaw. “Whether it’s attacking the C.F.P.B., undermining new rules to rein in unscrupulous retirement advisers, or rolling back any part of the hard-fought progress we’ve made on financial reform,” Ms. Warren wrote, “she and I agree.”


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Trump calls for 'complete shutdown' on Muslims entering US


Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump says he is calling for a "complete and total shutdown" on Muslims entering the United States.


Trump says in a statement released by his campaign Monday that his proposal comes in response to the level of hatred among "large segments of the Muslim population" toward Americans.


Trump campaign manager Corey Lewandowski says Trump's proposed ban would apply to "everybody," including Muslims seeking immigration visas as well as tourists seeking to enter the country.

I wonder if that includes diplomats and heads of state.



Just put out a very important policy statement on the extraordinary influx of hatred & danger coming into our country. We must be vigilant!
4:47 PM





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On Trump's proposal - @CarlyFiorina says his "overreaction is as dangerous as President Obama's underreaction." Says GOP wont elect Trump
4:59 PM



@Realdonaldtrump has gone from making absurd comments to being downright dangerous with his bombastic rhetoric.
5:12 PM


He’s putting at risk the lives of interpreters, American supporters, diplomats, & the troops in the region by making these bigoted comments
5:12 PM


Every candidate for president needs to do the right thing & condemn @Realdonaldtrump's statement.
5:13 PM



Donald Trump is unhinged. His "policy" proposals are not serious.
5:18 PM



5:10 PM






Donald Trump’s call to ban Muslims from coming to the U.S. has a very bad poll at its center


At 4:16 p.m. Monday afternoon, Donald Trump reached an inevitable new nadir in his campaign's fixation on the Islamic State and Muslim immigrants. In a statement released to the press, Trump demanded "a total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States" -- refugees, visitors, anything.


There are a variety of ways to critique Trump's proposal, including the simple logistics of the thing. Identifying people of the Muslim faith at the border -- and assuming that a terrorist would necessarily fail that test -- seems essentially impossible and a remarkable demonstration of confidence in a government agency by the Republican front-runner. But let's focus instead on the purported justification Trump uses to bolster his probably-political-popular idea.

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That bit of support makes me feel a teensy bit better about Hillary. Not sure how many people will care, who weren't probably voting for her, anyway.


Indeed, it's a big endorsement for her proposal from the left.  Her business ties are one of the biggest problems she has, but if Warren is willing to endorse her proposal she's got the biggest non-competitor progressive name in Congress with her.


Bernie is having an impact.

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Sigh... Trump just locked up the nomination. Guess we'll be putting Muslims in camps by the end of 2017.

Do I get internet in this camp?


Actually, I think it will be worse.  If Trump gets the Presidency; he will just order that all Muslims be exterminated.  Especially, if we have a Chemical attack or  nuclear attack that kills thousands+

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Do I get internet in this camp?


Actually, I think it will be worse.  If Trump gets the Presidency; he will just order that all Muslims be exterminated.  Especially, if we have a Chemical attack or  nuclear attack that kills thousands+


Thankfully, Hillary Clinton will win if Trump gets the nod.  He's down by something like 11 points in head-to-head polling.


Reason has taken some hits in this country, but it's not dead yet, and Reason knows that Clinton >>>>>>* Trump.



*Add about 1,000 more >s.

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Thankfully, Hillary Clinton will win if Trump gets the nod.  He's down by something like 11 points in head-to-head polling.


Reason has taken some hits in this country, but it's not dead yet, and Reason knows that Clinton >>>>>>* Trump.



*Add about 1,000 more >s.

In the meantime though, plenty of damage will be done.   :(

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Group Trump Cites Has Been Whipping Up Extreme Anti-Muslim Fervor For Years


Donald Trump's call to halt all Muslims from entering the United States was, in typical Trump style, a ratcheting up of xenophobia fervor simmering just beneath the surface. Two of his rivals, Sens. Rand Paul (R-KY) and Ted Cruz (R-TX), had already called for moratorium on refugees from Middle East countries with an Islamic State presence.


But it also was the fulfillment of a long-held fever dream of an anti-Muslim think tank with ties among the hard-right Republicans. In his statement Monday, Trump cited a poll by the Center for Security Policy to argue that "the hatred is beyond comprehension" and that "until we are able to determine and understand this problem and the dangerous threat it poses, our country cannot be the victims of horrendous attacks by people that believe only in Jihad."


A spokesman for Center for Security Policy told TPM via email that none of its members had been in contact with Trump as he crafted his position. But those connected to it have invoked logic similar to Trump's in the past, including proposals to ban granting Muslims entry visas to the United States.


CSP's founder Frank Gaffney is a former Reagan administration official who has suggested U.S. officials have ties to the Muslim Brotherhood, that the appointment of Justice Elena Kagan to the Supreme Court was a move by the "stealth jihad" movement and that President Obama is secretly a practicing Muslim.


CSP's outside general council is David Yerushalmi, who according to a 2011 New York Times profile, has also represented Pam Gellar, of the anti-Muslim bus ad fame. The Times credited Yerushalmi for spearheading the legal battle against so-called "creeping Sharia" which has, in turn, rippled into presidential politics -- not just this cycle, but in 2012, when Newt Gingrich and Michele Bachmann were railing against Sharia law from the campaign stump.

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Trump relies on Frank Gaffney's Center for Security Policy.   LOLOLOL.



The Center for Security Policy (CSP) is a national security think tank based in Washington, DC that has been widely accused of engaging in conspiracy theorizing by a range of individuals, media outlets and organizations. Its activities are focused on what it claims is a secret, global campaign to destroy western civilization.


The Center's views have caused it and Gaffney, the Center's founder and president, to be criticized for propagating conspiracy theories by Reason,[5] American Conservative Magazine,[6] the Washington Post,[7] Salon,[8] CNN National Security Analyst Peter Bergen,[9] Grover Norquist,[10] Philip Giraldi,[11] Jonathan Kay,[12]Georgetown University's Prince Alwaleed Center for Muslim–Christian Understanding,[13] Center for American Progress,[14] Media Matters for America,[15] The Nation,[16] the Southern Poverty Law Center,[17] The Intercept,[18] the Anti-Defamation League,[19] and the Institute for Southern Studies,[20] among others.

Terri A. Johnson, executive director of the Center for New Community, and J. Richard Cohen, president of the Southern Poverty Law Center, have characterized the group as "an extremist think tank" [21] The Southern Poverty Law Center further criticizes CSP's "investigative reports," saying that they are designed "to reinforce [Frank] Gaffney's delusions.".[17] In one of the group's "Occasional Papers," it alleged Huma Abedin, then Hillary Clinton's aide, was an undercover spy for the Muslim Brotherhood.[17] The CSP's accusation was denounced by John McCainJohn BoehnerScott Brown, and Marco Rubio.[22] In a separate report, the group declared that Susan RiceRichard Haass, and Dennis Ross, were being secretly controlled by a covert "Iran lobby."[17]


The University of Southern California's Annenberg Center for Communication has described the organization as "a far-right think tank whose president, Frank Gaffney, was banned from the CPAC [Conservative Political Action Conference] ... because its organizers believed him to be a 'crazy bigot.'"[23] The Center for Democratic Values at Queens College, City University of New York has said the Center is among the "key players in the Sharīʿah cottage industry," what it describes as a "conspiracy theory" that claims the existence of "secretive power elite groups that conspire to replace sovereign nation-states in order to eventually rule the world."[24]

Gaffney's leadership of the organization has also prompted criticism of the group in the context of specific accusations made by Gaffney, including that the logo of the U.S. Missile Defense Agency "appears ominously to reflect a morphing of the Islamic crescent and star with the Obama campaign logo" and is part of a "worrying pattern of official U.S. submission to Islam."[4]

Edit - damn  beaten by visionary   :angry:

Bill Clinton's crime bill put African Americans in jail in record numbers and billions of dollars in prison.  Let's vote in his wife.



Good lord.   That is the worst effort at deflecting the discussion that you have ever made, and that's really saying something.   

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MSNBC covering Trump speech now.  He says the media wants us to surrender our constitutional rights.



Really scary stuff tonight.








https://twitter.com/Kriseman/status/674015975843450880  Mayor of St. Petersburg, Florida

I am hereby barring Donald Trump from entering St. Petersburg until we fully understand the dangerous threat posed by all Trumps.
7:01 PM




Jewish groups blast Trump for call to block entry of Muslims
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NH GOP chair on Trump: "There are some issues that transcend politics...it is un-Republican. It is unconstitutional. And it is un-American"
8:11 PM


Trump Only Loves Rich Muslims Who Give Him Money
They’re mostly in the Gulf, and they have a ton of money, and they’re sending some of it The Donald’s way. But what else are they up to?
Donald Trump clearly has issues with Muslims. The latest example is his vow to ban all Muslim immigration to the United States, declaring he wants a “total and complete shutdown of Muslims entering the United States until our country’s representatives can figure out what is going on.” Before that Trump had called for depriving American Muslims of civil liberties simply because of their faith by way of warrantless surveillance of Muslim Americans, And he has even gone as far as to indict all Muslims by declaring recently that “worldwide the Muslims were absolutely going wild” cheering on 9/11.
But there’s one type of Muslim Trump really loves: The ones that make him big bucks. You see, if a Muslim can show Trump the money, then all those concerns he has with Muslims go right out the window of his private jet as he jets off to the Gulf to cash in.
For example, Trump loves Hussain Sajwani, head of the Dubai luxury real estate company Damac Properties. Trump has called the Muslim Sajwani a “good friend” and a “great man,” among other accolades. And in May 2014, The Donald even flew off to Dubai to spend time with his Muslim friend as they announced the massive real-estate project they were teaming up to create in that Gulf state.

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