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Election 16: Donald Trumps wins Presidency. God Help us all!


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Just looking to see where you were attacking all the progressives who called George Bush "Hitler" directly. Can't seem to find them.

I am happy to attack any elected official who compared Bush to Hitler. Feel free to link in this bread and I shall shame them if that will make you happy.

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Dang. What I'm looking at is cash on hand.

For the Rs, number one is Cruz, with $13M.

Although Carson, Jeb, and Rubio are all over $10M.

And the rest are all below 1. Including Trump, who's spending faster than he's bring it in.

And for the Ds, it's Bernie, then Hillary, both around $25M. (And the rest below 1).

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Dang. What I'm looking at is cash on hand.

For the Rs, number one is Cruz, with $13M.

Although Carson, Jeb, and Rubio are all over $10M.

And the rest are all below 1. Including Trump, who's spending faster than he's bring it in.

And for the Ds, it's Bernie, then Hillary, both around $25M. (And the rest below 1).

I would expect another round of dropouts after the next debate.  I didn't realize Huckabee was that low. 


Trump has his own sugar daddy, he can borrow if needed.  Himself.  Trump's campaign is running on all the free publicity; he really doesn't need to spend much.



Can you image the day after; if Sanders, Trump or Carson won the Presidency? 

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Clinton to 'look hard' at Julian Castro as possible VP pick


Democratic presidential contender Hillary Clinton won the backing of Housing and Urban Development Secretary Julian Castro on Thursday and said she would seriously consider making the rising Hispanic leader her running mate if she wins her party's nomination.


Clinton and the other Democrats in the November 2016 race for the White House have pushed hard for support among Hispanics, a fast-growing and critical voting bloc that has moved toward Democrats in recent elections as Republicans have stymied comprehensive immigration reform in Congress and disparaged Mexican immigrants on the campaign trail.


"I am going to look really hard at him for anything, because that's how good he is," Clinton said at a U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce meeting in San Antonio, Texas, when asked if Castro might be her vice presidential pick.


Appearing with Clinton at a later "Latinos for Hillary" rally, Castro said he has long respected her ability to appeal to people of all backgrounds.


"Through the years she has always, always been there for us, and today we're here for her," said Castro, who is the second member of President Barack Obama's Cabinet to endorse Clinton along with Agriculture Secretary Tom Vilsack.


Clinton said she was "thrilled" to win the backing of Castro, a former mayor of San Antonio. Castro's twin brother Joaquin, a U.S. congressman, already endorsed Clinton and campaigned with her in Nevada.

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I don't think Clinton needs to mention what minority she's going to choose or float names right now. I think we all know that's going to happen and it's likely to be a Latino.




Insurrection Erupts at the Democratic National Committee


Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz's autocratic ways in limiting the number of primary debates, insiders say, alienated many of her colleagues. And the problem may get worse.


Before things went awry, Hawaii Democratic congresswoman Tulsi Gabbard had been planning to be in Las Vegas for her party’s first presidential debate. Gabbard is one of five vice chairs of the Democratic National Committee; of course she would be there. But instead of talking up her party’s prospects on the Strip earlier this week, Gabbard was in Honolulu. Her presence in Sin City was strictly virtual, and anything but boosterish: She spent debate day giving cable-news interviews via satellite, claiming that, as retribution for loudly calling for more Democratic debates than the DNC currently envisions, she was deemed unwelcome in Vegas by the committee’s chairwoman, Debbie Wasserman Schultz—who Gabbard suggested is an enemy of free speech, as well as a liar. 


For most debate viewers and Democratic voters, the Gabbard flap, if it registered at all, was little more than a sideshow. But among Democratic officials and strategists, the dust-up was an embarrassing public spectacle—a boiling-over of long-simmering frustrations and resentments within the party hierarchy at a highly inopportune moment.
Of two dozen Democratic insiders with whom I spoke this week, including several DNC vice chairs, not one defended Wasserman Schultz’s treatment of Gabbard. Most called it ridiculous, outrageous, or worse. Many argued, further, that the debate plan enacted by the chairwoman is badly flawed—an assessment shared by many party activists, left-bent supporters of Bernie Sanders and Martin O’Malley, and those candidates themselves, all of whom see it as a naked effort to aid and comfort Hillary Clinton. And they maintained that the plan was a clear reflection of Wasserman Schultz’s management style, which many of them see as endangering Democratic prospects in 2016 and beyond.


more from the link.

.@CNBC has just agreed that the debate will be TWO HOURS. Fantastic news for all, especially the millions of people who will be watching!

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Strikes me as a bad move, on her part. Way too early.



That's not a move that a true front runner makes. That smells like desperation



Well, some of us here have been linking her to Castro as a the Veep choice for many many many months. 


So really, it's not like it's some big secret or revelation. There's been smoke for a long time. 

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Jeb is in decent position in this wacky race , just the folk are pissed.


doubt he woulda done much better than Romney in 12 (Christie even less so)



Castro as VP is nothing but a pipe dream (at this point).....kinda amazing the hype though  :lol:


they will throw him a cookie and put him back up till he matures :ph34r:

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Well, some of us here have been linking her to Castro as a the Veep choice for many many many months. 


So really, it's not like it's some big secret or revelation. There's been smoke for a long time. 

True but actually floating the info this early in the process? I agree with Larry and Kilmer...sounds a bit like the move of someone who is a bit worried.

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True but actually floating the info this early in the process? I agree with Larry and Kilmer...sounds a bit like the move of someone who is a bit worried.


Did she float it, or did she answer a direct question with a vague compliment, and the media just ran with it?  



"I am going to look really hard at him for anything, because that's how good he is," Clinton said at a U.S. Hispanic Chamber of Commerce meeting in San Antonio, Texas, when asked if Castro might be her vice presidential pick.



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Joe Biden camp to allies: Be ready


Vice President Joe Biden has personally made a series of calls this week to Democratic strategists from Iowa, New Hampshire and South Carolina, asking a final round of detailed questions about how -- not whether -- to launch a 2016 presidential campaign.


People familiar with the conversations tell CNN that Biden has been making the calls throughout the week, including on Wednesday, just as many leading Democrats argued the window to a potential candidacy was closing in the wake of Hillary Clinton's strong performance in the party's first presidential debate. He is asking these people to work


The vice president has been making clear that his family is fully supportive of him jumping into the 2016 race, according to people familiar with the calls. They are guided by the belief that he has the best chance of keeping the White House in Democratic hands and he could forever regret taking a pass at another shot at the presidency.


The new round of calls this week -- from the vice president himself, not simply his top advisers -- suggest Biden is finally moving toward announcing a decision. He has been down this road before, inching close to a run but pulling back, so his next steps are far from certain.


Biden has not shared the timing of his decision or announcement with people he is calling this week. One senior party official said the announcement is expected in the next three days, while other Democrats say Biden may wait for a week or more. He will reveal his decision before month's end.


Former Delaware Sen. Ted Kaufman, a member of Biden's close inner circle, sent an email late Thursday to a network of Biden alumni, obtained by CNN, saying that while he doesn't know when Biden will decide, he knows Biden is aware of the ticking clock.

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This extra time that Biden is using needs to go into making a TPP strategy.  Bernie and Hillary are against it, O'Malley is against it, Webb, at least from his facebook postings, was tentative on it, but I haven't seen updated info.  Chaffee is something of a non-issue with regards to his opinion on TPP.


But, it's very possible that come the next debate, if Biden is in, he might be the only one on stage for TPP, and he's sort of married to it, being a part of the Obama administration and stuff.


It could get very messy if he doesn't have his ducks in a row.

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This extra time that Biden is using needs to go into making a TPP strategy.  Bernie and Hillary are against it, O'Malley is against it, Webb, at least from his facebook postings, was tentative on it, but I haven't seen updated info.  Chaffee is something of a non-issue with regards to his opinion on TPP.


But, it's very possible that come the next debate, if Biden is in, he might be the only one on stage for TPP, and he's sort of married to it, being a part of the Obama administration and stuff.


It could get very messy if he doesn't have his ducks in a row.

Or he could another "I was for it before I was against it" candidate.

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Or he could another "I was for it before I was against it" candidate.


Not as long as he's the VP in an administration that supports it.  Unless he's willing to risk a major internal coup, which would be a terrible idea for him, since he'll be running on the successes of Obama, so undercutting a major program is undercutting Obama's successes, which undercuts himself.  Hillary has the distance to flip (and her explanation on the flip is at least somewhat believable), Biden doesn't.

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Mulling 2016 run, Biden speaks with top labor leader


Harold A. Schaitberger, the president of the powerful International Association of Fire Fighters, spoke Friday morning with Vice President Joe Biden, who strongly indicated in the phone conversation that he is planning to run for president, a source familiar with the discussion said.


The IAFF is one of the most influential labor groups in the U.S. Biden is especially close to labor, which could be a key constituency for him if he seeks the White House.


Schaitberger declined to comment on the call, saying he does not discuss private conversations. But the source said Biden talked about campaign strategy with Schaitberger and indicated a final decision on whether he would run for president is imminent.

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I don't think Biden should run.


Frankly, the job of President is tough and it ages the winner a lot. Campaigning seems pretty miserable too. The fact that Biden is on the fence seems a good reason to stay out. After all, as they say, if you have to ask you can't afford it.

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