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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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Spurs are +34 in their two wins.  Miami is +2 in their win.


The Heat aren't in trouble yet, and a win is absolutely a win.  But this was not a good start to the series for Miami.


I still feel like Wade is due for a monster game here soon.  He's been showing flashes of his old dominance but hasn't had the total game yet.

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Both Cole and Norris are backup level pg. Thats what happens when you put all your eggs in the big 3. Spurs front office has destroyed everyone else over the past 15 years. The old Parker Duncan Ginobilli are enough but when Green and Leonard put up the numbers they did tonight... pretty crazy. Splitter also had quality minutes in the first half. I have to wonder if thats the best shooting percentage for 2 teamates in an NBA finals game.

Wade went for 22... problem was his d...

Green and Leonard were 17/21 and all misses were from 3 pt.

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Chalmers is straight ass boo boo cheeks right now. He better seek out a guru or pray to whatever deity he prays to soon.

I can only imagine the **** LeBron and Bosh are rightfully giving him right now

Lebron should be giving himself ****.  How many finals games is this **** gonna disappear in? How many times outplayed by Shawn Marions, Jason Terrys, and Kawhi Leonards on the biggest stage?  I also have this sneaking suspicion that he protects his FG percentage, and this has been going on since the Dallas series.  


Great efficiency stats, ass.  Next time play like you belong in the conversation for GOAT (not that he is)

Edited by Ghost of Nibbs McPimpin
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Next game is an absolute must win for Miami. If they get it, it's still anyone's series. If they lose, they're absolutely done.

Yeah Miami can't go down 3-1. They won't.

He could have been more aggressive but he had 22 on 14 shots. The issue wasn't the offense, it was the defense by a Mile and a half

And the protecting his fg% thing is asinine.

Lebron doesn't take bad shots very often, which a cynic Might interpret as protecting his fg%, but most would see it as good thing IMO. Especially considering that he is the teams point player when he's on the floor. The point isn't supposed to take bad shots. Edited by Destino
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Yeah I get that he's not supposed to take bad shots but when you are allegedly the best player in the NBA, having MULTIPLE Finals games where you can be taken out of your game, owned by inferior players, etc.


He also, after all these years, lacks proper footwork and is a poor off the ball player.  He has improved his post game, though, of course, which is why he now has two titles, in my opinion.


To make it short, when I watch games, I am often stunned at how unimportant he seems in the eye test when it comes to leaving his mark on the game. And it isn't because I neglect his passing or setting up of the offense.  In swing moments during many finals games since he's been in Miami, I've noted the hustle, blocks of attempted dunks at the rim and scoring momentum generated by Wade (who has become a real cheap ass player, but that's a discussion for another day) and then Lebron hits one big shot after other people have extended or cut into a lead and then everyone acts like he "arrived."  


How many turnovers tonight? 7?  


I'm sure the refs will be there to call two quick ones on Leonard next game, though.  Gotta extend the series.

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Did you miss the last game? Or game 7 last year?

I've never heard anyone ever say he was a poor off the ball player before. I don't agree at all

You haven't?


I didn't miss those games, no.  I'm not saying he never shows at all, just that people let a few good moments change how passive he becomes during critical moments of games.  I'd argue that he has as many games where he disappears in the finals as he has "clutch" performances.  Have you never heard this criticism? Even last year before Ray Allen hit that three, he was being criticized for being passive.  His difficulties in the fourth quarter and general passivity are not relegated to the Dallas series (I give him a pass in his first NBA finals against SA, Cleveland was outmatched and he was relatively young) and have extended from last year into this year.


As for being a poor off the ball player, I think he sees very well and understands but his movement and general off-ball skills on offense are lacking.  They don't just run the ball through Lebron because he's a good point but because he is far less effective without the ball in his hands.  There are scads of NBA greats who were much better off the ball than he, this is NOT a novel critique I'm lodging here.  


I think part of it is his sheer size. While fast, he is not particularly agile in the halfcourt but I also just don't see that sort of movement there or indications that he's setting someone up without the ball in his hands.  Look at the game, he sets up opponents WITH the ball in his hands, and it used to be his post game was terrible so he was relegated to isos and drive and kicks.  He's gotten better so it's helped him a great deal in halfcourt sets (I have no criticism of his fullcourt game other than bulldozing players) but that still requirs the ball in his hands.


Compare Ray Allen in his prime and even now in offball offense to Lebron, for an example on his own team. 

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An additional point:


In the rush to "crown" James, observers and analysts have grossly underestimated how important the other Heat players, including role players, have been in some of those Finals victories.  Had Dallas not beaten the Heat, Wade was the FMVP of that series and yet even then the general press coverage was about James.  James had not even won a title and in the moments they needed him most, Wade was the one who actually stepped up.  ARguably, had James not outright disappeared and played soft (think Marion calling him "****!" after one play) the Heat win in their first year and Wade gets Finals MVP for some terrific performances. 


Lebron scored eight points between the second and fourth quarter of a pivotal game three, including a run where the Heat were closing the gap furiously.  This is not the first time this has happened and all the media and his fans can say is that the Heat let Lebron down.  And when LEbron lets others carry him and hits a few shots in the fourth, he gets praised as if he made his imprint on the game when all he did was ride a Wade and role player-driven (for an example) run to the lead.  He gets credit for that and obviously he's a great player overall but it seems like when he fails, somehow his supporters want to blame his teammates when he has a bunch of turnovers in the fourth and disappears.

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