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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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The world has closed that gap considerably.


True, but we get to witness the greatest players in the world for 8 months out of the year. That two weeks of "American" players typically dominating is weak. I'm patriotic...I simply don't rank sporting events as some patriotic thing.  

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The ref's face, tho LOLOLOLOLOLOL




Love seeing the Cavs go down like this.  They are SUCH a flawed team.  2/3 of their "big" 3 put up hollow stats.  All of this is coming back to bite them in the behind.  Going to be interesting to see what moves Lebron makes as far as the roster make up goes this offseason. 


I bet he's completely regretting the Wiggins trade for Love.  Even with Wiggins, they'd still be in the Finals...but they'd be in different shape defensively and can you imagine him on the break w/ Lebron???  Whoa boy....

Edited by RonArtest15
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Olympics are Not worth their life

Did I miss something? Are people thinking that Zika is deadly? As far as I know, the only people its killed already had Guillain-Barre or other auto-immune conditions.


It's pretty demoralizing seeing just how useless Kevin Love is to that team.

He's damaged goods now. You have to wonder if he can be a star player for a good team.

Edited by stevemcqueen1
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Parroting myself. That Wiggins trade was the dumbest thing the Cavs did.

With Wiggins it would take some pressure off of LeBron and then they could bring in or trade (Kyrie) for another big dollar player. 

Probably would not have won this year regardless, but they would be set up for dominance over the rest of LeBrons career. 

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Parroting myself. That Wiggins trade was the dumbest thing the Cavs did.

With Wiggins it would take some pressure off of LeBron and then they could bring in or trade (Kyrie) for another big dollar player. 

Probably would not have won this year regardless, but they would be set up for dominance over the rest of LeBrons career.

I was telling somebody the other day. You can blame LeBron for this. He was in such a rush to win a championship he could have cared less about the future.

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Golden state came out of no where. Especially them being THIS dominant. LeBron would have won at least one championship the last couple years if it wasn't for them popping up like this all of a sudden.

Not really out of nowhere. They were a solid playoff team pre Kerr. They won 47 games 2012-2013 and lost in the conference semis and won 51 games in 2013-2014 and lost in the 1st round. Then they replaced the clown Mark Jackson with Steve Kerr and took that next step. In the NBA though typically teams have to lose a few times before they win.

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The ref's face, tho

Love seeing the Cavs go down like this. They are SUCH a flawed team. 2/3 of their "big" 3 put up hollow stats. All of this is coming back to bite them in the behind. Going to be interesting to see what moves Lebron makes as far as the roster make up goes this offseason.

I bet he's completely regretting the Wiggins trade for Love. Even with Wiggins, they'd still be in the Finals...but they'd be in different shape defensively and can you imagine him on the break w/ Lebron??? Whoa boy....

When a doc comes out about Lebrons second failed tenure in Cleveland, people are going to point to that trade. KAT and Wiggins could easily be the Shaq/Penny of this generation, and people are really going to lament the fact that he was shipped off for what will be a failed two year rental

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True, but we get to witness the greatest players in the world for 8 months out of the year. That two weeks of "American" players typically dominating is weak. I'm patriotic...I simply don't rank sporting events as some patriotic thing.

Except for world cup


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I would love to visit Rio one day.... But not while the Olympics are going on. Forget the Zika virus, it's a whole lot of stuff going down there. So I can't blame people for not wanting to go...

I knew Kevin Love wasn't going to work in Cleveland. He'd be better off with the Wizards, Boston, or any other team that has a PG that can facilitate. That trade was a dumb trade.

I'm so glad Curry went off last night. People were already clowning him because his Finals has been lackluster, then they started talking about his senior citizen shoes... I posted on Facebook last night that if he is the player I think he is, he's going to drop forty. I wasn't disappointed.

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Parroting myself. That Wiggins trade was the dumbest thing the Cavs did.

With Wiggins it would take some pressure off of LeBron and then they could bring in or trade (Kyrie) for another big dollar player. 

Probably would not have won this year regardless, but they would be set up for dominance over the rest of LeBrons career. 


I can't remember what I said about the trade when it happened, but I think I may have thought that a Love/Lebron pairing could work.  Hindsight is 20/20, but Wiggins would have changed the whole dynamic of this team. 


This Cavs team is screwed going forward because there just aren't enough attractive pieces to make a major splash via trade to get them over the hump.


When a doc comes out about Lebrons second failed tenure in Cleveland, people are going to point to that trade. KAT and Wiggins could easily be the Shaq/Penny of this generation, and people are really going to lament the fact that he was shipped off for what will be a failed two year rental


Throw Lavine in the mix as well....this T-Wolves team will be contending for the West within the next 3-5 seasons.  KAT has the potential to be the best 5 in the league, maybe as soon as next year.  He's ridiculously good and better than some 1st ballot HOFers at the same age. 

Edited by RonArtest15
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I'm not sure the problem with the Cavs is Kevin Love being terrible.  I think it's that you can't have both Love and Irving.  Can't have two poor defenders and you can't really get much value from Love if he has to share the floor with two high usage players.  If the Cavs must have Lebron and two stars, than one of those two has to be a stand out defender. 


I wonder if they'd be better off with Dwight Howard, which sounds ridiculous because he's Dwight ****ing Howard.  The guy is a thin skinned and easily left pouting.  He's also the kind of third star that provides value that Kyrie and Lebron really need, he covers up a lot of defensive mistakes.  Even if he doesn't score well he's one of the league better defenders at the leagues most important defensive position. 


He's not the only option though.  Any of the star defensive centers could help more than Love can.  Whiteside, Jordan, or Drummond for instance would likely provide more value for the Cavs than Love.  Any player that doesn't need the ball offensively and dominates on the defensive end would do.


They can't go that route however because they've already paid Tristan Thompson a king's ransom.  He can't share the floor with another big that can't shoot without creating a spacing nightmare.  Looks like bad GM work to me, and a lot of people predicted it so there is no valid "hindsight is 20/20" defense in my opinion.

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What about when he said after they lost the finals to the Mavs, that fans and reporters would have to go back to their miserable lives while he was doing just fine with his riches and life

I actually have zero problem saying that (which is not really what he said, but whatever). He was right.

Edited by Mr. Sinister
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I don't see any signs that Lebron is mentally cracking.  I think we can all see the signs of aging though.  I'm not used to seeing Lebron stopped around the rim by mere mortals that aren't legit rim protecting centers.  He's definitely lost some spring and a step, but he's still good enough to dominate in other ways.  We haven't seen him go terminator mode yet either and I was expecting to see that this series.  Maybe he'll do it in game 5.  

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