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***2021-2022 NBA Season Thread***


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I actually have 140 clips of him doing this..sometimes he kicks when no one is there..random forward..backward kicks




Turns out Dray has a habit of throwing his legs around in a kicking motion while in the air. Most likely just a way to keep his balance I'd guess. One finally landed last night. Good evidence against the argument of a 1-game suspension. Totally accidental.



The video is far more convincing than I expected, and it's not just a couple examples.  I didn't think it was intentional yesterday and the TNT guys were of the same mind.  I thought he was flailing to sell a foul call to the officials.  Now it seems he throws his leg around like a monkey using it's tail for balance.  He's a weird guy. 

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You don't get to kick someone in the balls twice in the same series and pretend it's accidental. The ball was already out of his hands, he just flailed out his leg in retaliation.

You also shouldn't get to kick your foot at someone's groin just to take a friggin jumper, whether or not you mean to kick them in the nuts. That's absurd.

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Intent is the difference between foul types and suspensions. Also I thought the first hit to Adams groin was a knee on a drive to the rim. That happens all the time, and got so bad a few years back the started calling offensive fouls on raised knees. I remember Hibbert taking a few knees to the stomach.

An accident isn't worthy of a suspension. If you're a goon sent in to punch Biyombo in the balls because he showed up Lebron, that's different.

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What could the NBA possibly be doing to take this long to make a decision?

Probably looking for a way to come out looking pretty without basically giving The Greatest Team Ever a free pass and pissing off a lot of people, or directly ending Golden State's season via suspension.

Or preparing for some major damage control.

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Probably looking for a way to come out looking pretty without basically giving The Greatest Team Ever a free pass and pissing off a lot of people, or directly ending Golden State's season via suspension.

Or preparing for some major damage control.


Wouldn't be the first time they've given star players a pass.  


but this play resulted in a 2 game suspension:

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Did you just say Draymond has a tail. Racist. Jk

Probably looking for a way to come out looking pretty without basically giving The Greatest Team Ever a free pass and pissing off a lot of people, or directly ending Golden State's season via suspension.

Or preparing for some major damage control.

Your tears are delicious.
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what a weak ass move by the NBA DISNEY ESPN conglomerate.  All ESPN does all day every day is highlight the violence in all the other sports, literally today all they talked about were shots to a pitchers head in MLB, the corruption of the NFL, but then blindly defend draymond green across the board for ball kicking twice in a series to go along with already 4 technicals in the playoffs alone.  


I'm not gonna watch the game unless it's the 4th quarter and OKC is winning because honestly it's hard to root for GS with such a BS favor being done for them indirectly because the NBA needs as much money as they can get so can't resist making the proper punishment to maybe risk losing 1-2 "classic" playoff games as a result.  I mean stephen A literally said as much that the NBA shouldn't deprive the "fans" from what they want to see.  Yea ok, blame the fans for 100s of millions in NBA losses so the league actually needs a handful of playoff games for it's image. 

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You're too used to people disagreeing with you. It's called a supporting argument. :)

My bad, buddy. You know how it is in here, sometimes. Survival of the fittest. Seek and destroy. Jungle rage. Self preservation instinct kicked in.

Your tears are delicious.

Just fattening you up for the kill later on.

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So many delicious tears.


It really has nothing to do with GS for me


The problem is the NBA pretends like it's on the highest perch of sports given the relative "safety" it provides compared to others so it's essentially the "best" sport for kids to play giving it the best reputation and that's how ESPN sells it (because everything they sell is "for the kids") and of course they are interconnected at the hip too so ESPN is just one large NBA advertisement.  


But because the NBA is also the league as of today (because the NFL will surely take over eventually) in the worst health of the 3 major sports it's just so obvious it's essentially a monetary decision.  I think the reason why there was so much tension leading up to this decision is because everyone essentially knew he wasn't going to get suspended, and it would just be a question of how they'd get out of doing it.  


I guess if you're going to do a punk move in the NBA, do it when the stakes are actually the highest, because you'll have no chance of getting disciplined for it because the monetary ramifications will deem it impossible


I am an NFL fan first and foremost obviously so the hypocritical sanctimony of it all is what annoys me

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Eh I think people are really overreacting to this. Guys get hit in the balls every day in the NBA. damn Roberson or Waiters I think were trying to save a ball In game 2 and slammed Bogut right in the nuts. He didn't get suspended, could have easily thrown it at his legs.

I don't necessarily believe that but you can make an argument. I remember Wade broke Kobes nose a few years ago and it seemed pretty deliberate. Same thing when he put Rondo in an arm bar. No suspensions.

Basically **** happens in the NBA. It better be a damn intentional stomp or a swing etc to warrant suspensions. There are too many limbs and body parts flying thru the air to suspend somebody on a play like Draymond

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Looks like the law of averages has imposed itself on the Cavs raptors series. Cavs were shooting way too well from three, and have gone cold. Raptors stars looked worse than they should, now they're playing well.

I'm surprised because I expected Cavs to annihilate the raptors hope tonight. Instead it looks like they're going to give David the idea that he can hang with Goliath.

Biyombo rejected James again. Called for a bogus foul again.

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