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NFL.com: Dallas Cowboys will win NFC East after productive offseason

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I think anytime a QB hits 30 you should begin cycling replacements through on rookie deals. Belichick took Mallet to develop even though Brady probably can play until he's 40. Sooner or later you're going to need that replacement, and some QBs hit walls sooner than others. Rivers was just 30 last year and while I think he can still handle the job, he might already be in decline.


Yep, totally agree. If you put it off until your current QB is just about retired you'll be in a world of trouble unless you just get lucky.



Romo sits to pee doesn't have the same wear and tear as most QBs, but that doesn't mean he won't decline. When you take into account that Romo sits to pee had a contract ending, it would have made sense for the Boys to invest a pick either in 2011 or 12 to have a backup plan and possibly a successor.


This isn't a response to you personally, but I've heard that comment so many times about Romo sits to pee. I think we need to keep in mind a quote from Indiana Jones: "It's not the years, it's the mileage" lol...


Since he started in 2006, Romo sits to pee has thrown the 6th most pass attempts of any QB. That's a lot of wear and tear on his arm. Plus he missed half of the 2010 season due to injury. I'd say he has had the same "wear and tear" as most QBs...in fact, he's had more.

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The Cowboys...2013 NFC East Champions, eh?!? Let me get this straight.


It's only the 3rd week of OTAs...the entire DL (all four starters) are riding the sidelines, Twinkie Romo sits to pee is still nursing an overgrown pimple, and Jerruh just completely threw Garrett under the bus by announcing that Callahan (the same creampuff that couldn't hold down a Raiders HC job) is now the playcaller then Garrett gets on his PC and denies it. 


Well, at least every year I'm buying less and less of Jerruh's hype. They only got a brief moment of insanity during OTAs when I thought they could be 8-8. My father used to say, what good is a brand new motor, nice interior and a new paint job when the wheels are falling off. Lesson learned, pops!


I agree with you because of all the hype they put out only means they are trying to make themselves believe they have a good team. Jerry Jones doesn't respect his HC's or any coach for that matter. He believes he is the reason for winning the championships by being the GM when in reality Jimmy Johnson was the real reason for it. Barry Switzer won a Super Bowl with Jimmy Johnsons players and coaches not due to Jerry Jones' GM capabilities. Read the following article I found on Fox Sports that rings true to why the Cowboys can't win championships.



The Cowboys could win the NFC East but with all the offseason turmoil, the poor GM decisions, and the lack of participation by Romo sits to pee doesn't spell NFC East Champions or even a playoff appearance. Next season Bill Callahan will be the next HC of the Dallas Cowboys because Jerry Jones will blame Garrett for not winning. It is the same thing when Phillips was there and Garrett was the hand picked OC by Jerry Jones and now he has done it to Garrett by naming Callahan the handpicked OC. But of course the Cowboy faithful won't agree because they are blinded by the Jerry Jones BS campaign. 

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Yeah, the Boys are going to run into major problems, and soon.


- Tony Romo sits to pee is 33

- DeMarco Murray cannot stay healthy

- Jason Witten is 31

- Their offensive line is a mess, they've got probably 2 guys for the future in Frederick and Smith, but will need to replace the rest

- Jay Ratliff is 31, Anthony Spencer is 29, and Demarcus Ware is 30


Their WR corp, linebacker corp, and secondary, with the exception of FS, is in decent shape, and if Escobar can grow into Witten's role, then TE is ok, but QB, RB, OL, and DL will be in serious trouble in a couple years (if not already like with the OL).


Basically, they are weak in the trenches, and their head is aging.  That will kill them going forward if they don't draft very well.

but they had a great draft, remember?

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This article should be called "A Treatise in Grasping at Straws".


Let's look at the premise that the extra week of practice for the Hall of Fame game will benefit the team. Seems reasonable until you look at the evidence.


Over the last five seasons ten different teams have played in the HOF game. Of those ten teams, five had won their division the previous season and one was a wild card team.  Their collective records was an impressive 102-58.


What happened the next year to these teams that had an extra week of practice?  Only one of the ten made the playoffs the following season and that was Indy as a wild card.  Every single one of the ten teams won fewer games the year they had the extra week of practice.  Their collective records were 66-94 or 36 fewer wins than they had amassed the year before.  Half the teams had 5 or more fewer wins. Only one team, the aforementioned Colts, had a winning record.


As for the rest of the article, it sure sounds like a post on a Cowboys forum; automatically assuming that all changes will be good changes.

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This doesn't seem like a laughable opinion to me.  The Cowboys have come within a game of winning the division in each of the last two seasons.

It's far from impossible they will win the NFCE but they are also far from favorites IMO. They are making a big change on defense going from an attacking man coverage heavy 3-4 to a zone based 4-3. There will be some transition pains in that. The Cowboys are a team who can score points but they are going to need to because I can see them giving up a ton as well.

I have to smile as well about a team which invested a high first round pick and big free agent dollars on cover corners and then installs a Tampa 2 defense.

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This doesn't seem like a laughable opinion to me.  The Cowboys have come within a game of winning the division in each of the last two seasons.

It's far from impossible they will win the NFCE but they are also far from favorites IMO. They are making a big change on defense going from an attacking man coverage heavy 3-4 to a zone based 4-3. There will be some transition pains in that. The Cowboys are a team who can score points but they are going to need to because I can see them giving up a ton as well.

I have to smile as well about a team which invested a high first round pick and big free agent dollars on cover corners and then installs a Tampa 2 defense.

Dallas isn't running the Tampa 2. Carr and Mo are not cover 2 guys and Kiffin has already stated we won't be strictly a zone defense. Pretty much a combo of everything.


IMO, it benefits Jay Ratliff the most. He should have an outstanding year in the 4-3. Ware and Spencer seemed undersized but they are both studs.


Our defense will be better than last year. You can book that.


The Virginia guys here should know about B.W. Webb. The dude is going to be a steal for us.

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  • 4 weeks later...

they'll be third in the East, missing the playoffs again.  8-8 or 7-9.  Lather, Rinse, Repeat. 

I'm starting to agree with this line of thinking. I see the offseason as a mix of improvements and declines. I think the Cowboys will be much better on defense running a 4-3, even if DT remains a question mark. I also think a number of players are primed for great things this year, including Bryant, Carter, Claiborne, Lee, Spencer. But who knows if they will stay healthy. Also, Romo sits to pee does look fat and is 33. I don't think he is the answer at QB. And as long as Jerruh is running the show, this team will never break out of the pattern of late season meltdowns. Also, I see the Redskins as a better team. If RG3 is even at 80%, he and the Redskins will be good enough to challenge teams like the 49ers and Falcons for contention. 

To say that you "don't think" Romo sits to pee is the answer at QB is the understatement of the year! lol


My question is, what excuse will they have for him at the end of this coming season when he once again fails to lead the Cowboys to the playoffs because of his inability to focus under the pressure?

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they'll be third in the East, missing the playoffs again. 8-8 or 7-9. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

I'm starting to agree with this line of thinking. I see the offseason as a mix of improvements and declines. I think the Cowboys will be much better on defense running a 4-3, even if DT remains a question mark. I also think a number of players are primed for great things this year, including Bryant, Carter, Claiborne, Lee, Spencer. But who knows if they will stay healthy. Also, Romo sits to pee does look fat and is 33. I don't think he is the answer at QB. And as long as Jerruh is running the show, this team will never break out of the pattern of late season meltdowns. Also, I see the Redskins as a better team. If RG3 is even at 80%, he and the Redskins will be good enough to challenge teams like the 49ers and Falcons for contention.
To say that you "don't think" Romo sits to pee is the answer at QB is the understatement of the year! lol

My question is, what excuse will they have for him at the end of this coming season when he once again fails to lead the Cowboys to the playoffs because of his inability to focus under the pressure?

To be fair, Romo sits to pee is certainly not the only (or biggest) problem in Dallas. If they improve their defense and o-line, stay healthy and start running the ball - successfully and consistently - pretty sure Romo sits to pee wouldn't have much trouble taking them to the playoffs. ;)

I'm not exactly sure how Dallas improved sufficiency more than us given we beat them twice and won the division. Is it (supposedly) the coaching/philosophy change?

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To be fair, Romo sits to pee is certainly not the only (or biggest) problem in Dallas. If they improve their defense and o-line, stay healthy and start running the ball - successfully and consistently - pretty sure Romo sits to pee wouldn't have much trouble taking them to the playoffs. ;)

I'm not exactly sure how Dallas improved sufficiency more than us given we beat them twice and won the division. Is it (supposedly) the coaching/philosophy change?

No, it's just Dallas. They always want to pick them & they get easily distracted. Romo sits to pee signed a big extension this offseason, so naturally, that means the Cowboys are headed for a big season. The only problem is, year & year out, it's the same story. They pick Dallas to win the Division because of some acquisition thru the Draft or FA & start making excuses for Romo sits to pee for the previous year why he was unable to lead his team to the Promised Land.


From the top down, that whole organization has become a joke. Their biggest problem is Jerry Jones, plain & simple. He is in love with Romo sits to pee, which is why Parcells left & has hired mainly "yes men" since. Romo sits to pee is his guy & apparently can do no wrong.


No, Romo sits to pee isn't their biggest problem, but he certain isn't the answer there either.

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they'll be third in the East, missing the playoffs again. 8-8 or 7-9. Lather, Rinse, Repeat.

I'm starting to agree with this line of thinking. I see the offseason as a mix of improvements and declines. I think the Cowboys will be much better on defense running a 4-3, even if DT remains a question mark. I also think a number of players are primed for great things this year, including Bryant, Carter, Claiborne, Lee, Spencer. But who knows if they will stay healthy. Also, Romo sits to pee does look fat and is 33. I don't think he is the answer at QB. And as long as Jerruh is running the show, this team will never break out of the pattern of late season meltdowns. Also, I see the Redskins as a better team. If RG3 is even at 80%, he and the Redskins will be good enough to challenge teams like the 49ers and Falcons for contention.
To say that you "don't think" Romo sits to pee is the answer at QB is the understatement of the year! lol

My question is, what excuse will they have for him at the end of this coming season when he once again fails to lead the Cowboys to the playoffs because of his inability to focus under the pressure?

To be fair, Romo sits to pee is certainly not the only (or biggest) problem in Dallas. If they improve their defense and o-line, stay healthy and start running the ball - successfully and consistently - pretty sure Romo sits to pee wouldn't have much trouble taking them to the playoffs. ;)

I'm not exactly sure how Dallas improved sufficiency more than us given we beat them twice and won the division. Is it (supposedly) the coaching/philosophy change?

I don't even think you listed their main problem. Dallas is prone to ridiculous penalties and mistakes then maximize the effect of those ridiculous penalties and mistakes by committing them at the worst times like on 3rd and 10+ for an automatic first down or bringing back a first down of their own. Then there's my personal favorite play the snap over Romos head out of nowhere. It comes down to discipline, which they don't have and won't as long as Jones is there with his puppet cream puff head coaches. No one is held responsible, just look at Brent who is still on the roster after killing someone and now having failed 3 drug and alcohol tests while out on bail. That being said its going to be another great year watching the cowboys and I hope they lose a playoff spot on the last day of the year for the 4th time in the last several years. Having them ride the roller coaster all year just to get a few wins in December to stay alive then have the carpet ripped out and sent home in week 17 is easily one of the best things in football and it almost something that can be expected each season now which is even better.

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A rookie RB, A rookie C, a new DC and defensive system to learn, more time to prep for the Hall of Fame game, more input from Tony Romo sits to pee and they still have the same people running the team. Sounds like another season of disappointment to me.

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As a die-hard Cowboy fan, I find this article laughable. The Cowboys are mediocre, and are looking up at Wash, and the NYG in the division. Maybe they're better than Philly, maybe they're not. Who knows right now as Philly is a huge question mark.


Dallas had a -24 pt differential last year, which predicts ~7-8 wins the following year, as pt differential is the most accurate way of predicting wins the following season (using Bill James' pythagorean method for calculating expected wins). Sure, they had injuries last year, but as players age they don't get healthier; they are more prone to injury and to taking longer to recover. I'm a huge Sean Lee fan, but I'll be shocked if he plays 16 games. Same with Jay Ratliff, DeMarco Murray, & Bruce Carter and perhaps even the awesome Demarcus Ware will finally succomb to the nagging injuries that have slowed him down towards the end of the last two seasons. I hope not, but history suggests otherwise.


The offense if the OL is average to slightly-above-average can be explosive, but the defense still worries me, as their Safeties are unproven for a full 16, and their DL is old and injury prone.


Based on last year, I can't see Dallas beating out either the Gints or the Skins for the NFC East crown unless the following happens:

1) Dallas wins more than the avg of 1-TD games (Like INdy going 9-1 in such games last year, which is statistically very, very irregular)

2) RGIII is either not able to come back on time, gets hurt again or suffers an unexpected sophomore slump

3) 50% of Dallas' starters have career years, and the other 50% maintain their recent play (no way to count on that)


I hope I'm wrong, but as long as Jerry Jones is running the show, my optimism meter is set to Low.


FWIW, I am a huge Romo sits to pee fan and don't think he's remotely the reason for their mediocrity. Without him the last 3 seasons, they'd be 5-11 at best.

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Here's my honest opinion. Despite what we all think of Dallas personally, I think they will be in th mix for the division.


The NFC East has been and will be probably this season, a division that is going to be won by a 9-7/10-6 record.


I don't think it is outrageous to think the Cowboys could get to that record.


Now with that said, if the Cowboys' hopes come down to a division game in the final week, in a big pressure situation, of course you tend to think they will find a way to screw it up, but until a team in the NFC East becomes a 13-3/12-4 type, perennial winning team, then the division is going to continue to be up for grabs season to season.

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Here's my honest opinion. Despite what we all think of Dallas personally, I think they will be in th mix for the division.


The NFC East has been and will be probably this season, a division that is going to be won by a 9-7/10-6 record.


I don't think it is outrageous to think the Cowboys could get to that record.


Now with that said, if the Cowboys' hopes come down to a division game in the final week, in a big pressure situation, of course you tend to think they will find a way to screw it up, but until a team in the NFC East becomes a 13-3/12-4 type, perennial winning team, then the division is going to continue to be up for grabs season to season.


as everyone has been saying, though, it's not about predicting Dallas to win the division...it's the reasons why they were picked.

FWIW, I am a huge Romo sits to pee fan and don't think he's remotely the reason for their mediocrity. Without him the last 3 seasons, they'd be 5-11 at best.


Yeah, but WITH him the last three seasons, the Cowboys are 8-8 at best. Wouldn't that be the definition of "mediocre"?

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Good point.  I don't buy into all the offseason fluff pieces (when it comes to Dallas or any team for that matter).


I do agree that the media's reasoning is ridiculous and typical of the annual "Dallas is back, baby" fawning/hoping.


I was just adding my personal opinion about the division itself and how I think three teams will be in the running for the division crown because I think it is very plausible to suggest they will finish within a game or two of each other (barring major injuries).

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Yeah, but WITH him the last three seasons, the Cowboys are 8-8 at best. Wouldn't that be the definition of "mediocre"?


The teams' record was mediocre, but Romo sits to pee carried them from poor to mediocre. Without Romo sits to pee, the Cowboys would have been 5-11. He elevates the team with his play. He makes bone-headed plays, but so does every QB. I've re-watched that Skins game, and the OL was HORRIFIC (the Skins's defensive gameplan was executed really, really well too; particularly the front7 and safeties.).

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