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Barry Cofield to SOW "Our confidence in Coach Shanahan is at an all-time high and our mindset is in a great place."


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Hey guys I had a chance to interview Barry Cofied last week trust me when I say this worth the price of admission.

Below is a full transcript of the interview. If you aren’t pumped up for the season by the end of this interview, check your pulse Redskins fans.

Ray Smith: Joining us on the line is Washington Redskins defensive tackle Barry Cofield. Barry, appreciate the time, thanks for joining us tonight.

Barry Cofield: Sounds good, thank you.

RS: We’re here tonight at Lorenzo [Alexander’s] ACES event, which is kind of turning out to be a farewell to Lorenzo. Do you have any memories that you’d like to share, and stories? Because he’s actually here with us tonight.

BC: Oh man, I just wish Zo the best. He’s a great teammate, a great person, as you can see based on how active he was in the community. Some of the plays he made, especially on special teams, were just unreal. I’ve played a lot of football, been around the game a long time, some of the stuff he does while having a target on his back–because everyone knows they gotta block Lorenzo Alexander, but they still can’t do it. I’m sure he’ll keep that up out in the desert.

RS: For him, obviously this is a big opportunity for him, getting a chance to start. Just speak a little bit about what he’s done that makes him deserving in your eyes of getting a chance for a starting situation?

BC: He proved his toughness and playmaking abilities. A lot of the things he did last year were a great showcase for him. He’s a gut that’s bounced around and played a lot of positions, but I think he’s at home playing linebacker. He’s done the things he had to do, physically, to get in great shape. He’s incredibly strong and he’s a guy whose motor never sops running. And the playmaking ability he sowed last year, just the ability to adapt to whatever situation he’s thrown into. Those are things that any team can use. I’m sure the Cardinals saw that and that’s why they feel they need to have him on the field as much as possible.

RS: Tell us a little bit about what you’ve been doing this offseason to recharge as you get ready to get back after it?

BC: I have my offseason down here in Orlando, so this Florida atmosphere and this Florida weather, for a Cleveland boy is an escape in itself, just to be down here and spend time with my family. I have two young boys and they keep me occupied. That’s a big change of pace from being around a bunch of big, sweaty guys all the time, even though I love those guys. But right around March, you start getting that itch. You look at free agency, hearing all the names, and you start wanting to get back in there and get back to work. I’m looking forward to getting back to Virginia and getting back with the guys. We’ve been able to keep so many guys around. There’s some guys, like with Zo leaving, that we’re definitely going to miss. But we’ll have a lot of returning faces, so it’s exciting to go back into that.

RS: Talk a little bit about how important this has been for the Washington Redskins. In the past, the stereotype was that they would throw a lot of money to bring in big name guys while letting their own guys leave. But this offseason, it seems like they’re really going after continuity. Talk about how important it is to keep these key pieces together.

BC: Continuity is really important, when possible. Obviously, there’s a lot of things that happen to rosters. There’s 31 other teams in the NFL that are picking at your roster, especially if you’ve been successful team, a division champ like we were. So I think we’ve done a good job at that. A lot of those old stigmas, I just don’t think that they’re true of this regime. Even since Bruce [Allen] and Coach [Mike] Shanahan have come in here, obviously Mr. Snyder made the decision to bring them in and let those guys run the show. Ever since I’ve been here, it’s been a 1st class organization.

Obviously there was some turnover the last couple of years as they were trying to build their roster, fill the locker room with their guys, high character guys. Guys that fit our scheme with this zone scheme. With the offense we have and [converting to] the 3-4 defense, you expect some turnover there. Not that we’re locked in with a pretty strong roster, it’s really slowed down. I still expect them to make moves here and there, smart signings and still do some work in the draft. This is the way that winning teams are built. It’s not about being offseason champs, it’s about being the regular season champ as we all know, and post season champs. I think we’re off to a great start.

RS: You have an interesting viewpoint on this cap penalty. You have strong ties to the New York Giants, you were there before. Now you’re with the Redskins. Clearly this has been a hot button topic for Redskins fans all offseason. What have you seen this organization do as a whole to overcome the cap penalty. We’ve seen guys taking less in deals, restructuring. We talked to Pierre Garcon yesterday, and he mentioned he was willing to take a cap-friendly deal. Does that speak volumes about the all-for-one attitude on the team right now?

BC: I think it definitely does. We were forced into a corner. A lot of people had a hand in putting us in this situation. The rules were laid out as they were. I’m trying my best not to dwell on the cap penalty and what happened in the past, but the rules were laid out as they were to try and help the players with that uncapped year. The teams that actually did spend and put money into the pockets of the players got penalized. And the teams that ignored any kind of cap floor and stockpiled money; there were no issues with that. It was clear collusion.

You can get into the legal side of it, but I’ve learned that it’s an uphill climb on a treadmill – we’ll never get any closure. The best thing we can do is to adopt a family atmosphere, an “us against the world” type of atmosphere. I feel like our backs are against the wall and everyone’s against us. For me, that’s the attitude that he had when we were 3-6 last year and made the run, and that kind of attitude is great for a locker room. If we adopt to that and stick to that, I think the sky is the limit for our team.

Continue Reading or Listen to the Full Interview Here

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After over a decade of "me first" guys... it is BEYOND refreshing to see this kind of "family" and "team first" approach from these players. It's a great time to be a Redskins fan. I couldn't be happier at the moment all things considered.

Great job, Ray! Keep 'em coming!

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In no way should we feel satisfied. Guys should all be hungry and starving to get that Lombardi trophy. And as a guy who’s tasted that, I always tell [my current teammates] that it’s a feeling you’ll never forget, and the journey is something you’ll never forget. The stories you’ll have to tell will last forever. I want guys to feel that sense of pride in this organization and feel that it’s an organization that’s built from the ground up to win.


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Here's what I took from that:

Remember when a couple people were saying in another thread that the cap penalty was a good thing because it was keeping the FO from overspending? Turns out they were right in spite of their faulty reasoning. It was said at the time that this new regime of Shannahan and Allen didn't need their hands tied behind their backs to reign in spending and that if they did go on a spending spree it would be on players that are worth it rather than aging vets past their prime - which is true. So they looked like they were wrong, even though they were right in the end. The reason the cap hit was good for us is encapsulated in this quote by Cofield:

We were forced into a corner...The best thing we can do is to adopt a family atmosphere, an “us against the world” type of atmosphere. I feel like our backs are against the wall and everyone’s against us.

I think bringing the team together is worth tightening the ol' belt for a couple of years, don't you?

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this isn't a fluke. Its the same culture that Shanny had in Denver, especially during the SB seasons. Regardless of his public reputation in the media, current and former players LOVE the guy.

---------- Post added April-4th-2013 at 02:11 PM ----------

I think bringing the team together is worth tightening the ol' belt for a couple of years, don't you?

that's an interesting spin on it. never thought of it in quite that manner.

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The proof of this confidence Cofield speaks of is in the pudding. You have guys like Moss, Carriker and Meriweather taking pay cuts based on incentives they believe Mike will allow them to reach by being on this team. You have Hall getting cut because of his cap amount and then re-signing for $6 million less, something players have an extremely hard time accepting (just look at Winfield with Minnesota) as it stands, but then he even comes out and says he feels bad his original contract put the team in the situation it was in and that "he wants this team to be good" without his contract hindering that.

I posted this a few days ago and I think it bares repeating here:

While we say things like "this FO has done a great job" we don't specifically state just how much credibility Mike Shanahan has generated for himself in that locker room at this point. The change of culture he has implemented when he first got here by rewarding those who deserved it and parting ways/minimizing the roles of those who deserved that; the making of NFL careers of so many young players; the fact that he said from the start he was going to reward (financially) those who put it all on the line for the team no matter who they are and where their place on the roster is (depth or starter); and finally, the execution of that promise especially this offseason with a significant amount of UFAs and RFAs all the while having a cap penalty in place... there is simply no reason why any player, young or old, depth or starter, should find an issue with listening to and obeying Mike.

I think that's what we're seeing more than anything from the players here. A form of trust between FO and player we haven't see here in a long time. Even with Gibbs we had issues retaining our guys like Pierce and Clark and we developed a reputation for letting our guys go over nabbing a Free Agent. Even if that reputation was sometimes exaggerated (by the likes of Carlos Rogers for instance), there was that perception. Under Mike, it's simply impossible for any sane human being to have such a perception.

I'm a huge Mike Shanahan fan. He's my favorite Redskin right now. Simple as that.

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Good interview. I also read the interview with Joe Theismann.

Thanks man we just confirmed both Kirk Cousins and Tyler Polumbus will be on the show tonight so be on the lookout. We are taking fan questions for Kirk on our Facebook too if anyone is interested.

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Thanks man we just confirmed both Kirk Cousins and Tyler Polumbus will be on the show tonight so be on the lookout. We are taking fan questions for Kirk on our Facebook too if anyone is interested.

Haha, typical Joey T. Talks and talks and talks. He never met a question he didn't love to answer. I don't think I've ever read answers that long. Ya gotta love the guy though. He bleeds B & G.

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I think bringing the team together is worth tightening the ol' belt for a couple of years, don't you?

I think that was a product of winning after being counted out at 3-6 more so than the players being upset about a cap penalty.

As far as the interview it was great, thanks for sharing that. That being said I would enjoy SOW more if a little more time was spent editing the articles. Lots of typos that if fixed would make the site that much better.

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Haha, typical Joey T. Talks and talks and talks. He never met a question he didn't love to answer. I don't think I've ever read answers that long. Ya gotta love the guy though. He bleeds B & G.

Hes a bigger fan than any of us LOL

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that's an interesting spin on it. never thought of it in quite that manner.

I hadn't either until reading this. It's only one factor among many but Cofield's comments combined with what DHall and others have said lately and the general feel/attitude in the air makes me honestly think it's working in our favor now.

---------- Post added April-4th-2013 at 03:44 PM ----------

I think that was a product of winning after being counted out at 3-6 more so than the players being upset about a cap penalty.

Also a product of the leadership of Shanahan and RGIII, as well as the prudent moves Allen has made with personnel, bring guys back to preserve continuity, etc. My view is there's lots of little things combining to create a feeling of togetherness for these guys; the cap penalty is one piece of that among many others.

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Holy **** balls we are going to kick a lot of ass this season! I ****ing love this team!

You feel that youngins'? That feeling that you're going to beat up on every other team? Yeah, get use to it. It's how things use to be.

Is that what that is? I feel it! Return to Glory! HTTR!!

Great interview guys, keep up the good work

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Is that what that is? I feel it! Return to Glory! HTTR!!

Great interview guys, keep up the good work

I feel it too...I have never been so excited for a season. Even with Robert injured, i have so much faith in Cousins to step up and play well too. I just have confidence in all of the players, from top to bottom, that they are going to go out there and fight and scrap for every win. I also feel like they are going to win each and every game now. It is the culture that i have been dying for this team to have, and its finally here. HTTR!

Also....what Cofield thread would be complete without a little taser-


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BC: I think it definitely does. We were forced into a corner. A lot of people had a hand in putting us in this situation. The rules were laid out as they were. I’m trying my best not to dwell on the cap penalty and what happened in the past, but the rules were laid out as they were to try and help the players with that uncapped year. The teams that actually did spend and put money into the pockets of the players got penalized. And the teams that ignored any kind of cap floor and stockpiled money; there were no issues with that. It was clear collusion.

Thanks, great interview rd, again, and that's saying something. The consistency is credible. And thanks for Barry being as open honest as he was.

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