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Need My Fellow Pet Owners Advice. Very Serious Advice. Especially You Huly.Update= :(


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I am so sorry KG and will keep you in my thoughts and prayers. Someone sent me this poem after I lost my Chelsea and I want to share it with you.


They say memories are golden

well maybe that is true.

I never wanted memories,

I only wanted you.

A million times I needed you,

a million times I cried.

If love alone could have saved you

you never would have died.

In life I loved you dearly,

In death I love you still.

In my heart you hold a place

no one could ever fill.

If tears could build a stairway

and heartache make a lane,

I'd walk the path to heaven

and bring you back again.

Our family chain is broken,

and nothing seems the same.

But as God calls us one by one,

the chain will link again.

Author unknown

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**** you *******.

wow, if you didnt want the truth you shouldnt ask the question. Oh, by the way YOU ARE going to put your dog down. Why are you mad? You're going to do what I said anyways.......

WTF? Just go the **** away you insensitive prick...

I didnt know this was an "i can't handle anything but mushy condolences and I'll get my feelings hurt if you are blunt" kind of forum. deal with the truth. We lose the ones who are close to us, that's life.....cold and honest. stop being a little punk.

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wow, if you didnt want the truth you shouldnt ask the question. Oh, by the way YOU ARE going to put your dog down. Why are you mad? You're going to do what I said anyways.......

I didnt know this was an "i can't handle anything but mushy condolences and I'll get my feelings hurt if you are blunt" kind of forum. deal with the truth. We lose the ones who are close to us, that's life.....cold and honest. stop being a little punk.

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wow, if you didnt want the truth you shouldnt ask the question. Oh, by the way YOU ARE going to put your dog down. Why are you mad? You're going to do what I said anyways.......

I didnt know this was an "i can't handle anything but mushy condolences and I'll get my feelings hurt if you are blunt" kind of forum. deal with the truth. We lose the ones who are close to us, that's life.....cold and honest. stop being a little punk.

kill the dog, or put him down (if you want to be PC). I have a dog who i love but there is no chance i would keep him if he was 14 and couldnt stand up by himself

This is your warning post. You need to back up! How dare you make nasty rude ignorant comments in a thread with such a sensitive subject. He truly loves his furkids unlike you who do not know the meaning of the word.

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I didnt know this was an "i can't handle anything but mushy condolences and I'll get my feelings hurt if you are blunt" kind of forum.

Its not, the problem is how you approached the subject. 99% of the people on here would have said what you said in a more tactful and respectful manner. If you cannot handle that, maybe you should leave this forum. Most people around here can take differing views, but you need to approach it in a different manner.

Do not respond to me defending your position because I will not respond back to you and throw this thread away from its current purpose.

As to KingGibbs, I am not one to get all mushy, but I understand how you feel. It is tough putting down your best friend. I have had to do it twice now. I had a yellow lab who lived till 17 before his legs gave out. My family rescued him when he was four. He was a 100lb teddy bear who lived in a crate that he could not even sit up straight in.

I had a black lab that lived to be about 13 1/2. I called him a midget, he was only 56 lbs, despite being full bred. He was bred to be a seeing eye dog and was even tatooed when he was born. He had to have surgery right away on his heart and his esophagus. The breeder couldn't use him as a seeing eye dog, so he paid for the surgery and gave him to me. The doctor said I would be lucky to get 4 years out of him. When the doc finally put him down, he said 'he must have been loved a lot, I never thought he would make it this far.' He was one heck of a smart dog.

Now I have a 9 1/2 and a 10 1/2 year old Aussie and Border Collie. It is already bothering me. I just play frisbee with them everyday and throw the ball in the house and make sure they have the best possible life they could have.

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My condolances on the very hard task you are having to confront, Kinggibs. It is always hard to lose a good friend.

I don't think Kram was trying to be a jerk, i just don't think he puts much thought into phrasing or how wording can matter..... which is very unfortunate.

Dismissively call it "PC", if you would like------ but common courtesy, and making an effort to understand how people will take not just "WHAT you say", but "HOW you say" it is important. I am having a struggle trying to impart the importance of this to my 11 year old. Adults that just don't get this are sad... adults that POINTEDLY avoid it because they think they are making a political statement about PC are dowright pathetic, imho.

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The thread can return to the sad topic without any more distractions from the now perma-banned poster (who had five previous moderator actions in user notes).

This is the first time I read it, KG. I have been there, too,and like so many others here feel sorrow for your situation.

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Thanks Jumbo. If this wasn't enough we just received a call that my Uncle is being taken off the ventilator. What a wave of emotions.

Huly. I've told you this before and I'll say it again. You are a true seetheart!

Call me if you need anything! I am always here southern accent and all

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KG im sorry to hear this brother. Ive had three labs since ive been young and ive had to put all three of them down. It truly is one of the saddest, most heartbreaking things you'll ever have to do. My labs too had trouble walking and getting around. It wasnt until they wouldnt eat or drink, and until they couldnt get up or around on their own, that I put them down. I had to make sure they werent suffering, so the decision to put them down was a grueling one, but it was for their own comfort.

Gambler was a GREAT name. Have comfort knowing that his loving memory will stay with you forever. Condolences my friend.

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Sorry to be reading this KG. I love my dogs, they're 7.5 and 6.5 now. Still doing well but obviously not puppies anymore, showing gray hairs, etc. I dread what you are facing and I'm sorry you have to go through it. Glad you have loved the dog as much as you have, they all deserve that kind of affection.

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I'm sorry KG. When we put our black lab down it broke my heart and now my oldest pitbull is starting to get to the point where she's having a hard time getting around and sometimes I watch her and get upset. It's amazing the bond you form with them but you must know you're doing the right thing. Keep your head up buddy.

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Reading this tread made my eyes moist for some unbeknownst reason :) ... I had to take my girl to the vet last night for her yearly checkup ... cannot believe she is 7 and she got an extra hug and treat tonight. I cannot imagine what you went through losing a friend like that but hopefully the memories are good ones and stay for awhile.

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Hi all. Just wanted you to know that Gambler's passing was a very peaceful one. I did well at the vet, but I am having a very difficult time right now. My wife is actually handling it better then I am, but I also had a closer bond to him. It's a bit more paionful then I anticipated.

Like my Dad said. He was more like a son to me. I know that some will find it odd to greive like this over an animal, but the facts are I am because he was my loyal buddy for all of those years.

For those of you that have gone through this, please tell me it gets better with each passing day?:(

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For those of you that have gone through this, please tell me it gets better with each passing day?:(

It will get better eventually man. Right now you'll feel sad whenever you think of him but just know that in the future you will feel warmth and happy memories whenever you think of him, but it sure does take a while.

I've been through this in the past and will undoubtedly have to go through it again, as I have dogs now too. It's the one downfall of being a dog person. Good luck man and just know that you did the right thing and that he's in a better place now and no longer in pain.

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Gotta agree with the other comments: Time helps to get past the pain. You will deal with it better, but it still hurts. You'll start to think about all of the fun instead of focusing on the pain you feel now.

Hang in there.

Edit: Don't ask how or why I found this, but I thought it might bring a smile to your face and show you aren't alone:

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