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Merde!!! Foreigners Watering Down Bud

The 12th Commandment

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The make fun of us for drinking watered down beer and then once they own the company they water it down more.

I'm thinking that Belgians must not have an awful lot of respect for US bikers. Did their Hell's Angels charter get yanked? Lord, and some frenchies, only knows what they put in the translations for SoA over there. I can see an issue with Gemma and the bud needing water.

Perhaps word of the drought made it across the pond and they're worried we might be suffering (fits in with the socialist/commie/fascist meme quite nicely)?

This won't end well. :evilg:

/false indignation


Beer drinkers in the US have filed a $5m (£3.3m) lawsuit accusing Anheuser-Busch of watering down its beer.

The lawsuits, filed in Pennsylvania, California and other states, claim consumers have been cheated out of the alcohol content stated on beer labels.

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Well, in the US the beer is produced by Americans, so technically Americans, not foreigners are watering down the beer. But as someone who doesn't like Bud, and only drinks it if there's nothing better available, I really don't care as it doesn't affect me. If it really bothers these people and they want to get back at AB, then suing isn't the proper response. They should just stop drinking Bud and switch to something else. Hit them in their pocketbook.

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American beer watered down....ya don't say....:thud:

Actually I think what has happened is that some Americans have actually tied non-macro brewed American beer and found that beer can actually be rich and flavorful, then they went back to Bud Lite and found it to be the crap brew it's always been.


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I find it hard to justify spending 7-10 bucks on a six pack of a micro brew I may not like. So I will stick with bud and shiner

Honestly, do some homework, find a liquor store that allows you to build your own six pack (i.e. buy them as singles). Any store worth frequenting will do this especially if they have a large selection of micro-brews and imports.

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I drink everything except regular Bud. Personally, Im a Miller Lite guy myself, but I mix in imports with it. I just went to Brewvival in Charleston this past weekend and to be honest, while it was awesome, it was nice to just drink a 22oz Miller Lite draft after 6 hours of drinking all imports, most which were IPAs or hopped up as hell.

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