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Did you get the flu shot / flu? (Poll)


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Super Bowl Sunday we had to take our 2 y/o to the hospital with a fever of 103.5 Turns out that she has the flu and now all three of our kids have it. While there the nurse said that they are seeing roughly 60% of those with the flu having received the shot.

In our house 4/5 got the shot (not me) and right now only the adults are safe.

Gotta say, this crap is scary as a dad. All three kids are running fevers between 99-103 about half the day, esp as their medicine (acetaminophen) starts to wear off.

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Super Bowl Sunday we had to take our 2 y/o to the hospital with a fever of 103.5 Turns out that she has the flu and now all three of our kids have it. While there the nurse said that they are seeing roughly 60% of those with the flu having received the shot.

In our house 4/5 got the shot (not me) and right now only the adults are safe.

Gotta say, this crap is scary as a dad. All three kids are running fevers between 99-103 about half the day, esp as their medicine (acetaminophen) starts to wear off.

All of us got our flu shots, the younger one's in stages. But we got ours back in October/November. We heard it was "the best batch in years" and "we should be good".

I took my two year old on the same night as you (Super Bowl Sunday). He was at 105.9 degrees. The temperature spike happened out of nowhere. We were watching him closely because he'd been sick all day and his temp was between 99-101 degrees. We called the nursing hotline while we got him ready to bring to the ER and they said to give him some more medicine. We gave him some more right as we were walking out the door and got his temp down to 102 by the time we got to the hospital (five minutes or so).

I wasn't ****ing around with the people at the hospital either. They most definitely had the "C team" working... probably because they all took off work to watch the game. It was just the model of ineffeciency. I was so mad. Such an ordeal and so stressful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone here.

He's okay now, thankfully. Hope all is well with you and yours dave.

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I will never get a flu shot. It's pharma trying to drum up business. They can't even formulate a correct vaccine, they are only guessing which strain of flu might be going around, then it takes 18 months to manufacture enough vaccine to sell for profit. If they guess wrong, oh well, get your shot anyway, it can't hurt. Except it can hurt and also kill people.

We overvaccinate in this country, both humans and pets. I'm hardly ever sick because I keep my body chemistry slightly alkaline.

Hope everyone who has the flu recovers and is okay.

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I took my two year old on the same night as you (Super Bowl Sunday). He was at 105.9 degrees. The temperature spike happened out of nowhere. We were watching him closely because he'd been sick all day and his temp was between 99-101 degrees. We called the nursing hotline while we got him ready to bring to the ER and they said to give him some more medicine. We gave him some more right as we were walking out the door and got his temp down to 102 by the time we got to the hospital (five minutes or so).

Holy cow, that's an insanely high temp spike. I hope your little guy hasn't had spikes that high since. Good luck and hopefully he recovers soon :)

Same to Daveakl's kiddo :)

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All of us got our flu shots, the younger one's in stages. But we got ours back in October/November. We heard it was "the best batch in years" and "we should be good".

I took my two year old on the same night as you (Super Bowl Sunday). He was at 105.9 degrees. The temperature spike happened out of nowhere. We were watching him closely because he'd been sick all day and his temp was between 99-101 degrees. We called the nursing hotline while we got him ready to bring to the ER and they said to give him some more medicine. We gave him some more right as we were walking out the door and got his temp down to 102 by the time we got to the hospital (five minutes or so).

I wasn't ****ing around with the people at the hospital either. They most definitely had the "C team" working... probably because they all took off work to watch the game. It was just the model of ineffeciency. I was so mad. Such an ordeal and so stressful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone here.

He's okay now, thankfully. Hope all is well with you and yours dave.

Crazy man, how's he doing? Ours still are all out of whack with temps being high, runny noses, waking up all hours, etc. Just got home from a run and wife says she is all achy now also. :(

She also went through the same crap at the hospital. One lady turned to her and said "I'll be with you in a moment" and went back to talking to the other nurse about the diet she was on.

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My sister told me to never get a flu shot. The doctor she was working for said it was just a money grab (paraphrasing) . So I listened. Than I found out that they actually have traces of the flu in the flu shot and I really knew it was something didn't want know parts of...

But most people I see that does get it, they might had some coughs, but for the most part they were okay. So I guess it doesn't matter...

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Than I found out that they actually have traces of the flu in the flu shot and I really knew it was something didn't want know parts of...


That's how all vaccines work. They alert your body to an infection in advance, so your body will recognize it and produce antibodies, so when the real disease comes along, it doesn't take root in you because your defense are up.

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My sister told me to never get a flu shot. The doctor she was working for said it was just a money grab (paraphrasing) . So I listened. Than I found out that they actually have traces of the flu in the flu shot and I really knew it was something didn't want know parts of...

So...you don't really know how vaccines work, I take it.

I'm required to get it. It usually works. This year, it did not.

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My sister told me to never get a flu shot. The doctor she was working for said it was just a money grab (paraphrasing) . So I listened. Than I found out that they actually have traces of the flu in the flu shot and I really knew it was something didn't want know parts of...

But most people I see that does get it, they might had some coughs, but for the most part they were okay. So I guess it doesn't matter...

That's the very nature of how a vaccine works.

A vaccine is typically comprised of a killed or attenuated (weakened---modified by removing the virulent factors) virus. The dead virus or attenuated (weakened) virus contained in the vaccine provokes an immune response in the person. The immune system then more easily recognizes and kills the virus when a person encounters it in its virulent form.

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My last job working at a hospital, we were required to get it or wear a mask. I was a financial counselor and had to go on the floors to interview patients. I would get it just so I didn't have to wear the mask all the time as it was too hot on my face. In an office job now with the county. I had my annual physical at the end of October. My doctor insisted I get it. I did just to get him off my back since I've never had any effects from it before. I did get sick right after Christmas, but it was Bronchitis, not the flu. No fever or chills. Just alot of chest and head congestion with weakness. Not sure if I'll get the flu shot next year. Going to schedule my doctor appointment in the summer.

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