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Did you get the flu shot / flu? (Poll)


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No flu shot and I got it. It moved pretty fast and really wasn't that bad. Started off with sore throat, Then 3 days later I was at the worst, with a high fever, but that lasted only about 8 hours or so. After that it has been clearing up nicely. Not the worst flu I have had. I haven't had a flu shot in 10 years and this is maybe the second time I have got it. I used to get the flu almost every year when I got the shot.

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All of us got our flu shots, the younger one's in stages. But we got ours back in October/November. We heard it was "the best batch in years" and "we should be good".

I took my two year old on the same night as you (Super Bowl Sunday). He was at 105.9 degrees. The temperature spike happened out of nowhere. We were watching him closely because he'd been sick all day and his temp was between 99-101 degrees. We called the nursing hotline while we got him ready to bring to the ER and they said to give him some more medicine. We gave him some more right as we were walking out the door and got his temp down to 102 by the time we got to the hospital (five minutes or so).

I wasn't ****ing around with the people at the hospital either. They most definitely had the "C team" working... probably because they all took off work to watch the game. It was just the model of ineffeciency. I was so mad. Such an ordeal and so stressful. I wouldn't wish that on anyone here.

He's okay now, thankfully. Hope all is well with you and yours dave.

Kid fevers are terrifying

My neighbors kid, who was maybe 1 years old, was sick this summer. Fever spiked - he had a fever seizure and stopped breathing.

They ran over to my house w/kid in arms because my wife is CPR certified and at the time a pre-school administrator. We were about to start CPR in my living when he started breathing again - almost like his body rebooted.

I don't know a lot about kids, but I guess fever seizures are not that uncommon if their temps spike.

Scared the **** out of me.

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My sister told me to never get a flu shot. The doctor she was working for said it was just a money grab (paraphrasing) . So I listened. Than I found out that they actually have traces of the flu in the flu shot and I really knew it was something didn't want know parts of...

But most people I see that does get it, they might had some coughs, but for the most part they were okay. So I guess it doesn't matter...

Its a dead virus, you cant get the flu from the flu shot. Period. If you don't get it early enough or even getting it wont guarantee you wont get the flu, just significantly reduce your chances.

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Of course they have traces of the flu in the flu shot - that's how vaccines work. They inject you with traces of the bacteria/viruses that then trigger your body into creating the anti-bodies that fend it off.

That being said, while I'm not against vaccines, I don't take the flu shot. I know at least a couple of families that the only person that didn't catch the flu this year was the only person in the family that didn't have the flu shot. The flu is terrifying this year, the fever temps are out of control. Best wishes for all of you with kids that have it - please be very careful to watch over them to make sure they don't get to hot.

---------- Post added February-9th-2013 at 12:34 AM ----------

Its a dead virus, you cant get the flu from the flu shot. Period. If you don't get it early enough or even getting it wont guarantee you wont get the flu, just significantly reduce your chances.

That's not necessarily true, the nasal spray actually contains live virus, with lowered virulence.

---------- Post added February-9th-2013 at 12:34 AM ----------

Its a dead virus, you cant get the flu from the flu shot. Period. If you don't get it early enough or even getting it wont guarantee you wont get the flu, just significantly reduce your chances.

That's not necessarily true, the nasal spray actually contains live virus, with lowered virulence.

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Of course they have traces of the flu in the flu shot - that's how vaccines work. They inject you with traces of the bacteria/viruses that then trigger your body into creating the anti-bodies that fend it off.

That being said, while I'm not against vaccines, I don't take the flu shot. I know at least a couple of families that the only person that didn't catch the flu this year was the only person in the family that didn't have the flu shot. The flu is terrifying this year, the fever temps are out of control. Best wishes for all of you with kids that have it - please be very careful to watch over them to make sure they don't get to hot.

---------- Post added February-9th-2013 at 12:34 AM ----------

That's not necessarily true, the nasal spray actually contains live virus, with lowered virulence.

---------- Post added February-9th-2013 at 12:34 AM ----------

That's not necessarily true, the nasal spray actually contains live virus, with lowered virulence.

Right, thats flu mist, that you spray up your nose, which contains a weakened live virus that can/will give you symptoms or give you the flu. But the flu shot, all of them use the dead virus, which cannot give you the flu.

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Holy cow, that's an insanely high temp spike. I hope your little guy hasn't had spikes that high since. Good luck and hopefully he recovers soon :)

Same to Daveakl's kiddo :)

Thanks! Yes, we were very worried. He is much better now, thank you very much. This has been a terrible season for sickness for everyone I know. I can't wait for the spring/warmer weather.

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I picked no shot, no flu. It's the lesser of 2 evils for me, anytime I have gotten a flu shot, a week or so later it feels like I have a nagging head cold that won't go away, stuffed up, sore throat, watery eyes pretty much everything except the fever. That seems to last about a month whereas when I get the flu, I'm out 3 days tops, and really only 1 bad day.

I'll take my chances with the flu, even if it last a week over feeling like crap for a month after getting a flu shot. I don't see why people are so afraid of the flu anyways, the best defense is to catch your local strain & let your immune system run it's course, you get it over with once & you are pretty much safe from getting it again for the rest of flu season.

Kid flu's scare the crap out of me, especially the ones that take out 3-5 year olds for a few days. Think about how much energy a kid that age has; if something can defeat that energy for 2-3 days, it's probably strong enough to kill an adult. Parents know this, they get the sickest from what their kids bring home from school, not what their spouses bring home from work (unless they happen to work with kids).

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I picked no shot, no flu. It's the lesser of 2 evils for me, anytime I have gotten a flu shot, a week or so later it feels like I have a nagging head cold that won't go away, stuffed up, sore throat, watery eyes pretty much everything except the fever. That seems to last about a month whereas when I get the flu, I'm out 3 days tops, and really only 1 bad day.

I'll take my chances with the flu, even if it last a week over feeling like crap for a month after getting a flu shot. I don't see why people are so afraid of the flu anyways, the best defense is to catch your local strain & let your immune system run it's course, you get it over with once & you are pretty much safe from getting it again for the rest of flu season.

Kid flu's scare the crap out of me, especially the ones that take out 3-5 year olds for a few days. Think about how much energy a kid that age has; if something can defeat that energy for 2-3 days, it's probably strong enough to kill an adult. Parents know this, they get the sickest from what their kids bring home from school, not what their spouses bring home from work (unless they happen to work with kids).

I travel every week for work & have a wife that works at a school. The past 8-10 years I've gotten a flu shot every year and haven't gotten the flu. I WON"T take my chances with the flu. It's not a good thing to gamble on, especially as I get older.

This is from WebMd:

"Flu Myth #3: The flu vaccine can give you the flu. This is the flu myth most likely to drive experts bonkers. “There is simply no way that the flu vaccine can give you the flu,” says Hay. “It’s impossible.”

Why? For one, injected flu vaccines only contain dead virus, and a dead virus is, well, dead: it can’t infect you. There is one type of live virus flu vaccine, the nasal vaccine, FluMist. But in this case, the virus is specially engineered to remove the parts of the virus that make people sick. Despite the scientific impossibility of getting the flu from the flu vaccines, this widespread flu myth won’t die. Experts suspect two reasons for its persistence. One, people mistake the side effects of the vaccine for flu. While side effects to the vaccine these days tend to be a sore arm, in the past, side effects often felt like mild symptoms of the flu. Two, flu season coincides with a time of year when bugs causing colds and other respiratory illnesses are in the air. Many people get the vaccine and then, within a few days, get sick with an unrelated cold virus. However, they blame the innocent flu vaccine, rather than their co-worker with a runny nose and cough."


Is getting the flu shot going to stop you from getting the flu? No. But it's going to increase the probability that you won't. It won't lower it.

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This is from WebMd:

"Flu Myth #3: The flu vaccine can give you the flu. This is the flu myth most likely to drive experts bonkers. “There is simply no way that the flu vaccine can give you the flu,” says Hay. “It’s impossible.”.

However, minor flu like symptoms are a side affect of the vaccine.

They don't tend to be as bad as the flu, they don't affect most people that get it, and you aren't contagious, but they can happen.

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