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HTTR24-7.com: Why Robert Griffin III Deserved to Win Rookie of the Year


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I knew the response to Robert Griffin III winning AP Offensive Rookie of the Year would be a cause of some frustration, some anger, and some straight-up outrage. It’s just the way the internet works. It’s better when there are thing to be frustrated about.

When it comes to the Washington Redskins and Robert Griffin III, it must seem like the media hype is what pushed him over the edge. Surely, the guy who got hurt and missed a game couldn’t actually be Rookie of the Year! And what about all the talent he had around him? What about the “simple” system he ran?

Just…stop. For one second. Let me explain to you why, to me, Robert Griffin III deserved to win from a team and organization standpoint, and from an individual standpoint.

Click here to read more.

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Well put, NLC. And shame on anyone who can't see he absolutely deserved the award over those other guys, ESPECIALLY if they're Skins fans. To me, it's simple. Robert didn't have a bad game all year. He never cost his team a game or put his team in a bad spot. When we lost, it was because our defense and special teams failed more often than not. When we struggled on offense (pretty much one time), it was because of dropped passes.

No other rookie QB can lay claim to that. Luck constantly put his team in bad situations and Russel Wilson was not asked to do much for well over the first half of the season while his elite Defense and running back carried the load. The critics are simply short-sighted and narrow minded. They either don't have the mental capacity to remember the entire season correctly or just don't want to.

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Well put, LL. And shame on anyone who can't see he absolutely deserved the award over those other guys, ESPECIALLY if they're Skins fans. To me, it's simple. Robert didn't have a bad game all year. He never cost his team a game or put his team in a bad spot. When we lost, it was because our defense and special teams failed more often than not. When we struggled on offense (pretty much one time), it was because of dropped passes.

No other rookie QB can lay claim to that. Luck constantly put his team in bad situations and Russel Wilson was not asked to do much for well over the first half of games with an elite Defense and running back carrying the load.

LL didn't write it. I did.

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I say all that to say this; I still don’t think fans of other teams understand just how bad the Washington Redskins were, especially at the quarterback position. About the depth the team fell to, and the heights to which Robert Griffin III bought the team.

I understand that Andrew Luck helped get his team to the playoffs. I understand that he didn’t have the most talented team. But when you talk about overall impact on a franchise, the Colts’ entire culture, its entire identity didn’t change when Luck showed up. Playoff trips and a high-flying offense and winning were the normal from 1999-on for the Colts. Making the playoffs wasn’t a surprise; it was an expectation. It was damn near an inevitability. They had one bad season. That’s it. The organization simply chose to move on.

This. This is the big point. I've tried to explain this to many fans in this debate, but if you're not a Redskin fan I don't think you can truly understand just how difficult it's been for anyone to turn this team around over the years. Our culture of ineptness has been around so long, has become so ingrained in this team in ways Seattle and Colts fans cannot understand. That Griffin was able to do it, especially after another typical Redskin start over the first nine games, is nothing short of amazing.

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Good article NCL, but I disagree that Griffin was supposed to lead us to the playoffs THIS year. Maybe he had that expectation, but short of a few fans in here, I think most of us were looking for 8-8 while battling for a wild card spot and if we didn't make it, we knew it was a step up from the 5-11 seasons. If we did make it, it was just icing on the cake for most of us. I think all of us were expecting a playoff run in 2013-14 season, but not this year.

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Great article, the first part of it addresses the pro Luck argument by giving the context for RG III. The Luck people for the most part are all about context as opposed to the actual play/numbers -- stuff like Luck didn't play great, but did play great in the last drive in the last quarter and the Colts won, yeah Luck had an easy schedule but he had the worst supporting cast, he isn't the most accurate guy, bad completion % with lots of interceptions but a lot is put on his shoulders so those stats don't really count or matter.

Then with the one stat that is impressive, his total yards -- that's a big deal that one counts because it serves their argument. The funny thing is that stat is easily shot down. If its all about which Qb throws the ball the most -- it means that pass happy coaches like Andy Reid have the best Qbs in the game. And heck it would mean on Thanksgiving for example, Romo sits to pee out played RG III -- yeah RG III was electric but did you see how many times that dude Romo sits to pee threw the ball and he ended up with more yards.

From what I observed the pro Luck ROTY argument is almost entirely about the problems of the 2011 Colts. The funny thing is as pointed out in this article, the 2011 Colts were an aberration. Yeah they gutted the team some but kept a chunk of their big stars and as their old GM Bill Polian said recently, they were helped a great deal by a super easy schedule.

Wayne was a pro bowler again this year. D. Avery was good. They have a good young TE. I can more easily argue that Luck had the better supporting cast especially considering our injuries. Their defense isn't great but they still have Feeney and Mathis and played well enough against their weak schedule.

To argue that the QB who set a rookie record for both QB rating and rushing, and took a losing team to the playoffs beating teams down the stretch like the Giants, Cowboys, Ravens as opposed to the mighty teams Luck beat to clinch, the Chiefs, Jaguars, Titans, Bills -- didn't deserve the honor seems silly.

But I get some people will go there by reflex -- the Colts had the option to take Luck or Rg 3. So they want to reassure themselves they made the right choice. Some draft geeks like Kiper and McShay and talking heads like Clayton and Cowherd swore up and down, almost screaming that Luck is the best player and said it so emphatically -- thereby if RG 3 out plays him, it puts into question their credibility. They set up the game that way. Kiper said Luck is the best prospect since Elway. How can he not by a mile be the best rookie too? Kiper in a Q & A during the season mocked the Redskins WR situation saying if Moss is your top guy you got big problems. After the season when asked about ROTY, Kiper said Luck because he didn't have the supporting cast the Redskins did? Really? It got me to think, you know, they just can't admit that they were wrong. Be one thing if they talked about durability -- they'd have a leg to stand on.

So I think the crying about the ROTY will be mostly driven by this crowd who are more or less acting psychologically what you'd expect of people who actually AREN'T sure with their choice. If they were so secure with the thought that Luck is the better player, why would they care who gets the award?

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I wont even call him RG3 anymore...hes Robert Griffin the 3rd. He isnt just a fancy nickname. He is one of the top NFL Quarterbacks and more than deserved this award.

Thank you for putting together all of those records he broke or tied. That is so awesome to see, but when you watch him play, its totally believeable. I pray we get to watch him week 1, that he is 110% ready to go because anything less would be a bummer. (although i love me some Cousins too and have 100% faith that he can come in after working through training camp as #1 and win us a few games)

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I have a friend whose a Bears fan(I can tolerate the Bears..lol) who congratulated me on RGIII being named ROY...and in the same breath said that "that boy from Indy should've won it..or that one in Seattle"..I told him no way...the right choice was made...I told him he has no idea what RGIII did for this franchise..the depths from which he lifted us..that in itself was worth the award...he never got what I was trying to say...I finally told him.."stop hatin b/c RGIII ain't your QB and you're stuck w/Cutler"..lmao! We moved on to another subject...lol

---------- Post added February-4th-2013 at 10:15 AM ----------

it was always simple to me. Far better numbers... Tougher schedule than luck, many fewer mistakes... Worse defense than seattle and more consistent than wilson....

Impartial voters gave him a 3 to 1 advantage over both. Case closed.


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I posted a response to the article.

Nice work, NLC. He's the man, period.

(Had to tell my husband, as we were watching Matt Ryan throw his 4th interception in a game)...

"Hey, one more and he'll match RGIII's SEASON TOTAL."

I wasn't even told to STFU, cuz he knew I was right.

I love being....correct.

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It was always simple to me. Far better numbers... tougher schedule than Luck, many fewer mistakes... worse defense than Seattle and more consistent than Wilson....

Impartial voters gave him a 3 to 1 advantage over both. Case closed.

you hit the nail on the head...

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I have a friend whose a Bears fan(I can tolerate the Bears..lol) who congratulated me on RGIII being named ROY...and in the same breath said that "that boy from Indy should've won it..or that one in Seattle"..I told him no way...the right choice was made...I told him he has no idea what RGIII did for this franchise..the depths from which he lifted us..that in itself was worth the award...he never got what I was trying to say...I finally told him.."stop hatin b/c RGIII ain't your QB and you're stuck w/Cutler"..lmao! We moved on to another subject...lol

---------- Post added February-4th-2013 at 10:15 AM ----------

RG3 was consistent all year long. From weeks 10-14 Luck threw 10 Interceptions to only 8 TD's.Wilson was only good for the 2nd half of the season and was almost benched! For me RG3 was hands down ROY,and thats not because I am a fan but numbers don't lie.HTTR


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Good write up NLC. I'm looking forward for next season already. He will only get better and improve with more W's as his career goes by.

---------- Post added February-4th-2013 at 11:22 AM ----------

One writer at ESPN said that Wilson should have won it because his numbers were better in the last half of the season.......so, in other words, Wilson is better than a one-legged Griffin. :ols:

That writer is blind. Ask that writer when Russell Wilson posted a perfect passer rating during his rookie campaign. We can wait for that one.

Like I told someone before:

Winning your division as a rookie > clinching a playoff berth.

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Good read NLC, all of your points are 100% correct. It's insane that people believe Griffin III didn't deserve this award, that guy had to do so much to get this team to the playoffs. You can say what you want about Wilson but for the first half of the season he rode the Defense and Running game to success, also a little bit of luck. Luck was the beneficiary of some terrible defenses making him look like some great comeback artist. Griffin was the guy, yeah Morris had a great season, but Griffin was the catalyst that opened up everything else for the rest of the offense.

On the critical side, I would say be sure to proofread your work, or get someone to proof your writing. Because there are a few misspells (including the spelling of player names) that should be atypical of a high-quality blog site.

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I'm still bitter that Wilson won the Pepsi Max Rookie award.

How does Robert win the Pepsi Max weekly award seven times during the season as compared to Wilson's one and lose that to him?

Agree, not bitter but wondering how Wilson won this award with all the times griffin won it. made me wonder if they didnt want griffin to run away will all the honors this year.

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I'm still bitter that Wilson won the Pepsi Max Rookie award.

How does Robert win the Pepsi Max weekly award seven times during the season as compared to Wilson's one and lose that to him?

Fans voted for that one. That's the only explanation for that one. Remember voting was going through the playoffs. That is the only reason, but our rookie got Sporting News and AP Rookie of the year :)

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Yeah, but...


Oh my bad, didn't know playing qb was about running the ball. Or having high % passes when you don't even hardly pass it past the darn line of scrimmage. I want some of this koolaide everybody's drinking.

Vick had an arm...russel had an arm. Try throwing to someone besides your first read. Luck breaking tons and tons of rookie records and help lead his team to 11-5 is just a good year? Lol, what a joke

Alfred Morris > RGIII
I guess playing all the games isn't important. Wilson should have won it
What a bunch of manure

Bobby my team wins 2 games without me throw for 100 yards per game wins ROTY

I hope Bob got his degree, cause he won't be in the NFL long.. At least the skins gave away so many draft picks for him.. Snyder is a smart guy isn't he
Luck joined an awful team from last season and led it to the playoffs--he had a great season for a rookie, but how Wilson didn't get rookie of the year is a mystery. 5 years down the track, we'll be still talking about guys like Luck, Wilson and Kaepernick as stars of the NFL, but RG3 will be in the category of 'what if?'
The media fell in love with RG3 before the season even started. He had the award wrapped up practically before he ever threw a pass. We all know this award is nothing more than a popularity contest and that is the reason why the award went the way it did. I couldn't care less about ROTY, we have Luck and he's the best young QB in football and has the best future, that is all that matters.
Like I said, the award really don't amount to a hill of beans IMO, but if everything were truly taken into account and real football intelligent voters had a vote, then Luck should have won it hands down. RG3 done fine in a gimmiky offense and done way more with his legs than he did with his arm(the way a real QB does). He was a flashy guy that drew the attention of the voters for this.

Wilson done a great job, but he had a great O-line and a great defense that helped him every step of the way. We all knew what Luck had as far as an O-line and a less than decent defense so I won't even get into that. All in all though, Luck is the best of the 3 and has the best future in front of him IMO. So let RG3 reap the rewards of his goofy coach that will eventually put him out of the league.

To be fair, there is actually a good bit of intelligent stuff in that thread too.

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