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How is RGIII? (merged)

Crazed Bengal

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I feel like I'm gonna hurl. It just doesn't make any sense to me that it would be an injury that severe. I guess one can walk on something like that, but it seems like if the injury was that severe, we'd see him carted off or wearing a cast of some sorts. Man, if this is true, there is no doubt this team is cursed.

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Well, I think a prayer is needed here. If you don't believe in God I don't intend to offend you and you can just pass over this post:


We come to you today in a time of need and a time of healing. We know this is just a sports game and is meaningless to the grand scheme in life but above the game we are praying for this young mans health. This guy is a great role model, noble and true. He has glorified you on the biggest stage provided to him by you. Glorified you to the world that is actively trying to bury you. Please have mercy, place your hand on Robert's knee and heal him. We know and understand that things happen for a reason but I just wanted to express our wishes and concerns. If this injury is severe, please be with him as he heals and recovers and give him the strength necessary to come back better than ever. I know we aren't always the people you want us to be but this game brings people together for a common reason that isn't war or anything negative to the soul. Sure we get emotionally invested, maybe more than we should but in our hearts we know the things that are more important in life. Like love, family and health. Please just hear our prayer and heal our QB, heal Robert. Maybe throw a little calming spirit over us fans on the board. I know you see we are going kind of crazy. But we all just want good things for this young man. Football will go on, it'll be there next season, we would just love to have him with us. Love always, I say these things in the name of Jesus Christ. Amen.

Now, all there is to do is wait.

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That's what I was wondering!

Two things blow my mind about this. 1. I thought the brace would stop an ACL from being torn. When I saw the replay of this injury, his knee took a weird turn all the while the brace just sat there. 2. How can he walk so well if both ACL and PCL are blown? I know people are yelling that you can walk on an ACL and I agree, but with both gone, could he walk?

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This borard in comical at times.

It it sometimes, but you have to admit, we gave up quite a bit for RG3 and now he might be gone for a long time if the rumors are true. Can you really blame people for being a little on edge. I know I am.

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Some of you guys are just unreal. Quit sulking.

Seriously. The world isnt ending and everything will be ok. If Griffin is injured for a year, so be it. Cousins can play, this weve all seen. He threw for 365 yards in his first NFL start. I have a LOT of faith in Cousins. Im usually the first one to cry when the Skins lose, but this is something you cant control and cant be sad over. If its true, then let the guy sit out and recover. I honestly feel Cousins can be the next Brady. And Im a Notre Dame fan so I HATE Michigan State. But I know the kid can play.

Griffin was great, yes, this is true. But lets try to look at it in a positive way. Kirk plays in a traditional NFL offense, and he might be the next Brady/Rodgers/Manning etc; I actually feel he could be the best QB in the NFC East next year.

Regardless, the people here who are acting like its the worst thing ever, chill. If hes out for a year, it sucks, but hes not freaking dead, he will be back in 2014.

Why think that way, when all of this could have been avoided if Mike took him out the game or better yet if the medical staff did their job and realized he has been hobbled since the Ravens game. Why have them on staff if they can't do their job right. Stupid decisions tend to hurt a team more then they magically help a team.
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Come on Smoot, don't do me like that. :(

Smoot sounded like he was full of crap, and specifically said that he had NOT talked to anyone in the building. He said he'd heard "whispers" whatever that means. But he said nothing confirmed at all. So the report that he's spoken to people in the building is wrong.

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