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ES Coverage & Interactive Game Day Thread: 2012 Redskins vs Browns (Final)


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We're going to need a great performance from our receivers today. I still expect us to win this game but it is going to be a complete slugfest to the end imo. Both are very young and hungry teams that likely view this game as a very defining moment. I'm as excited for this game as any we've had this year because it is going to say a lot about our character and how we approach adversity. Give the heart we've played with the last 4 weeks, I expect nothing less than a victory today, no matter how it comes about.

Edit: I'm also very interested to see if Niles Paul continues to return kickoffs with Banks inactive and his fumble last week. It's obviously the expectation but we will see.

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well they have a point.. they beat the Steelers and heard the same thing because Batch.

A) They haven't won yet. 2) The Ravens lost to Charlie Batch. III) A win is a win.

I just thought it was funny to already talk yourself out of feeling good about a win before the game was even played. Seems like such a Browns thing to do.

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Because it worked out for us so bad in Dallas on Thanksgiving? ;)

No! I just don't like it. I like the Burgundy jerseys better :D

---------- Post added December-16th-2012 at 11:57 AM ----------

We can play nearly butt ass naked with a red ribbon protecting our modesty. It doesn't matter. It will be a WINNING combination whatever.

Just smile, wave and roll with it Dave. We're on a mission!


Look here Francis! I'm scared alright, and I have NO alcohol. I'm NOT in a good place right now :(

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A) They haven't won yet. 2) The Ravens lost to Charlie Batch. III) A win is a win.

I just thought it was funny to already talk yourself out of feeling good about a win before the game was even played. Seems like such a Browns thing to do.

You're right - they haven't won yet and a Batch lead Steelers team did beat the Ravens and as always a win is a win... Im sure they would be happy with a win but my point was that they have heard how their last three wins don't mean much because of who they have played... thus Im not surprised by that opinion you heard.

Think about what we will say if we get the win... we will say we won even without RG...

Its going to be a tough game.. Browns are favored by 4 at this point.

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Think of it this way:

Whenever they beamed down to a planet, the guy in the red shirt always got killed.

We're in white,no worries!! :silly:

Epic StarTrek humor. We're golden here. :thumbsup:

---------- Post added December-16th-2012 at 10:12 AM ----------

2 more games and however far the coming playoff run goes he no longer will be man.


I guess there's noone better to put on the 53. He could be so explosive but the guy looks like he can't make up his mind out there

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Hey guys.....Good Luck to Cousins....watching the REdskins pre-game show, and just had an interview with Cousins father. It sounds like Cousins has prepared well for the game, but he has not played significant time in a game this season outside of the pre-season. Could have some timing issues with the WR's. I predict a healthy dose of #46.

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I am thoroughly surprised Griffin isn't even active. The way he was practicing, I wouldn't have been surprised if he didn't start, but was suited up on the sidelines just in case.

Having him inactive means that either: A) injury is worse than anyone was letting on, or B) Cousins killed it in practice this week and Kyle is 100% confident he's going to light up the stadium.

Really hoping it's the latter.

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Hey TK,

I hope you see this.

After being a member on this board for 7 years you gave me "NNT". There was no other thread discussing it, no explanation and all you said was "Hi There :)"

I can't even send you a PM to resolve the matter privately.

7 years....Absolutely disgraceful.

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Hey TK,

I hope you see this.

After being a member on this board for 7 years you gave me "NNT". There was no other thread discussing it, no explanation and all you said was "Hi There :)"

I can't even send you a PM to resolve the matter privately.

7 years....Absolutely disgraceful.

You don't think this (http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?375506-A-backup-tightend-is-the-best-kickoff-returner-we-can-put-on-the-field) warrants it? That's the definition of a badly "put together" (if you can call it that), horribly timed, unnecessary, self-indulgent thread that contributes nothing, and on game day to boot.

You show a deep history of self-serving threads. Not to be too harsh, but look at the titles.

"Can anyone make..."

"So how many picks do we have...."

"NFL.com videos not playing..."

"Need quick help, need some replies..."

"Advice on..."

"Grade my fantasy team please!"

"Help me find this on the Internet!"

Dating back to 2009, you kind of use this place as your own personal sounding board. Which is fine, it's a message board. And I'm not a mod. I'm just saying that when you look at all of that, and throw one last self-indulgent tantrum thread on top...it's doesn't take a brain surgeon to figure it out.

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