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The Veep Debate


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I love how little facts/substance matters to some people. Romney was tough and aggressive despite lying all night and it was great. Biden was tough and aggressive while correcting the record and he was a HUGE jerk for smiling. Mean old Joe Biden. It's all about the style when you can't win on facts.

You are implying facts/substance don't matter to many of us saying Biden's behavior was douchelord-like...and that's not true. :)

And Mitt's constant interrupting of Jim Lehrer and frequently going well beyond his planned time wasn't being an *******?

It was exactly that process that soundly "won" Mitt Romney the last debate. He was tough and aggressive and respectful; he was a jerk for most of the debate.

I just think it's interesting that Romney certainly wasn't "polite and respectful" last week, but what was a positive for Romney is a negative for Biden.

Yeah, if you can't see the difference in behavior between Romney and Biden in these debates, I can't help you :)

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Do people here think that Romney was just like Biden in




There was a MARKED difference here....

Nobody would accuse Romney of being disrespectful during his debate

Biden on the other hand was actively trying to intimidate Ryan AND the moderator....and came across as a total jerk

Sorry people....there is no equivalency on this point

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Do people here think that Romney was just like Biden in




There was a MARKED difference here....

Nobody would accuse Romney of being disrespectful during his debate

Biden on the other hand was actively try to intimidate Ryan AND the moderator....and came across as a total jerk

Sorry people....there is no equivalency on this point

Substance > Politeness.

If you're voting on people based on how polite they are you shouldn't vote.

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No...there are actually a lot of people out there who are not impressed with over the top bullying/patronizing antics. His antics were so ridiculous, I suspect they will turn many people off to even listening to the content of what he\\\'s saying.

My roommate and I were watching the debate (she\\\'s undecided/I\\\'m not), and she left the TV and went upstairs and read a book. Biden\\\'s antics (particularly in the beginning) pissed her off so much, she couldn\\\'t handle watching any more of the debate. We were both disgusted, but she completely tuned out.

I\\\'m going to try and say this without sounding like an ass: anyone at this point in the game who still doesn\\\'t know who they\\\'re voting for is either lying or shouldn\\\'t be voting in the first place. Maybe, she tuned out because her interest in politics is slim to none.

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Do people here think that Romney was just like Biden in




There was a MARKED difference here....

Nobody would accuse Romney of being disrespectful during his debate

Biden on the other hand was actively trying to intimidate Ryan AND the moderator....and came across as a total jerk

Sorry people....there is no equivalency on this point

I'd rather someone rudely interrupt with facts than politely lie to my face.

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I\\\'m going to try and say this without sounding like an ass: anyone at this point in the game who still doesn\\\'t know who they\\\'re voting for is either lying or shouldn\\\'t be voting in the first place. Maybe, she tuned out because her interest in politics is slim to none.

You failed. :)

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