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Chiefs fans cheering Matt Cassel getting knocked out of the game...

the burgundy and gold

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For those who didn't see, Chiefs fans cheered when Matt Cassell got knocked out of the game from a hit and Brady Quinn replaced him. An offensive lineman on the Chiefs (who is not well known outside of die-hard NFL fans, don't recall his name off the top of my head but he's a legit player in the league for sure.) went on a wild rant to the media after the game about how disgusted he was with the Chiefs fans for cheering a player being injured regardless of who the player was or how poorly they're doing, not too mention it was the franchise QB.

Do you agree that the fans were wrong to boo a player getting knocked out by injury if he's playing poorly?

Did anyone else see the NFL Network Gameday Postgame show with Michael Irvin, Marshall Faulk and Deion Sanders, in which they discussed this issue? I was very surprised/disgusted by their answers.

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They werent cheering the fact that he was injured. They were cheering the fact that Cassel would no longer be playing. The fans there have been begging for someone/anyone besides Cassel to get a shot and a mild concussion - Cassel was up and walking off in no time - gave them that opportunity.

Also, Eric Winston is a self-righteous bum who is trying to deflect the attention away from the abysmal performance of him and his teammates onto anything possible...in this case, the fans. Watch the replay, Winston is the RT on that play and his man is the guy who gets the sack. It's his 5th game as a Chief and he has the gall to call out the fans?!? I call bull****. Winston will be out of the league by this time next year, Cassel will be riding a bench somewhere else and tens of thousands of life-long Chiefs fans will be shelling out tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege to support their team however they see fit.

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They werent cheering the fact that he was injured. They were cheering the fact that Cassel would no longer be playing. The fans there have been begging for someone/anyone besides Cassel to get a shot and a mild concussion - Cassel was up and walking off in no time - gave them that opportunity.

Also, Eric Winston is a self-righteous bum who is trying to deflect the attention away from the abysmal performance of him and his teammates onto anything possible...in this case, the fans. Watch the replay, Winston is the RT on that play and his man is the guy who gets the sack. It's his 5th game as a Chief and he has the gall to call out the fans?!? I call bull****. Winston will be out of the league by this time next year, Cassel will be riding a bench somewhere else and tens of thousands of life-long Chiefs fans will be shelling out tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege to support their team however they see fit.

Wrong on a few counts here.

1.) He didn't give up a sack, it was a pass that was completed, you can't have a completion and a sack at the same time.

2.) If hes at RT, his defender wasn't the first guy to hit Cassel either. The LT or LG (hard to see from the video I saw) was the one who had the first hit on Cassel.

I don't care how bad someone is doing, or how excited you are for a backup to come into the game, its just philly-esque to be a big enough scumbag to cheer while a guy likely has a head injury and is being held in place on the ground by training staff. If this was Grossman and RGIII was behind him, i'd be just as disgusted at fellow redskins fans.

I also don't see Winston trying to push the talk away from the lines play. He even said hes fine with someone telling him he sucks, or that he needs to protect his QB. I don't see anything wrong with what he said, and I'd be happy to have a guy like that morally on a football team who's not going to stand around and let fans treat a player like crap.

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Wrong on a few counts here.

1.) He didn't give up a sack, it was a pass that was completed, you can't have a completion and a sack at the same time.

2.) If hes at RT, his defender wasn't the first guy to hit Cassel either. The LT or LG (hard to see from the video I saw) was the one who had the first hit on Cassel.

I don't care how bad someone is doing, or how excited you are for a backup to come into the game, its just philly-esque to be a big enough scumbag to cheer while a guy likely has a head injury and is being held in place on the ground by training staff. If this was Grossman and RGIII was behind him, i'd be just as disgusted at fellow redskins fans.

I also don't see Winston trying to push the talk away from the lines play. He even said hes fine with someone telling him he sucks, or that he needs to protect his QB. I don't see anything wrong with what he said, and I'd be happy to have a guy like that morally on a football team who's not going to stand around and let fans treat a player like crap.

1) Ok, not a sack but a hit. Thanks for the critical semantics analysis.

2) Winstons guy is the one who hits Cassel up high. Watch the play and take note of Winston getting completely annihilated on the play.


Also, listen carefully and try to discern when/if the crowd is cheering for which of these specific things:

The 25 yd catch and run. One of their best plays of the day.

The realization that Cassell is down.

The realization that Brady Quinn, who the fans there have been clamoring for, is about to enter the game.

You can't and neither can Eric "Blind Side" Winston. Winston's entire tone during the interview is passive-aggressive crap..."I've come to the realization that I'm gonna die young because I play this game"...He is building a straw man - The KC fans are bloodthirsty, petulant monsters - to distract from the fact that the Chiefs stink, Cassell should have been benched long ago and Winston got crushed on the play/crushed all year long.

Cassell will be fine. No stretcher, no cart, no blood. Yes, a few drunken fans - say 2000 out of 80000 in the stadium - probably were cheering at the injury. But that's hardly a reason to indict the entire fan base - note how many times Winston says "those people/you people" - especially when there is no way that he could have accurately determined who was cheering for what or when. It is self-serving and counter-productive to the whole concept of team.

Winston should have grabbed the mic and apologized for letting his QB get hammered. Instead, he gets up in his ivory tower and attacks the fan base? That's just ridiculous.

Oh, you may be wondering why I called him "Blind Side" when he plays right tackle? Ask left-hander Matt Leinart. Poor Matt didn't even make it through one half with the great Eric Winston protecting him. and that's why the Texans cut him.

Got something meaningful to say about poor fan behavior? Start a thread about it. But, to defend and buy into the garbage that Winston is shoveling is just foolish.

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They werent cheering the fact that he was injured. They were cheering the fact that Cassel would no longer be playing. The fans there have been begging for someone/anyone besides Cassel to get a shot and a mild concussion - Cassel was up and walking off in no time - gave them that opportunity.

So they weren't cheering because he was hurt, they were cheering because what his getting hurt meant for them. Well in that case who can argue that they aren't classy folk? :ols:

BTW - it meant Brady Quinn. Cheering for that is wrong no matter what the reason may be.

Also, Eric Winston is a self-righteous bum who is trying to deflect the attention away from the abysmal performance of him and his teammates onto anything possible...in this case, the fans. Watch the replay, Winston is the RT on that play and his man is the guy who gets the sack. It's his 5th game as a Chief and he has the gall to call out the fans?!? I call bull****. Winston will be out of the league by this time next year, Cassel will be riding a bench somewhere else and tens of thousands of life-long Chiefs fans will be shelling out tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege to support their team however they see fit.

There are very few people in the world mentally fast and devious enough to do what you are proposing here. I don't believe for a second that Winston decided to attack the fans because he was afraid someone might notice his own poor play. I think he got emotional and lost his damn mind... insulting the fans, right or wrong, never works out well in the long run.

Also note that Winston was considered amongst the best Right Tackles available this offseason and has started 92 of his 97 games in the NFL since being drafted by the Texans. He's not some starry eyed unproven player lucky to still have a job and I very much doubt he'll be out of the league next season unless his fan comments destroy his image.

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They werent cheering the fact that he was injured. They were cheering the fact that Cassel would no longer be playing. The fans there have been begging for someone/anyone besides Cassel to get a shot and a mild concussion - Cassel was up and walking off in no time - gave them that opportunity.

Also, Eric Winston is a self-righteous bum who is trying to deflect the attention away from the abysmal performance of him and his teammates onto anything possible...in this case, the fans. Watch the replay, Winston is the RT on that play and his man is the guy who gets the sack. It's his 5th game as a Chief and he has the gall to call out the fans?!? I call bull****. Winston will be out of the league by this time next year, Cassel will be riding a bench somewhere else and tens of thousands of life-long Chiefs fans will be shelling out tens of thousands of dollars for the privilege to support their team however they see fit.

You have absolutely no idea what you are talking about and you're ridiculous statements about Eric Winston proves it. You don't cheer an injury, period. Trying to justify it by saying they were cheering because he was out of the game and not because he was knocked out is laughable.

Eric Winston wasn't cut because of poor play. He was considered by many here in Houston to be the 2nd best lineman on the best offensive line in football and an all around good guy. He was cut because the Texans were in salary cap hell and had no choice.

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Personally, I appreciate winstons comments.

At the end of the day this is a game.

With all of the fantasy football these days, i think people look at these guys as "pawns", forgetting the fact that they are people just like you and me.

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No way kc has 80k seat stadium


And yea, I think this Winston guy is using this as a way to complain about the general disdain for Cassel lately. A pseudo "that's my quarterback" situation.

And let's face it, football IS a modern gladiator event. That's exactly what it is. No one's ever actually died in front of the fans at Arrowhead Stadium, so no one's going to start gasping and praying when the QB stays down for a minute. They just figure he was just knocked out. Being knocked out isn't some 'oh, oh my god this is so serious, everyone shut up and be serious' situation. I've been knocked out. The room didn't go silent for me. And I wasn't wearing pads or a helmet.

But if, indeed, people we're cheering like "YES GET HIM OUT OF HERE", that's pretty lame. Not deserving of some condescending life lesson though. Winston says "I get the backup is the popular QB, I get it, I get it", then he should GET that unhappy fans are cheering the notion that there is going to be a change at QB. I would say they're not cheering Cassel's pain, but they kind of are. Every player is feeling some pain through the game, and we cheer louder the bigger the hit is; modern day gladiators.

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Also, listen carefully and try to discern when/if the crowd is cheering for which of these specific things:

The 25 yd catch and run. One of their best plays of the day.

The realization that Cassell is down.

The realization that Brady Quinn, who the fans there have been clamoring for, is about to enter the game.

If its the last then you wait for the injured player to stand up, and get off the field. You have really only presented one acceptable option.

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