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Chiefs fans cheering Matt Cassel getting knocked out of the game...

the burgundy and gold

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1) Ok, not a sack but a hit. Thanks for the critical semantics analysis.

2) Winstons guy is the one who hits Cassel up high. Watch the play and take note of Winston getting completely annihilated on the play.


Also, listen carefully and try to discern when/if the crowd is cheering for which of these specific things:

The 25 yd catch and run. One of their best plays of the day.

The realization that Cassell is down.

The realization that Brady Quinn, who the fans there have been clamoring for, is about to enter the game.

You can't and neither can Eric "Blind Side" Winston. Winston's entire tone during the interview is passive-aggressive crap..."I've come to the realization that I'm gonna die young because I play this game"...He is building a straw man - The KC fans are bloodthirsty, petulant monsters - to distract from the fact that the Chiefs stink, Cassell should have been benched long ago and Winston got crushed on the play/crushed all year long.

Cassell will be fine. No stretcher, no cart, no blood. Yes, a few drunken fans - say 2000 out of 80000 in the stadium - probably were cheering at the injury. But that's hardly a reason to indict the entire fan base - note how many times Winston says "those people/you people" - especially when there is no way that he could have accurately determined who was cheering for what or when. It is self-serving and counter-productive to the whole concept of team.

Winston should have grabbed the mic and apologized for letting his QB get hammered. Instead, he gets up in his ivory tower and attacks the fan base? That's just ridiculous.

Oh, you may be wondering why I called him "Blind Side" when he plays right tackle? Ask left-hander Matt Leinart. Poor Matt didn't even make it through one half with the great Eric Winston protecting him. and that's why the Texans cut him.

Got something meaningful to say about poor fan behavior? Start a thread about it. But, to defend and buy into the garbage that Winston is shoveling is just foolish.

excellent breakdown. nuff said. I agree wholeheartedly

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I am pretty sure we once cheered when Campbell went down in a game.

That was the Bears game in 2007. I was there. Nobody cheered.

---------- Post added October-9th-2012 at 06:18 AM ----------

Or the same fans that booed RGIII and the offense off the field at halftime just this past Sunday.

Yeah, seriously. Only those people at home can "WTF?" it. In the stands you have to be supportive of everything.

I'm sure that you were thanking the Lord that we ran the swinging gate twice, right?

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Sports fanatics are an intolerable lot and the worst of us/those have all kinds of rationalizations to justify why we/they feel it's ok to think or act the way we do. It's gone beyond entertainment to a "need" to have our lives fulfilled by our sports team, I guess.

I remember a couple of years ago watching a soccer game that was on the field we were playing on next. One team (10-11y/os) was crushing another team and with each goal they scored, players and parents went crazy. At one point, losing team's keeper came out to stop a simple shot and actually let it through his legs and into the goal. Parents & players went crazy like it was the winning world cup goal, celebrating what had to be their 7th or 8th goal, even though it was obviously a mistake made by the other player. No surprise this doesn't transfer up to incidents like Cassel/KC fans.

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This whole thing has gotten way out of proportion; damn ESPN. The cheers were directed towards Jamal Charles after his beast run for a first down.

Several KC fans also mentioned that Dwayne Bowe was waiving his arms in the air in a show of respect for Matt Cassell as he walked off the field under his own power.

Man I hate 24/7 news, they always have to manufacture controversy for material.

Oh and F Eric Winston, man up and admit you made a mistake.

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Or were they booing the decision to sit on the ball by Shanahan?

Thought we won and lost as a team? Oh I was WTFing too the decision, but only because they weren't kneeling and were burning TO. We have struggled in the 2 minute drill before half and with 30 secs left chances are best hope is a 45+ yard miss from Cundiff. So maybe let's cheer our team at half, the team that was tied with an undefeated team only giving up 10pts when everyone, including myself, expected our D to get toasted all day. Booing our team at home has worked out real well for us, we are sub 500 at FedEx.

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Personally, I appreciate winstons comments.

At the end of the day this is a game.

With all of the fantasy football these days, i think people look at these guys as "pawns", forgetting the fact that they are people just like you and me.

Stop using Fantasy Football as an excuse for fans behaviors. Such a tired argument and it has absolutely no bearing on why these people cheered. Basically what you are saying is, 80K people cheered for his injury so they can win the Fantasy Football game? Knock it off with that. I swear the anti-fantasy football crowd always brings up this lame ass excuse.

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This whole thing has gotten way out of proportion; damn ESPN. The cheers were directed towards Jamal Charles after his beast run for a first down.

Several KC fans also mentioned that Dwayne Bowe was waiving his arms in the air in a show of respect for Matt Cassell as he walked off the field under his own power.

Man I hate 24/7 news, they always have to manufacture controversy for material.

Oh and F Eric Winston, man up and admit you made a mistake.

I agree with this. Winston just amde a fool of himself. Watch the video, when the stadium announcer says, "injury timeout", the crowd is totally silent. Up until then, they were cheering a positive play, probably not even noticing Cassel behind the play.

But even if thats not the case, Ive heard KC fans when they cheer. Trust me, you ****ing know it when they're cheering, the dead know when they're cheering. I had to watch the video twice to even hear the so-called cheers. What a ridiculous freak-out by Winston.

And that phrase, "you people", thems fighting words. Way to insult everybody for a perceived slight that probably didnt even happen. You know what really shortens life-spans -- living in a city like Kansas City. And unlike your profession, Mr. Winston, it also reduces quality of life -- I should know, I lved in Philly :-)

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