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Per Weather.com: It's gonna be wet on Sunday 10/27 v. ATL. Does this give us an advantage?


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October 7th 2012

55 degrees

70 percent chance of rain

Wind: N @ 7 MPH

There's been a lot of optimism going around this board (and I've been loving every second of it!) that the Redskins will beat ATL on Sunday. But realistically speaking, our secondary is just gonna be unable to keep up with their Matty Ice, White, Jones, and Gonzalez. And the only way we win is if RGIII can make enough throws to keep up. But what if it's raining hard enough that ATL can't throw like we know they can?

Both teams have an established running game but I think the Redskins have more options running the ball. The Redskins also have the 10th best run defence and the Falcons have the 29th.

Mother Nature may have just given us a massive advantage hear guys.

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Rain is the enemy of the defense not the offense. Good QBs are relatively unaffected by rain. I doubt it will affect Ryan at all. Especially since they are just calling for periods of light rain. This is a much bigger problem for our defensive backs. Receivers know where they are going. Defensive backs have to react quickly which increases their chance of slipping on the "real" turf. We don't want rain, guys.

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Weather favors the passing game.

When it's slick, the receivers in open field have a major advantage in that they know their move and when they'll cut, while DBs and LBs do not.

Down inside in the running game it's all the same.

I think this is a game Robert should direct from the pocket. Ryan will likely give him a good show as to how.


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I watched Robert Griffin play UT in pouring rain last year. The second play of the game was a 60 yard TD strike. He destroyed Texas' highly ranked defense and ran all over the field.

The rain didn't seem to effect his athletic style at all. So that is good. :)

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Unless it's going to be fierce winds to go along with the rain, Ryan and co. shouldn't be effected much at all.


Even with Julio Jones hand that has the laceration? I would think it would be harder for him to catch the ball with all that water dancing on his wound.

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I'm more concerned about Morris' ball security with sloppy conditions.

I'm not familiar with his history in college on weather and ball control, but if he played in Florida he should be somewhat familiar, right?

But then again, the Falcons haven't played in the elements yet either, so their passing attack should be to our advantage...


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We have had issues in the rain before. The last game we played in the rain, if I remember correctly, was Tampa Bay in 2010. It wasn't pouring but it dampened the field. Roddy slipped a time or two and Ryan did appear to have some grip issues. With that said, I have seen people slip many times when covering Julio in dry conditions and he wasn't around for that 2010 game, so that may not bode well for the Skins D. I could be incorrect about this but I don't think rain is advantage offense necessarily. I do hope I am wrong because if we are forced to play a rushing game with the Redskins it does hurt our chances.

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