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Per Weather.com: It's gonna be wet on Sunday 10/27 v. ATL. Does this give us an advantage?


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Awww Crap!!! I don't mind the 55 degrees, but I absolutely hate sitting at a game getting soaking wet. This is where I wish we had overhangs. I saw 65 with 30% chance on Tuesday. Now 2 days later it's 10 degrees cooler (don't mind) and 40% more chance of rain. Dammit.

Get some cool ponchos like I have :) Actually got them years ago off of qvc, they are thick and durable...have never seen them again any where sorry hehe

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Rain is the enemy of the defense not the offense. Good QBs are relatively unaffected by rain. I doubt it will affect Ryan at all. Especially since they are just calling for periods of light rain. This is a much bigger problem for our defensive backs. Receivers know where they are going. Defensive backs have to react quickly which increases their chance of slipping on the "real" turf. We don't want rain, guys.

Idk, when a QB plays 9 games a year in a dome I would tend to think that 55 and raining would effect his passing. Depends on the wind too

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From my experience in playing and coaching, the only way the rain will hurt the Falcons passing game is if it's pouring rain for all 4 quarters. Then it's a problem not only for a slick ball but because of visibility. Though at that time, Turner, being a power back, is a more favorable back because of the system than Morris would be, again because of the system. However if it's just light to medium showers, deep passes might be limited, but short and medium routes will be fine.

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Awww Crap!!! I don't mind the 55 degrees, but I absolutely hate sitting at a game getting soaking wet. This is where I wish we had overhangs. I saw 65 with 30% chance on Tuesday. Now 2 days later it's 10 degrees cooler (don't mind) and 40% more chance of rain. Dammit.

I hope it changes. I bought lower level seat to take pics, it may be a waste of money

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Wasn't it raining back when we played Atlanta in the famous seat cushion in the NFC playoffs where Rypien and the boys destroyed Deion and his punk team in 1992?

They need to hand out seat cushions on Sunday. Hell, it's the 20 year anniversary of that win.


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weather does not have anything to do with how a team plays. the players have to execute the plays to win. doesnt matter if its raining, snowing, or sunny. it wont help if the team isnt executing plays.

huh? Weather absoluely has an effect on a team. You just performed a well executed Madden call. "Ya see, the team that scores more points than their opponent tend to win games!" --you are stating the obvious when you say players need to execute plays.

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Anyone remember that Frank Herzog line from the 91 yearbook..."a cold and rainy day at RFK, the high flying Falcons come to town.....so what happens if these birds can't fly?......(crazy-eyed face).....THEY'RE GONNA DIE!!!!! HAHAHAHA! THEY'RE GONNA DIE!!!!!!"

*An approximation, I can't remember it and I can't find the clip...busy.

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Latest from NWS stating that temps Sunday will be drastically cooler than Saturday, a more than 20 degree difference, coupled with a +70% chance of cold rain showers, quarter to a half an inch. So not a lot of rain, but much cooler weather than what either the Falcons or Skins have been used to, with no time the day before to adjust or acclimate. And we all know how that first cooler day feels in the fall, especially after the tropical balmy weather of the past week - 50-55F is gonna feel a whole lot more like 40-45, and even colder when you're wet and muddy. Should be interesting!

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weather does not have anything to do with how a team plays. the players have to execute the plays to win. doesnt matter if its raining, snowing, or sunny. it wont help if the team isnt executing plays.

I think Tony Romo sits to pee would disagree, dude is pathetic in cold weather, always looking for the heater when the offense comes off the field. Hell he's pathetic in warm weather so really doesnt matter..

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I would think a lot of rain would screw up our option game.

It's hard enough to execute all those pitches and drawn-out zone read handoffs without a slick ball.

We'll see.

This is high school and not even close to the speed and level of competition in the NFL, but back in 09 in a playoff game my school was playing in cold, muddy conditions. We ran the triple option almost exclusively and had at least 5 fumbles in that game. A slick ball/hands definitely had an affect on the outcome. So i'd say its a pretty reasonable assumption that the option game is harder to operate effectively in slick conditions.

I don't think zone read would be quite as affected as the pitch game, so I'd hope if it's a rainy game we stick to handoffs and minimize the pitches.RG3 has had a few slip-ups in the option game fumbling pitches in dry conditions if memory serves.

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