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Funny REAL Names


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Got some time to waste? Excellent. Pull up a stool and share with us the best funny, odd, or quirky real names you've encountered. Wait! I said "pull UP a stool," not.....nevermind. :silly:

(Please link to your entries when possible!)

I submit:

Former Phillipines' church leader, Cardinal Sin.

Professor Anil Dik****, Indian Institute of Technology.

Unlucky Brits include: Justin Case, Terry Bull, Barb Dwyer and Stan Still.

And no links, but in my home town reside Edith and Harry Dick, Bill Derryberry, and down the road in Hagerstown, there is actually a "Dr. Toothman."

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Waht I can never get past in situations like this, is why parents choose to subject their children to a life of shame/embarrasment by giving them this weird names.

Some of them are unwitting, I'm sure. Or the names don't have the same meaning in one country as they do in another, as in the case of Mr. Dik****. :ols: But still...some are just evil, pure and simple.

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Former Redskins QB Dick Shiner.

I actually knew Dick for a while,, we worked together on a sales job for about 6 weeks. He was one HELL of a lot of fun. He had some great stories.

Once I was bent over picking up something I dropped, and he slapped his hands right up under my crotch and started barking signals...RED 47! RED 47! right in someone's driveway.. I was laughing pretty hard.


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I lived in Greenbelt, Md - Springhill Lake Apartments back in the late 70's (as a kid)....I knew guy named Hercules Pitts.....then in 1990 a guy applied at the movie theater I worked at in High School, our manager came up and said "you won’t guess the name of this guy who just applied for a job"....I said "Hercules Pitts".....manager said GTFO, no way!!!1

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when i lived in calif... my wife's boss' name was L o n g Y a n g. HIS boss' name was D i c k J o h n s o n.

NOBODY batted an eyelash or would EVER admit that it was funny. Ever. Even when they were drunk. I felt like i was on the truman show, or something.

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I know a Richard Small. He's 6' 5". One of the nicest guys I know.

I also know a Thomas Jefferson. He works with Richard Small.

Haha. Wow.

Reminds me of a guy I used to work with at the PD, whose name was Robbie Dick. He was also about 6'5''.

Right after I started working for the department, my wife and I were out and about and decided to stop by the station and pick up my paycheck.

I asked her if she wanted to come in and meet some of the guys. She said she didn't have her makeup on, etc, and would come in another time.

I said, "OK, if you don't want to see a six-and-a-half-foot ****, suit yourself."

She parked the car and came in. :ols:

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I also once got arrested for drunk in public with a boy named t - o - m --- S - a -w - y - e - r

When the police asked for my name (first)... i said my name was Huck Finn... nad then IMMEDIATELY said...just kidding and gave my real name.

the officer was not amused.

the officer was even less amused when Tom (who was much more drunk than i was) gave his name. repeatedly.

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I also once got arrested for drunk in public with a boy named t - o - m --- S - a -w - y - e - r

When the police asked for my name (first)... i said my name was Huck Finn... nad then IMMEDIATELY said...just kidding and gave my real name.

the officer was not amused.

the officer was even less amused when Tom (who was much more drunk than i was) gave his name. repeatedly.

That's evil, yo. :ols: :ols: :ols:

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