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Our QB is taking the wrong kind of LUMPS!


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OMG to funny.

I'm not saying don't let him be RG3. I'm saying don't design plays to get him killed. It's not rocket science.

Smurf, the point is you have to let the kid be himself. We cant put bubble wrap around him and not let him do what he does. The issue is as redskin fans we dont remember what it is like to have a franchise qb and we are all afraid he is going to get hurt. We have to trust the coaches and RG3 himself to know whats best. This kid can take more hits than we are all giving him credit for. if you ever watched him in college he would take a beating at baylor and still get up and kill it. I would rather him go down playing full speed ahead than get hurt holding it back.

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RGIII is certainly living up to the hype. He is as advertised. However, most football fans understand that a rookie quarterback has to take his lumps during the early part of his career. We expect them to throw picks, look lost at times, make bad reads, scramble when they they should've thrown the ball away, etc, etc, etc.....

When we drafted RGIII most pundits and posters on this board said Shanahan's ego would get in the way and he would not tailor his offense to fit the way RGIII plays. Most said that Shanahan would force RGIII to fit into his system and that this would hurt the team and RGIII's development.

Now that Shanahan has basically done the exact opposite, he is getting blasted for it. Shanahan has completely tailored this offense around what RGIII does best. If Shanahan was running his past offense and RGIII was throwing the interceptions/making bad decisions. People would be calling for Shanahan's head for not changing the offense to fit RGIII.

Just my thoughts.

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When we drafted RGIII most pundits and posters on this board said Shanahan's ego would get in the way and he would not tailor his offense to fit the way RGIII plays. Most said that Shanahan would force RGIII to fit into his system and that this would hurt the team and RGIII's development.

Now that Shanahan has basically done the exact opposite, he is getting blasted for it. Shanahan has completely tailored this offense around what RGIII does best. If Shanahan was running his past offense and RGIII was throwing the interceptions/making bad decisions. People would be calling for Shanahan's head for not changing the offense to fit RGIII.

Just my thoughts.

You're probably right, but everyone criticizes when you lose.

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so you would remove a portion of the offense that can score points? that makes no sense, if we dont run the triple option or at least have the threat of the triple option the offense isnt as effective. we gave up a kings ransom to aquire rg3, he has a specific set of skills no other qb in the league has. explain to me why we shouldnt use those skills to the fullest. Its a game of football where grown men tackle and hit each other, i would rather him take a hit while running than take a shot like vick took yesterday at the end of the 1st half.

Because that's just crazy. No way should we have drafted RGII to run the freeaking option. This is the NFL not NCAA, where the option belongs. If they want to be creative they should install the wing-T, aka the wildcat. This is a serious option to keep defenses off balance, with him running, passing, lining him up as wide out, etc.... The triple option is a free pass for any linebacker to decleat him as his responsibilty is to the qb. We ran vere in high school, I know how it works. QB has to sell it upfield or it doesn't work = MONSTER HITS. LET HIM PASS

---------- Post added September-24th-2012 at 10:38 PM ----------


Shanahan on Griffin III's carries: "You keep putting yourself in 3rd-and-long, and your QB is going to take some shots out there."

This is pretty evident

Shanahan on Griffin III: "He's not afraid of anything...He's going to do what he thinks he needs to do to win."

This makes me feel soooooo much better. I'm starting to waver on my support of Shanahan. I'd trust RG3 more dropping back and avoiding hits with ability to scramble and take off with defenders ruinning downfield in coverage then option right/left.

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First of all, I don't like option in the first place, even in college I think it is more often than not ineffective and dangerous. How many times did we see RG3 pitch it to Brandon Banks to see either 1. RG3 get absolutely murdered 2. Banks almost dropping it 3. a 4 yard gain at best?

Kyle needs to let RG3 throw, completely normal because believe it or not, RG3 is a phenomenal passer. RG3 throws like, what? 20 times a game max?

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No, Shanahan may want to win for job security, but He knows like everyone else knows that he is married to Griffin. If Griffin gets hurt, so does Shanahan. I will say though, drafting a Tackle instead of Cousins seems like a pretty decent idea at the moment.

Pretty decent idea? It was the only idea and the only option versus the luxury pick that we took with cousins instead. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan or cousins, but what is the long term plan for him? There isn't one. It was a completely wasted pick on the thought that RG gets hurt but we still have to play Rex first. So long term is we drafted a career back up over a potential eventual starter. Makes perfect scence to me. Every one in and out of Washington knew how bad we needed o-line help to help our very costly investment. But yet again, with a different regime, it was blatantly ignored. Another massive need was and still is in the back five. Another position overlooked. But whatever. Take another qb in case RG fails. And that's all it was. An uncertain gamble on a potential great Qb.

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I was just listening to Kevin Sheehan on 980 and during his "Upon Further Review" segment I heard a startling fact. Of the 14 hits RG3 took during the Bengals game 11 were while he was in the pocket. 11 IN THE POCKET! I think from what I remeber Sheehan saying the other 3 were on the designed runs. This revelation really shows that the issue is not him running to much but the fact that the pass protection flat out sucks. I'd rather have RG3 rolling out and moving then standing in the pocket getting killed.

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That is why we went to the Triple option coming out of the 2nd half.....lack of protection. I was laughing my ass off at Czabe yesterday as he is just as clueless as anyone else thinking that RG3 needs to be put in a bubble and used "like the Packers use Aarron Rodgers".

We have a star. Let him be a star and learn from his mistakes by playing HIS game. We need not be fearful that he will be ruined by letting him play the way he is accustomed to playing. Especially if he is having a large measure of success (in terms of being productive not W/L) in the process.

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Smurf, the point is you have to let the kid be himself. We cant put bubble wrap around him and not let him do what he does. The issue is as redskin fans we dont remember what it is like to have a franchise qb and we are all afraid he is going to get hurt. We have to trust the coaches and RG3 himself to know whats best. This kid can take more hits than we are all giving him credit for. if you ever watched him in college he would take a beating at baylor and still get up and kill it. I would rather him go down playing full speed ahead than get hurt holding it back.

This isn't college and we didn't need the option plays in the first 2 weeks. So why is it we need them now. He can pass in the pocket and he can pass outside the pocket. The point is you don't design plays to get him killed and those option plays were getting him killed. I mean it's not just the fans that see that. I mean it's being brought up again on PTI today. So you guys can sit here and tell me he can take hits, but he's not in college. If they keep this crap up he will not last in the NFL. We gave up a awful lot for this guy to get him hurt.

---------- Post added September-25th-2012 at 05:45 PM ----------

That is why we went to the Triple option coming out of the 2nd half.....lack of protection. I was laughing my ass off at Czabe yesterday as he is just as clueless as anyone else thinking that RG3 needs to be put in a bubble and used "like the Packers use Aarron Rodgers".

We have a star. Let him be a star and learn from his mistakes by playing HIS game. We need not be fearful that he will be ruined by letting him play the way he is accustomed to playing. Especially if he is having a large measure of success (in terms of being productive not W/L) in the process.

I guarantee everyone in here that says let RG3 do what he did last week. Will change there opinion and want the coaching staff fired if RG3 gets hurt for the season during one of those option plays.

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Totally agree with the OP. Shanahans are having fun with their new toy, and like a little kid may break it soon after opening it.

Way too many plays from the pistol and option plays called. Other teams will give up the 5 yds or so on the pitch, so long as they get an open shot at the QB. Bengals defended with a linebacker or lineman going straight at RG3, pounding into him, not caring if he keeps the ball or pitches it. Some of the hardest hits he took were running the option.

The fact is RG3 is good under center or in a traditional shotgun. He doesn't need to run the "college style" offense to be effective.

I hope the Cincy game was a wakeup call. If not RG3 will either have a very long season where he is hit way too much, or his season will be cut short due to injury.

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when he does have to scramble out of the pocket, he loses his footing, the condition of the field is a joke, we have one of the fastest players and for sure the fastest Qb and we slow him down and prevent him from making the moves he wants to make. there was so much sand on that field, it looked like OCMD.

we need field turf -could careless about history, play in dirt etc. the game has changed and our field should be changed

Field turf is slicker than grass. Aaron Rodgers foot mysteriously missed the turf and his other foot slipped, during the game Monday. It's made of rubber and plastic and when it gets wet it's slick as hell. But I do agree that the field wasn't in the best shape for a home opener. I was dissappointed in the field conditions. Too many divots and sand showing.

Given how inept Jordan Black looked, what would people think about moving Compton up to the squad? I didn't think Compton looked that bad in preseason. Of course, he was a 7th rounder and it was preseason. Grasping at straws, but after that game, can RG3 really have faith if Black is put back in the game?

Is Jordan Black really the best the Skins can do at backup LT?

If Black continues to regress, I wouldn't mind cutting him and bringing Compton up to play RT while moving Polumbus up to LT while Williams is out.

When we drafted RGIII most pundits and posters on this board said Shanahan's ego would get in the way and he would not tailor his offense to fit the way RGIII plays. Most said that Shanahan would force RGIII to fit into his system and that this would hurt the team and RGIII's development.

Now that Shanahan has basically done the exact opposite, he is getting blasted for it. Shanahan has completely tailored this offense around what RGIII does best. If Shanahan was running his past offense and RGIII was throwing the interceptions/making bad decisions. People would be calling for Shanahan's head for not changing the offense to fit RGIII.

Just my thoughts.

Just wanted to say, I love these thoughts.

Pretty decent idea? It was the only idea and the only option versus the luxury pick that we took with cousins instead. Don't get me wrong, I'm a big fan or cousins, but what is the long term plan for him? There isn't one. It was a completely wasted pick on the thought that RG gets hurt but we still have to play Rex first. So long term is we drafted a career back up over a potential eventual starter. Makes perfect scence to me. Every one in and out of Washington knew how bad we needed o-line help to help our very costly investment. But yet again, with a different regime, it was blatantly ignored. Another massive need was and still is in the back five. Another position overlooked. But whatever. Take another qb in case RG fails. And that's all it was. An uncertain gamble on a potential great Qb.

Oh god, we've been over this a million times since April. I suggest you pull up an old thread discussing this. You think we didn't address the offensive line with a stupid 4th round pick, yet it's been proven time and again that Shanahan and Allen have addressed this maybe more than any other position besides the secondary. You can only do so much with the amount of picks we have and cap space. Please enlighten us as to who would you have picked with that 4th rounder and support that by telling us how much of a pro bowler he would be right now.

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What is really pathetic is that people attribute the unjust stereotype that RGIII can't read a defense simply because he runs too much. Never mind that options have their own type of "read", but not reading pass defenses is usually the mark of laziness and lack of study(like with Vick).

Not only that, but feeding him an entire "conventional" offense in year 1 cold turkey and not letting him transition comfortably would likely have been criticized as well, using the old Shanhan is an egomanic who forces square pegs into round holes with his WCO system.

Lastly, traditional pocket passers can and DO take substantial abuse. This is a league in which you have about 3 seconds to release the ball or get him, and sometimes you will still get hit even if you release the ball. You think Carson Palmer was "protected" when he had that knee injury. Yeah, that's what pocket passers have had to deal with.

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I guarantee everyone in here that says let RG3 do what he did last week. Will change there opinion and want the coaching staff fired if RG3 gets hurt for the season during one of those option plays.

I won't. You arent going to see me getting upset watching the Redskins have the #1 scoring offense in the league. You know what the Shannys were trying to do? Win. Why? Because the defense can't hold an opponent under 30pts a game. And letting Griffin play that way gives us the best chance to win in that scenario. If we are up by 20+ points in a game, then its time to do the run, run, pass. For now, we have to be a more potent offense than our opponents, and Griffin playing the option or whatever they have been dialing up is our only hope of that. I, for one, love seeing what the kid can do, and I'm not going to worry about some sort of non existent injury concerns with him until there is something to actually worry about. And if for some reason he does get hurt, good on the Shannys for grabbing someone who looks to be a capable backup.

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How many lumps do you want?

Lol, perfect comment.

---------- Post added September-28th-2012 at 06:54 PM ----------

I won't. You arent going to see me getting upset watching the Redskins have the #1 scoring offense in the league. You know what the Shannys were trying to do? Win. Why? Because the defense can't hold an opponent under 30pts a game. And letting Griffin play that way gives us the best chance to win in that scenario. If we are up by 20+ points in a game, then its time to do the run, run, pass. For now, we have to be a more potent offense than our opponents, and Griffin playing the option or whatever they have been dialing up is our only hope of that. I, for one, love seeing what the kid can do, and I'm not going to worry about some sort of non existent injury concerns with him until there is something to actually worry about. And if for some reason he does get hurt, good on the Shannys for grabbing someone who looks to be a capable backup.

Wait until an injury happens, and then worry about it? What kind of logic is that? I think the line of thinking is that RG3 has the tools to continue producing at a high level without having his head bouncing off the turf and having concussion concerns after only his 3rd game. I for one thought our coaching staff was a lot smarter than that.

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If he gets injured it will be unfortunate, but i'd rather him get injured doing everything he can to move the chains and try to put points on the board than not. People criticize the Shannys way too much. I think they have a plan in place in terms of getting RG acclimated to the game in the best way possible. If that means running the option 20% of the time then so be it. Sitting back and getting pummeled in the pocket from 4 man rushes over and over certainly wont help him.

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Lol, perfect comment.

---------- Post added September-28th-2012 at 06:54 PM ----------

Wait until an injury happens, and then worry about it? What kind of logic is that? I think the line of thinking is that RG3 has the tools to continue producing at a high level without having his head bouncing off the turf and having concussion concerns after only his 3rd game. I for one thought our coaching staff was a lot smarter than that.

The logic is, and stick with me here, we have no reason to believe that Griffin cannot play the game he has been playing, and do it successfully. You act like Griff is a china doll that cant be touched or he will break in half. The way Griffin is being used has produced the #1 scoring offense in the league. But yes, lets mess with the only thing that has worked for us so far this season. Let the kid play to his strengths. To do otherwise negates the reason we traded up to get him in the first place. Do we all want him to get hit less? Of course. But I'm not jumping off a cliff saying we should keep him in a bubble in hopes he doesnt get injured.

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Lol, perfect comment.

---------- Post added September-28th-2012 at 06:54 PM ----------

Wait until an injury happens, and then worry about it? What kind of logic is that? I think the line of thinking is that RG3 has the tools to continue producing at a high level without having his head bouncing off the turf and having concussion concerns after only his 3rd game. I for one thought our coaching staff was a lot smarter than that.

So you are telling me that with an awful LT, you want him to stay in the pocket and he won't take shots that way? Wow.

If he runs an option he knows the hit is coming and can attempt to avoid it rather than getting lit up like a Christmas tree from his blindside. Has he taken too many hits on these runs? Yes, but if you read Kyles comments this week he straight up said RGIII is learning to show he doesn't have the ball to avoid some of this. It's been three weeks, the kid will learn to avoid some of this contact just like he will learn to read Ds. Look at Bradford last year and if you can honestly tell me that he was better off that way then you will have told me all I need to know.

---------- Post added September-29th-2012 at 05:29 AM ----------

I will add that I don't think going to an option heavy O is a good idea but used once in a while I can deal with. If for nothing else it will help keep the D honest.

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I'm sure this has been discussed, but what's wrong with finding a healthy medium here? Why aren't we killing people with bootlegs instead of option plays? Wouldn't a bootleg rollout with RG3 having the choice of a 1) hitting a WR on a post, 2) hitting a FB/TE slipping out of the backfield or 3) running work better or just as good as a straight option where the QB is designed to take a hit? I'm not complaining like some. Maybe I'm wrong, but I don't really remember a bunch of designed runs for Vick. Obviously there were some, but it seems like most were scrambles out of the pocket. I just wish RG3 had the build like Newton. Newton seems big enough to take the hits. RG3 isn't as small as the media thinks, but he's not Newton's size either. He's closer to Vick than Newton.

I'm still holding out hope that we're just using these schemes to help RG3 adjust to the pro level. And in a year or two we scale it back some and let him operate more out of the passing game, which he should be just fine at. I don't know, but if he does get hurt, I can see people changing their mind about "yeah, you gotta use him to the best of his ability." I know people say football is football, but you still have to think about the health of the players on the team. Hopefully, we never really have to have this discussion. Everybody here is hoping for the same thing, so no need to get upset about it.

EDIT - And I know we need secondary help, but dang I wouldn't mind drafting a RT in the 2nd next year. You gotta protect your QB. I do not want to see RG3 out there looking like Big Ben behind his offensive line.

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I won't. You arent going to see me getting upset watching the Redskins have the #1 scoring offense in the league. You know what the Shannys were trying to do? Win. Why? Because the defense can't hold an opponent under 30pts a game. And letting Griffin play that way gives us the best chance to win in that scenario. If we are up by 20+ points in a game, then its time to do the run, run, pass. For now, we have to be a more potent offense than our opponents, and Griffin playing the option or whatever they have been dialing up is our only hope of that. I, for one, love seeing what the kid can do, and I'm not going to worry about some sort of non existent injury concerns with him until there is something to actually worry about. And if for some reason he does get hurt, good on the Shannys for grabbing someone who looks to be a capable backup.

Sure, that's the right attitude. Use up your franchise qb until he breaks, cause winning THIS YEAR is the only thing that's important. SUPERBOWL HERE WE COME!!! CMON MAN. We should be focused on Roberts' growth and maturation at the qb position. Im cool with a few wrinkles that utilize his athletic ability, but getting him smashed using an offense they harldy run in college anymore is crazy.

Give me a top college program that still runs the option. Don't worry, I'll wait. :cool:

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