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Our QB is taking the wrong kind of LUMPS!


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Hey guys! Just wanted to say thanks for having me, been a skins fan since the day I was born, and have lurked around here for a good while.

With that being said, I agree RGIII has been injured more times that not when he alone is trying to scramble and make something happen, not on designed runs (Atlanta concussion, Baltimore). But every time Shanny does call a designed run for him I do cringe a bit. Would REALLY like to see them try and form a little bit more of a traditional offense next year

Don't get me wrong, I really love the implementation of the pistol and what they have been able to do to mold to offense to RGIII, but I would like to see the offense taking a little bit more conventional approach next year at times and really let him read defenses and air it out...we all know the skills he possses with him arm, the zip he has and the accuracy, would like to see him use it more because once he gets that down, along with the pistol and what we were able to do this year, our offense will be something else

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