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2012-2013 NCAA Football Thread (National Signing Day)


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maybe because he finally got a shot to coach a team and he wants to repay the AD by being loyal? that and the SEC is racist.

Not to take this thread way off the rails, but that last part I put in bold has been an important part of Strong's career that (for obvious reasons) doesn't get much coverage in the media.

The story with him is how much of a great success he's been after finally getting his long overdue shot at being a HC, and how Louisville sort of "went out on a limb" by hiring him in the first place. And he's a phenomenal coach who does have a great story, one that should be highlighted.

But the other side of that story is that Strong's always wanted to coach in the SEC. But until Louisville, Strong was an unproven coach who also happened to be a black man married to a white woman. And that was a tough sell to a lot of the "old money" major boosters of the bigger programs in the SEC.

I would imagine though, that after a statement win like he had last night over a power SEC program like UF, he'll probably have a much easier time getting serious HC job consideration from just about any program who needs a new coach.

Florida had a great season, and did have a really tough schedule, but i never thought they were a great team. they've had ugly wins all year long and thier offense has always looked inept at best. as Steve points out this loss was on muschamp and give credit to charlie strong who is a great coach. Kudos to Louisville in the big win.

UF has been a very bizarre team to watch this year. A perfect model of inconsistency. Their defense has been excellent, their offense atrocious, Driskel has been all over the place, and they survived an impressive schedule thanks in part to incredible turnover luck.

The FSU/UF game still burns me, because that was a perfectly winnable game for FSU had EJ Manuel not completely **** the bed in the worst game of his career at FSU.

I sort of like Will Muschamp and I like what he's trying to establish at UF, and I give him a lot of respect for doing a hell of a job in cleaning up the enormous pile of crap that Urban Meyer left behind, but there are times where you can clearly tell he's still learning how to be a HC.

He looked completely lost last night (and weirdly, almost sickly, pale) and it's become a recurring pattern under him where, if UF is getting their asses handed to them, their players lose control on the field, start flipping out at minor things, and cause dumb penalties. Meanwhile, Muschamp, who has this somewhat notorious "Coach Boom" tough guy coaching persona, going back to his days at Texas, plays up to that reputation in full while they're winning (grabbing and screaming at his players, cursing audibly at refs, etc.), but he always looks completely beside himself when UF's back is against the wall. You would think that's a sign that he's aware of his own reputation and knows when to play it up and when to dial it back, but his team never responds accordingly with their own composure issues, they actually act in the inverse manner.

UF just has a very odd dynamic between Muschamp and the players going on.

(I'm also incredibly glad that Matt Elam is going pro...I think he's a total ass clown but a great player all the same)

It should be. But I heard they have big problems in their Athletic Department that are driving people away.

Otherwise that's an awesome situation. No other big time in state rivals unless you think Vandy is here to stay.

There's also no abundance of in-state talent to work with. You need to head out of state to pick up most high level recruits, so you'd better be a hell of a recruiter to go outside of your own territory and go head to head with Alabama, LSU, UGA, USCe, and UF (and that's just recruiting vs the SEC).

Meanwhile, the boosters at Tennessee fully expect that you compete with and beat those same programs.

Good luck with that.

Coaching at Tennessee is like coaching at Ole Miss or Auburn. It's nice to get the SEC funding and exposure, and it's a great opportunity to re-establish an historic program. But it also comes with an almost unfair level of expectations and it's an uphill battle from the start in building a consistently competitive program.

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It should be. But I heard they have big problems in their Athletic Department that are driving people away.

Otherwise that's an awesome situation. No other big time in state rivals unless you think Vandy is here to stay.

yeah, stupidity.

Charlie Strong wasnt even their first choice for the job. Its stupid.

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NIU QB Jordan Lynch, on December 27th:


"They're fast, they're physical," NIU quarterback Jordan Lynch told Sporting News before the team headed to Miami on Wednesday, "but they haven't seen anything like our offense."

"We play an uptempo pace," Lynch went on. "We play really fast, a lot of shifting, guys going back and forth each way. It causes a lot of confusion. As soon as we get that rhythm going, it's pretty hard to stop.

"We plan on wearing them down. In the fourth quarter, we plan to have them on their knees—and then just keep pounding away."

"They're just like us," he said of the Seminoles. "They're human, too. If you cut them, they bleed."

NIU QB Jordan Lynch, on January 1st:


The lesson here is that you shouldn't talk that much trash if you're the underdog.

I will say this about NIU fans though: hands down, the nicest group of opposing fans I've ever encountered at any sporting event, in my life.

A lot of them left the stadium by the time the 4th quarter was starting, but many of them also stayed all the way through the game, just to keep cheering their team on. I heard a lot of them talking about how much they enjoyed the Miami weather, and while walking out of the stadium after the Orange Bowl trophy presentation, I heard a middle-aged group of NIU fans saying how, while they wished the game had been closer, they were really happy with the overall experience, and they couldn't wait to get home to tell their family members about the whole trip.

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At least you all are going to be honest and call him out when he leaves

All I hear is crap towards Pete Carroll after he left USC. "It was because of the sanctions!"

You better damn well be going after Chip Kelly instead of idolizing him or congratulating him for taking a higher position in the NFL

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And the number of sanctions when he leaves will be.....
Not as "harsh" as USC, but still bad for the program. I hope the Eagles hire him. He will be a disaster in the pros. He relies entirely on speed in the college game, and EVERYONE in the NFL is fast.
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IF he can be successful it will be w/ the eagles. Fast mobile QB.... check. Speed on the outside....check. Fast shifty undersized RB.... check. Be interesting to see how the eagles handle vick and his enormous contract if they do sign Kelly. Actually it will be interesting to see how they handle Foles if they hire Chip too.

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Not as "harsh" as USC, but still bad for the program. I hope the Eagles hire him. He will be a disaster in the pros. He relies entirely on speed in the college game, and EVERYONE in the NFL is fast.

I agree. Plus if he goes there, he'll have to pretty much tear that team down and get the players he wants, which will take them awhile. He'd be the perfect coach for the Eagles.

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Was arguing with other people on other forums and one of them claimed he wouldn't run the speed offense he ran at Oregon

Claimed that he would adapt his offense to work in the NFL

Yet others claim that his offense will work because the NFL is a modern league and QB's like RG3 and Kaepernick are playing well

I don't think that he will change his offense to the NFL, I don't think his offense will work. I'll have to see if he adapts it to the NFL or not, but if he does what he does now at Oregon in the NFL he will get romped

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napoleon dynamite

I don't see the Iggles doing anything other than driving the price up on Kelly. I think he ends up with the Browns or back at Oregon.

Mike McCoy seems like the logical choice for the Iggles.

---------- Post added January-4th-2013 at 08:37 AM ----------

As for tonight's game, I expect Oklahoma to throttle A&M..but what do I know..I thought Geno Smith was the best QB coming into this year and he regressed as the season got longer.

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Was arguing with other people on other forums and one of them claimed he wouldn't run the speed offense he ran at Oregon

Claimed that he would adapt his offense to work in the NFL

Yet others claim that his offense will work because the NFL is a modern league and QB's like RG3 and Kaepernick are playing well

I don't think that he will change his offense to the NFL, I don't think his offense will work. I'll have to see if he adapts it to the NFL or not, but if he does what he does now at Oregon in the NFL he will get romped

While Kelly's offense seems gimmicky, he's based it on sound fundamentals. Kelly understands the game so I don't think it'll be an Xs and Os deficiency. There's a lot of factors that go into success in the NFL because every coach is smart. Part of it is organizational culture, part of it is how the coach is at the management aspect of things, player selection, etc.

What part of his offense is new to the NFL? Up tempo/No huddle? Spread? People have been running no huddle since the Bills in the late 80s and teams have spread defenses out for decades.

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