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I like the show as well but they criticize the right way to much and does not take an objective view about it.

How so... I try to stay pretty informed about what's going on. I typically read multiple newspapers daily. I never knew about the Koch brothers, or they had bankrolled Citizens United, Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundations, and Americans for Prosperity to the tune of 100 million dollars.

The show sent me to the internet to read up on them... That's not unfair if it's true, and from what I've researched seems like it is true. they are Behind the tea party and many of the most ambitious Republican organizations... while remaining largely anonymous, due to their own efforts to change our election laws... That's a pretty amazing revelation.

Like only bringing up Anthony Weiner briefly last week because McKenzie’s boyfriend wanted to run for his seat.


You mean her Democratic Boyfriend who was portrayed as a scum bag for using his relationship with McKenzie clandestinely to support his political aspirations? The one McKenzie tells to do the following things in this order... "Leave (her office), Loose the election, and drop dead"... or something like that? You felt that exchange was overly biased in favor of Democrats?, the one which Republicans weren't mentioned and the Democratic hopeful was excoriated? You felt it was too easy on Democrats?

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How so... I try to stay pretty informed about what's going on. I typically read multiple newspapers daily. I never knew about the Koch brothers, or they had bankrolled Citizens United, Cato Institute, the Heritage Foundations, and Americans for Prosperity to the tune of 100 million dollars.

The show sent me to the internet to read up on them... That's not unfair if it's true, and from what I've researched seems like it is true. they are Behind the tea party and many of the most ambitious Republican organizations... while remaining largely anonymous, due to their own efforts to change our election laws... That's a pretty amazing revelation.

You mean her Democratic Boyfriend who was portrayed as a scum bag for using his relationship with McKenzie clandestinely to support his political aspirations? The one McKenzie tells to do the following things in this order... "Leave (her office), Loose the election, and drop dead"... or something like that? You felt that exchange was overly biased in favor of Democrats?, the one which Republicans weren't mentioned and the Democratic hopeful was excoriated? You felt it was too easy on Democrats?

I do not mind them brining up the Koch brothers being behind the Tea Party because I do think they did get out of control. However, but barely mentioning the Chile minor's, Eurozone crisis not really mentioning wiki leaks, The Haiti earth quake just shows that this show's focus more on right instead of actually making show that covers news.

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I do not mind them brining up the Koch brothers being behind the Tea Party because I do think they did get out of control. However, but barely mentioning the Chile minor's, Eurozone crisis not really mentioning wiki leaks, The Haiti earth quake just shows that this show's focus more on right instead of actually making show that covers news.

The did a show on the Gulf of Mexico Oil Spill.

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I do not mind them brining up the Koch brothers being behind the Tea Party because I do think they did get out of control. However, but barely mentioning the Chile minor's, Eurozone crisis not really mentioning wiki leaks, The Haiti earth quake just shows that this show's focus more on right instead of actually making show that covers news.

They did talk about wiki leaks several times,

They don't really have time to cover everything which happens in the world or in history. I don't know how talking about the Chile Minors, or Hati Earth Quake, would have made them more favorable to Republicans or not doing so makes them more favorable to democrats.

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Great episode. Really enjoying the show just as good TV, even before getting into giving it the "under a microscope" treatment for it's "messages."

I think it's increasingly improving as quality entertainment. Not amazing, just very good. Munn is showing some growing acting chops. Waterston continues to be a treat. I like the psychiatric bit (though he did more a psychologist shtick--and well--in the process other than instantly seeing the sandwich angle in Will's insomnia) and it is a device getitng played a lot in shows but, oh well, what plot device doesn't?

Don't really care much as this point (neither upset or interested) for the ongoing love triangle stuff. So, IMO, they should do something to make it one way or the other (more upsetting or more interesting) or end it and stick something else in it's place.

But, message wise, I like the real-life social content of all the dynamics in the interview with the "Santorum's former adviser" segment. The actor in that role (Rick's former aide) did a great job and the dialogue was excellent. While the pacing draws fire from some, I think the dialogue is generally above average, often quite good, and sometimes simply outstanding.

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They did talk about wiki leaks several times,

They don't really have time to cover everything which happens in the world or in history. I don't know how talking about the Chile Minors, or Hati Earth Quake, would have made them more favorable to Republicans or not doing so makes them more favorable to democrats.

Because its a show about the news those were the biggest news story of 2010 thats why instead of focusing so political. Like at the end of the Arab Spring episode and they show Rush Limbaugh talking like an idiot about foreign reporters getting assaulted by the military or something like that and the one guy punches the screen was that scene really necessary.

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Last night was pretty strong, and t's a good thing, because I was waning.

Glad to see they took little miss Associate Producer and Mr. BumbleBoy and dropped their little triangle back and brought Olvia Munn's character forward a bit.

There wasn't as much of the rapid-fire totally unebelievable dialogue, so that was good.


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I've watched a couple episodes and you simply have to take it as pure entertainment. Hollywood is throwing this out to (some) people who want to believe the right (Tea Party, etc) is the point of origination of all things evil. The show's not even slightly even-handed but hey, it's Hollywood and you come to expect them to demonize the right.

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I really want to bang Emily Mortimer after watching the first 6 episodes. Like really. Something about her accent and skirts she wears. Pill and Munn aren't too bad to look at either. I just marathoned the first 6 episodes today and can't wait for next Sunday. I try not to dive into the political implications in terms of comparing the different parties. I'm just trying to enjoy the show from an entertainment perspective...and the women too.

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I really thought hearing Olvia Munn speak in Japanese would drive me nuts, but her Japanese voice wasn't any different from her normal voice, I was a bit disappointed. The episode was really good, like every episode, I feel like they take themselves too serious, but I still get pulled into some really good dialog from time to time.

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I wasn't feeling the show last night. It felt cheesy and over dramatic. Could have been done a lot better, but I guess a lot of those reactions to the news were similar in real life. Also, Will doesn't even know how to work his blackberry when on drugs but can all of the sudden sound so eloquent and put together on air in a matter of minutes?

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Jim and Blondie need to fade away.

Good episode, but for them and this cheesy melodrama.


Yeah, I'm out.

Twenty minutes in I was like, naaaaah....."done with fish." I just decided to look up some Armisen impersonations of Sam Waterston.

Mostly b/c the intern, who I liked when she was eager and anxious, is now a raging ***** and Jim who seemed solid is now a total *female body part* and lets this **** go on. Why?

Maybe I'll get hooked in on a marathon but off my appointment list.

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There wasn't as much of the rapid-fire totally unebelievable dialogue, so that was good.


I'm trying to get into the show, and it does have some high quality moments, but what you mention is a big drawback for me. It seems to be a staple of Sorkin shows and it can be annoying since people don't usually talk that fast nor do they exchange quips at such a fast rate either. I feel like it's being done to try and elevate the perception of intelligence, and really it comes off as unbelievable when so heavily leaned upon. That may be the single biggest reason why I can't fully get into this show. It also does come off a bit preachy at times.

Not to go off topic, but I find that Suits does the quick dialogue thing the right way and doesn't use it often except in a tense situation, and instead of being preachy all the time they actually have the supposed good guys go into moral gray areas quite a bit, especially this season.

---------- Post added August-9th-2012 at 01:16 AM ----------

I remember that Sorkin's previous show about the Sports casters was pretty similar to this one, with the fast paced dialogue constantly, and the characters always doing the overly obvious morally right thing to the point it gets overplayed and corny. For example, the dude on the plane stopping his complaining and informing the captain of the news just seemed cheesy. It was trying too hard IMO, and normally that would have been a great scene.

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I'm confused as when this black out was to have happened? They have been going on a real time line, but the NYC black out was in 2003. I was working in midtown when a manhole exploded and we lost power for a day or so in the sounding area's but even that has been years ago and on the other side of town.

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Really good episode tonight. I would love a debate format similar to the one they put on in this episode. It would be great to see our leaders grilled and not permitted to avoid actually answering the questions. We need more Tim Russerts. David Gregory let's them off the hook to easily.

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The dialogue in this show is fantastic. Olivia Munn gets better every week. Tonight I loved the open where Mackenzie (played by Emily Mortimer) was giving the "power is out" speech. I knew the power was going to come back on but I didn't care. Great moment.

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