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Obamacare...(new title): GOP DEATH PLAN: Don-Ryan's Express


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Can anyone articulate why taking health care coverage away from 20 million+ people is good?  I honestly don't get it.  I understand, deeply, that Obamacare is imperfect.  I also know that it has done a lot of good for many of the most desperate people in the country.  


I don't know how these GOP (or their voters) justify it.  I've heard a lot of rhetoric about how awful Obamacare is (without any evidence of why, or how to fix it), but not about how this is going in the right direction.  


Seems awfully heartless to me.  Seems to capture the main gist of the GOP policy priorities: that rich people aren't rich enough and poor people aren't poor enough.


We are heading back to the days where medical costs price people out of health care at all and are the leading cause of personal bankruptcies.  I don't see how that's progress.

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2 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:

It's only the MTP vote, right?  Don't they still need 60 to make major changes?

They might do a partial repeal which they don't need 60 for. Millions of people going to lose health insurance regardless of which bill they vote on.


Way to go McCain. It took a lot of courage to come back and get this turd avalanche rolling.

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5 minutes ago, bcl05 said:

Can anyone articulate why taking health care coverage away from 20 million+ people is good?  I honestly don't get it.

They will die.


That means more for me. Pretty simple, really.



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You get 'em Maverick ?


So the issue is we have to save face for our lobbyists and idiot base but if we actually do pass it, we're gonna kill a lot of people and we can only get 49 senators who are ok with that. Let's instead pass this MTP so now we can blame the dems when we don't get the 60 votes that we need.


I know Trumps been doing that already but he's probably only fooling the voters with an IQ below 70... only half the base. This bumps it up to 75 which is a HUGE chunk.

Edited by Sacks 'n' Stuff
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3 minutes ago, bcl05 said:

Can anyone articulate why taking health care coverage away from 20 million+ people is good?  I honestly don't get it.  I understand, deeply, that Obamacare is imperfect.  I also know that it has done a lot of good for many of the most desperate people in the country.  


I don't know how these GOP (or their voters) justify it.  I've heard a lot of rhetoric about how awful Obamacare is (without any evidence of why, or how to fix it), but not about how this is going in the right direction.  


Seems awfully heartless to me.  Seems to capture the main gist of the GOP policy priorities: that rich people aren't rich enough and poor people aren't poor enough.


We are heading back to the days where medical costs price people out of health care at all and are the leading cause of personal bankruptcies.  I don't see how that's progress.

That don't have a plan nor is there any logic behind it. These people don't care about America.

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4 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Yeah...it's a little bit too salty for me.


4 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

You folks are really this "upset" about the Senate voting to proceed with debate?



Yes, because they essentially have a way to vote on repealing different parts of Obamacare and the process matters. They voted to proceed on an issue in which they didn't have a single hearing and had no experts weigh in. Generally that isn't good for America. 


Plus, some of these fools complained about the process, then still folded and voted to proceed. 

Edited by Hersh
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I'm so pissed right now I can't stand it.

I'm literally sitting in the University of Kentucky Medical Center in Lexington and as I look around I wonder who around me will lose their insurance? That guy with the walker? The lady in pink sitting next to me? My son across from me? Me?

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Just now, Hersh said:


Yes, because they essentially have a way to vote on repealing different parts of Obamacare and the process matters. They voted to proceed on an issue in which they didn't have a single hearing and had no experts weigh in. Generally that isn't good for America. 

You think they should have HEARINGS and EXPERTS weigh in on a MTP?  All of those things can still happen regarding the future of healthcare.  None of them COULD have happened without a MTP.

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It should have died today. The longer this lingers the more likely they will do significant harm to the American people. How long can the three or four decent people in the GOP Senate hold out. McCain already has folded at least three or four times.


So yes, today's vote was a big deal. Even more so, when you look how awful the GOP's plans are.

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8 minutes ago, Kilmer17 said:

You folks are really this "upset" about the Senate voting to proceed with debate?




8 minutes ago, TryTheBeal! said:


Yeah...it's a little bit too salty for me.

The problem with today's vote is that it essentially caps the "debate" at 20 hours before a final yes/no vote.  It also more or less gives McConnell final say on a bill and doesn't provide any time for analysis/CBO scoring/etc prior to the final vote.  In other words, no committee hearings, no CBO, no real public debate.  With today's vote, it is not really a choice to "proceed with debate."  It is a choice to limit debate and fast-forward to final vote.   It is a BS, anti-democraic, destructive way to tackle such a major legislative effort.  


A good summary of the next 48 hours is:  https://www.vox.com/policy-and-politics/2017/7/24/16019984/obamacare-repeal-republican-flow-chart

Edited by bcl05
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