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What does America Need to do to Fix America (Besides Fix Washington)


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There was a thread made a few days ago about what needs to happen to fix Washington. Obviously we've got some pretty ineffective leadership between our three branches of government, so that obviously need to be fixed. But it got me wondering what we need to do besides that. What is it that we, people not in these leadership roles, need to do. Here's what I came up with and I'd like to see what others come up with.

First thing we need to do is clean up the police force. According to the FBI's uniform crime report, a higher percentage of police officers committed murder then average citizens. This is bad, very bad. The authoritarian tough guy tactics have grown old. We all remember the incident at UC Davis with the pepper spray, and there's lots of other examples that are less publicized then that. I truly believe the sole reason crime exists, is because people are put down consistently by superiors. That's not to say that the police force is the reason for crime, because that's a ridiculous statement to make. But, as the saying goes, to figure out who started a riot, you need to look no further then those who came dressed for one. There's nothing more unsettling then a guy bearing down on you asking a bunch of questions all intense like, who also has a gun. I might not act so nice to a police officer either if he's acting like a tough guy towards me. And besides, if I don't like cops, why the hell would I obey them?

Second thing is we need to not hate. Gay people are people. Black people are people. Muslims are people. I would never say you have to love everyone, but hating people is the first step to wronging them. And an eye for an eye makes the whole world go blind. It creates nothing but chaos and an unwillingness to work with each other. There may not be any rest for the wicked, but the wicked became that way because they were born that way. Something happened to them. Show some human compassion and the results are outrageously good.

Third is we need to be open. Something I hate more than anything are ad-hominem attacks. It's an opinion, it can't be right or wrong. No, he's not an idiot for thinking it.

Fourth is we need to help each other. One of the largest issues I have with the "one percent" is that it seems like they don't want to help others less fortunate. They want to continue to have a significant larger wealth then everyone. Yet, there are millions of Americans who are suffering, starving, and are struggling just to find shelter. Why not help them? What have they done to make themselves unworthy of basic human needs? If I could, I know I would be giving food to as many people as possible who need it. But I can't. So instead I take some time out and help out other ways. Volunteer service is invaluable because it helps others. Helping is an important value I fear that this country has lost.

Anyway, those are my 4. Interested in hearing from others!

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poor use of stats to support a bias...cops are also in very different situations than the avg person

preaching not hating while exhibiting bias is a real winner

your opinion may not be wrong,but it is poor reasoning

and you are not entitled to spend others money

what we need is for people to handle their **** :)

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We need to stop being followers. We need to stop looking to fit in with a crowd. Republican, democrat, gay, straight, black, white, Asian, Christian, Muslim, Jew, Baptist, Catholic, New Yorker, Northern Virginian, Texan, Redskins fan, Cowboys fan, Eagles fan, etc. All the way down the line, people look to be a part of a specific group. They want to identify with like minded people. What make this worse is that there is no room for error between these groups. People take pride in the group that they belong to. This pride isn't a good thing because it leads people to believe that their particular groups are better than other "opposing" groups.

It's the sports mentality. I want my team to win and I'll stop at nothing to ensure that it does.

Rather than realizing that we are all a part of one greater group, people choose to split into smaller and smaller groups to battle against each other. It's ruining this country.

Second thing. Somewhat related to the first. We need to realize that compromise is a good thing and encourage it. If you refuse to compromise you are an intellectual child.

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poor use of stats to support a bias...cops are also in very different situations than the avg person

preaching not hating while exhibiting bias is a real winner

your opinion may not be wrong,but it is poor reasoning

and you are not entitled to spend others money

what we need is for people to handle their **** :)

I'll be honest, saying cops are in a different situation sounds like an excuse for the fact that they commit more crimes (no, it's not just murders. Sexual assaults as well, and I'm pretty sure domestic abuse is also higher but I don't know that for sure). Just because they're "different" doesn't mean that committing more crimes is ok.

I think it's the authoritarian tactics that they are taught to use that cause the problems, not the officers themselves. Look at Germany for example. Fired a collective 86 bullets in 2011, and they have one of the best crime rates in the world. So no, I don't hate the officers. I have disdain for the tactics.

I see no bias in my statement about cops. I would appreciate it if you could be more clear on what you meant.

I would argue that poor reasoning is also, an opinionated thing. If I disagree with your opinion, do I not have to attack your reasoning? To me that sounds like your reasoning is opinionated, even if it is based off fact.

I'm not entitled to spend others money. I'm saying what I believe they should do, and what I would want to do if I were them. What I want is very different then what I do.

Homeless people with no means of getting money to get an education and can't get money without a job which requires education can handle their own ****, right? McDonalds is only hiring so many people.

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Eat the media.

Force them thru law to be honest and show some integrity. If facts are distorted or lies are spread or a demonstrable provable bias can be shown, severe financial penalties. Threaten their broadcast license.

As it is now, we're all, and i mean ALL of us are completely buffaloed by it., and at each other's throats as a result.

The media represents agendas, not the people.


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Restore education, training, and jobs for the lower/middle class. The economic wealth of this country is determined by the overall wealth of it's poor, not it's rich. Restore jobs for the lower/middle class and you restore economic demand (not to mention reduce the amount of those dependent on social welfare).

Reform welfare/social assistance programs so it doesnt promote/allow laziness and abuse. Those who are willing to work hard should be given the opportunity and help they need. Those who dont should not.

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I'll be honest, saying cops are in a different situation sounds like an excuse for the fact that they commit more crimes.

If your job requires you to be armed and to deal with the dregs of society the risk of a unlawful shooting becomes more likely...as does mental instability

To attempt to use the stat you used is akin to claiming members of the military commit more war crimes than the average citizen.

walk in their shoes for awhile and you might have a different perspective .

Those homeless could have taken advantage of the public schooling provided...part of handling your ****

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I respect the police for all that they do but they most certainly need to be held accountable for their actions.

Bartenders, defense attorneys and many others have to deal with the "dregs" of society on a regular basis. Should they not be held accountable either?

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They certainly should......but that is not what we were talking about since the crime stats show they are being charged and convicted.

a comparison with your groups stats might be more equitable.

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Realize our shortcomings as a nation relative to the rest of the world and work to fix them.

The world is evolving and the USA is trying desperately to keep the status quo, solely because that's "how we've always done it". Developing a better primary/secondary education system is the most important first step in that process.

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If your job requires you to be armed and to deal with the dregs of society the risk of a unlawful shooting becomes more likely...as does mental instability

To attempt to use the stat you used is akin to claiming members of the military commit more war crimes than the average citizen.

walk in their shoes for awhile and you might have a different perspective .

Those homeless could have taken advantage of the public schooling provided...part of handling your ****

Well yes, but the job description is to deal with the dregs of society. Which maybe means we need to invest more in helping these people learn to deal with these people. Police also have a very high suicide rate because of their dealings with these people. Which once again, speaks to the tactics and how the situations are handled administratively.

Of course military members will have a higher war crime rate. Although they're the only ones committing war crimes. That being said, I don't know a lot about the US's military war crime rate, but I can tell you if it is high, then something needs to change there too.

If I'm born into a family that cooks meth in the basement and I have no support from my parents. In addition I have to worry about being shot on the way to school, then I'm probably not going to do so hot.

---------- Post added June-15th-2012 at 08:34 PM ----------

Realize our shortcomings as a nation relative to the rest of the world and work to fix them.

The world is evolving and the USA is trying desperately to keep the status quo, solely because that's "how we've always done it". Developing a better primary/secondary education system is the most important first step in that process.

I couldn't agree with this more. The old ways aren't always the best ways. Especially since we're falling behind the rest of the world.

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I couldn't agree with this more. The old ways aren't always the best ways. Especially since we're falling behind the rest of the world.

I truly believe that the idea of "American Exceptionalism" will be the biggest culprit if America proves to not be exceptional moving forward.

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1) Take responsbility for your own actions and stop blaming others for your own stupidity and failures

2) No more pity parties. This country used to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Now someone has to "bail" them out

3) Stop acting like you're entitled to "something." You get what you earn

4) Stop being so damn sensitive to everything anyone says. They're just words

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I saw a commercial about "your body doesn't care if it's corn sugar or cane sugar" the other day.

Nobody is saying it isn't the same. It's the amount you're eating.

Fat, lazy and stupid is no way to lead the World.

I think the best thing we could do to fix our country, is fix the school system and feed the kids better.

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Get back to knowing and helping your neighbors when you can.

Write an actual letter or make a phone call instead of texting/emailing.

Take a walk with your family members.

Make a point to do one good deed a day.

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I like this suggestion

DURHAM, NH – A New Hampshire town is asking the Obama campaign to foot the up to $30,000 bill for the president's upcoming campaign stop in their city.

MyFoxBoston reports the town of Durham is asking Obama's campaign to reimburse the estimated $20,000 to $30,000 needed to fund additional police and fire safety services during his Monday visit to the University of New Hampshire.

"Community leaders do not believe that costs associated with the campaign should be borne by local taxpayers," the release says according to MyFoxBoston.

City officials say they usually would foot the bill for a presidential visit, but since this is a campaign stop they believe the Obama campaign should have to pay for the extra security.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/06/24/new-hampshire-town-asks-obama-campaign-to-pay-for-costs-upcoming-visit/#ixzz1yk8mMiIK

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I like this suggestion

DURHAM, NH – A New Hampshire town is asking the Obama campaign to foot the up to $30,000 bill for the president's upcoming campaign stop in their city.

MyFoxBoston reports the town of Durham is asking Obama's campaign to reimburse the estimated $20,000 to $30,000 needed to fund additional police and fire safety services during his Monday visit to the University of New Hampshire.

"Community leaders do not believe that costs associated with the campaign should be borne by local taxpayers," the release says according to MyFoxBoston.

City officials say they usually would foot the bill for a presidential visit, but since this is a campaign stop they believe the Obama campaign should have to pay for the extra security.

Read more: http://www.foxnews.com/politics/2012/06/24/new-hampshire-town-asks-obama-campaign-to-pay-for-costs-upcoming-visit/#ixzz1yk8mMiIK

Honest question - what is the precedent on this? What have former Presidents done? Does Romney's campaign pay for additional police/fire at all events?

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Honest question - what is the precedent on this? What have former Presidents done? Does Romney's campaign pay for additional police/fire at all events?


Town Administrator Todd Selig said Friday night that the town of Durham has reached out to the Obama for America campaign, requesting reimbursement of the anticipated $20,000 to $30,000 cost for public safety services at the event.

Selig says other campaigns, both Democratic and Republican, have honored this practice in the past but the campaign had yet to reach an agreement with the town. The costs associated with the President’s visit represent more than quarter of Durham’s budgeted overtime costs for the year.

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