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What does America Need to do to Fix America (Besides Fix Washington)


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Americans need to realize that the two parties are basically the same when it comes to the policies that are causing most of our problems.

There are a thousand talking points, and so much mud in the water and skeletons in the closet on both sides, that it mostly a hostility that resembles the one someone would have for a team sports rival, that causes such a stark divide between them.

There are much on which their members may disagree, but far more which they are agreeing on more and more every day.

People have to have the courage to separate from this game, swallow their partisan pride, and come together under some common banner or at least for some common causes.

This means ignoring almost all the major news outlets channeling every independent thought their listeners/watchers/readers have back into the partisan struggle. As if somehow its the other party thats screwing us instead of the career bureaucrats and special interests backing both parties.

We cannot fall into this trap.

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I have worked in the social services my whole career. If I could have any input at all, it would be for people to start taking responsibility. Stop being lazy, and go out and get a job! Whether you are poor or whether you are a trust fund baby. Stop sitting on the couch moaning and groaning and do something to contribute to society.

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Make a point to do one good deed a day.

This. And volunteer service is another big one.

If I may use a sports analogy, we've been so caught up in trying to win at any cost we've forgotten how to play the game. In the end, it's not about having the big house, fancy car, trophy wife and model family, but how you got there, and your effect on the world around you.

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Try a few approaches to the same problem with different ideas: Put the below in Ward8 in DC, Chicago districk 299, Malcolm X Shabazz High in NJ.

Achieveable Dream (Community School) (newport Virginia


About Our Program

An Achievable Dream is a unique partnership between Newport News Public Schools, the City of Newport News, and the local business community to give our students who are at risk of failure in school due to socioeconomic factors, a chance to succeed.

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Rather than realizing that we are all a part of one greater group, people choose to split into smaller and smaller groups to battle against each other. It's ruining this country.

I would argue that people are tribal. It is human nature to take care of tribe first and perhaps our "tribe" has gotten to big where there are to many competing interests. We have no more national goal that the whole country can get behind. Look at how the country got behind WWII and putting man on the moon. We can't mobilize like that anymore.

I think it's the authoritarian tactics that they are taught to use that cause the problems, not the officers themselves. Look at Germany for example. Fired a collective 86 bullets in 2011, and they have one of the best crime rates in the world. So no, I don't hate the officers. I have disdain for the tactics.

So you disdain our tactics, but you probably have no idea of German tactics. The police will not hesitate to beat you into submission for the slightest bit of resistance. Many a soldier has learned not to mess with them and many of them have had the snot beat out of them. Germans also have an excellent national identity, this goes back to the tribal thing. Also look at german gun laws. Like their driving laws, if you want to own a gun you have to have expert knowledge. There are 4 million gun owners in germany.

Eat the media.

Force them thru law to be honest and show some integrity. If facts are distorted or lies are spread or a demonstrable provable bias can be shown, severe financial penalties. Threaten their broadcast license.

As it is now, we're all, and i mean ALL of us are completely buffaloed by it., and at each other's throats as a result.

The media represents agendas, not the people.


I agree, the media no longer reports the facts of the event. They spin it. I would love for them to report the facts, not the sensationalized story.

I couldn't agree with this more. The old ways aren't always the best ways. Especially since we're falling behind the rest of the world.

I would say the world is catching up, not us falling behind. We still produce and innovate better than anyone else.

1) Take responsbility for your own actions and stop blaming others for your own stupidity and failures

2) No more pity parties. This country used to pull themselves up by their bootstraps. Now someone has to "bail" them out

3) Stop acting like you're entitled to "something." You get what you earn

4) Stop being so damn sensitive to everything anyone says. They're just words

Truer words have never been spoken. Everyone is looking to get over on everyone else.

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1. Americas need to stop being so lazy and fat. Take some pride in yourself.

2. We need to stop using so much credit. Learn to save. Get educated about money. This is a huge problem.

3. Every lame excuse for a holiday or something is not a reason to go get sloppy drunk.

4. If you are unhappy or insecure about something, go out and change it. Don't make excuses.

5. Like Bang said, don't listen to the media. They are trying to keep us caged and scared like livestock.

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After the Supremes struck down a Montana campaign finance law in favor of corporations, I'd say that we need new justices on the Supreme Court that have a basic understanding that corporations are not human beings and that governance by corporation or corporatocracy is not what this country is organized as.

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