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WaPo - Redskins fans may want to keep an eye on North Dakota tonight


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http://www.washingtonpost.com/blogs/the-fix/post/redskins-fans-may-want-to-keep-an-eye-on-north-dakota-tonight/2012/06/12/gJQAKL21XV_blog.html <----- for entire article

Redskins fans may want to keep an eye on North Dakota tonight

Posted by Aaron Blake at 03:20 PM ET, 06/12/2012

Washington Redskins fans who treasure their team’s nickname may want to cast their eyes westward tonight as North Dakotans vote on whether to preserve their team’s own divisive mascot.

The North Dakota Fighting Sioux hockey team. (AP Photo/Jim Mone, File)

Measure 4 in North Dakota is one of the most significant developments in the decades-long controversy over American Indian mascots used by colleges and pro sports teams.

The University of North Dakota’s “Fighting Sioux” nickname — which has long been controversial but now risks financial and competitive sanctions from the NCAA — will face a rare public referendum in what has been a lengthy and ongoing process.

The Sioux nickname, much like the Redskins, is viewed as an especially derogatory reference to American Indians (“Sioux” translates to “snake”). But also like the Redskins, the school’s mascot has a loyal fanbase who can’t imagine their team called anything else.

The vote today will be on whether to repeal a bill that struck down the law mandating the nickname. The bill passed in the state legislature after the NCAA threatened to keep the school from hosting lucrative playoff games — most notably in college hockey, where the team is a national contender

) — and even forcing it to forfeit games if it promotes the mascot in the postseason.

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Our team's name will never change. I have zero concern over this.

Is there really something to be concerned about either way? I'm a DC sports fan, I grew up in NoVA and if the skins had to change their name cause a group of Native Americans legitimately won a lawsuit against the team there's zero chance it affects my opinion of the team. If I've cheered for them through the past 20 years of mediocrity and less than mediocre performance, a cosmetic change to the team isn't going to change anything.

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Our team's name will never change. I have zero concern over this.


---------- Post added June-12th-2012 at 06:57 PM ----------

Is there really something to be concerned about either way? I'm a DC sports fan, I grew up in NoVA and if the skins had to change their name cause a group of Native Americans legitimately won a lawsuit against the team there's zero chance it affects my opinion of the team. If I've cheered for them through the past 20 years of mediocrity and less than mediocre performance, a cosmetic change to the team isn't going to change anything.

I wouldnt want to have to change my dogs name, or one of my childrens name either. It isnt going to mean I dont love them, but a name change is alittle more than cosmetic. Dont you think Mike, or should I call you Mitch, or Malcolm? Doesnt really matter rite????

---------- Post added June-12th-2012 at 06:59 PM ----------

Weshengten Redskens


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any goofball that has anything to say about the name 'redskins' being a derogatory term needs to talk to these people and tell them the same thing.

Same as a town not far from me. Its on an Indian Reservation

Wellpinit High School Football


6270 Ford-Wellpinit Rd., Wellpinit, WA 99040

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How exactly is the term Sioux derogatory when there were actually Sioux Indians?



The movement to defend the use of Native nick names and mascots is a southward drifting iceburg. The heat only intensifies with time.

Please. Florida State's going to lose the Seminoles? Atlanta's going to lose the Braves? The ultra-PC groups might complain, but that's about all that's going to happen.

The movement is idiotic when not focused on team names that have at least sometimes been considered to be racial slurs. Look at other mascots. Warriors, Patriots, Bears, Falcons, Thunder. Most mascots are things we respect and honor for their power and ability to fight and intimidate, and most of the ones that don't fit that description are old-timey things that were picked either because they were local or because they were part of the uniform and have survived for decades. Saying that Native Americans are being insulted by the use of a team name like Seminoles is like saying that George Washington and Thomas Jefferson are being insulted by the use of of a team name like Patriots. It doesn't make any sense.

While those who think that Redskins is an offensive name have a slightly better case, seeing as there seems to be at least some historical evidence that it was occasionally used as an obscure derogatory slur, the fact that Native Americans themselves overwhelmingly support it and even use it for some of their own high school teams pretty much ends the debate and guarantees that the name will never change, IMO.

Out of curiosity and not to start a flame war, do any of the Native American tribes that originally populated the DMV have cool names? The Washington Powhatans? We could even keep the uniforms, colors, etc.

Apparently the Potomacs were a local tribe. That wouldn't be so bad. But, um... you do realize that we could keep the colors even if we became the Washington Garden Gnomes, right? :pfft:

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Damnit, dp.

---------- Post added June-12th-2012 at 10:34 PM ----------

I don't get it Hubbs. I googled it before I asked, and still had to ask :ols:

Really? So you didn't, oh I don't know, click on the very first search result for "Sioux", which is the Wikipedia entry, and go to the very first section in the entry, which is about the origin of the name? :pfft:

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