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BGO.C.D.-Bring Me the Head of Colin Cowherd


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No need for a restraining order Mr. Cowherd, we’re just having a little fun today.

I tuned into ESPN Radio enroute to lunch today and couldn’t help but hear your bold prognostications regarding which teams would be ‘over’ or ‘under’ a given win total for the 2012 NFL season. And what you had to say, frankly, had me wanting to shove the Taco Bell combo I’d just purchased right down your throat. If I’m being honest, given the opportunity, I might even have squirted a couple packets of hot sauce in your eyes for good measure.

The Giants? Cowboys? Eagles? Juggernauts all in your unbiased and objective assessment. We all get the Giants prediction. It’s hard (yeah, even for this opposing ‘fan’) to dispute your ranking the reigning Super Bowl champs so highly. I’ll sign off on the theory, until proven otherwise or convincingly dethroned from NFC East hegemony, the Giants are king. But your basis for rating the Eagles and Cowboys right up there in the ‘highly competitive’ strata along with the champs made me want to get back in the drive through and buy another combo for you.

The Eagles, or so you claim, played as well as anyone to close out the 2011 season (don’t they always, as soon as there’s absolutely nothing riding on the games or rumblings about Andy Reid’s job security begin?). Why not just anoint them the Dream Team while you’re at it? And Dallas? The only thing holding Dallas back from glory in 2011, according to you, was a horrible secondary, hence fixed. Oh Colin. Haven’t you learned by now? The curse of Romo sits to pee is real and it’s spectacular. If ever there was a ‘star’ destined never to win **** when it counted, Romo sits to pee is that guy. Romo sits to pee? He’s Molly Ringwald, not Meryl Streep. Sure, he looked fantastic in ‘Sixteen Candles ’, but he’ll never carry a real movie, and when all is said and done he simply can’t act. In 5 years, he’ll be making bad television too.

I’ll give you credit Colin. Most times, you guys at ESPN forget to even mention the Redskins when doing your NFC East ‘analysis’. But not you – in your thoroughness and commitment to inclusion, you remembered that there are actually four teams in the conference. At 6.5 wins for 2012, you’re betting ‘under’ for my Redskins. Yeah – I said ‘my Redskins’ – just to be transparent. I’m a fan of more than 40 years. You may have sensed this? Contrary to your on-air dismissal of fans and their absolute inability to muster up an objective assessment of their team’s chances, I’ll posit an alternative fan viewpoint. We know our team one hell of a lot better than you media talking heads do. No offense. You’re a smart, capable broadcaster. But no one knows an NFL franchise like the fans who eat, sleep, and breathe their team.

A Skins fan (we’re everywhere brother) was among the first to call you today. He tried to educate you, but you dismissed him. ‘You’re a fan’ you said. You should’ve let him talk. Then I wouldn’t have had to write this blog entry. In the blink of an eye, you dismissed the massive upgrade RG3 represents over Rex ‘**** it – I’m going deep!’ Grossman. In fact, you argued that, right now, Grossman is the superior QB, while simultaneously stating Andrew Luck is already better than 10 current NFL starters. When challenged on that obvious inconsistency, you pointed to the Colts weak division and schedule as the reason why Indy would win plenty of games, but the Redskins couldn’t possibly surpass 6 wins in 2012. Huh??? You even uttered the words that should never be spoken: ’Well, Grossman did take the Bears to a Super Bowl’. Good Lord man - why not just summon up Voldemort while you’re at it?

Given the chance, that polite and thoughtful Redskins fan on your call-in would’ve no doubt reminded you about the upgrades to our receiving corps, the additions of Pierre Garcon, Josh Morgan, and the return of Leonard Hankerson and Chris Cooley. He’d have mentioned our opportunistic and improving defense, and the number of close, competitive games we lost in 2012 despite ‘Bad Rex’ showing up at the worst possible moments, or because his good buddy whats-his-name was subbing. He’d have told you that, even with a patchwork no-name offensive line, we ran the ball down a lot of good defense’s throats last year, and have an up and coming stable of running backs that will take pressure off our rookie QB while he learns to play the NFL game. He might even have reminded you that neither Steve Spurrier nor Jim Zorn occupy the Head Coach’s office these days, and Vinny Cerrato is no longer giving picks away in between racquetball matches like candy corn at Halloween.

In today’s NFL, trying to predict anything with any certainty is high-risk low-reward. I don’t know with any certainty how many games my team, or any other team, will win in 2012. And neither do you. The only thing I do know is that your certain dismissal of my Redskins chances this coming year is the same ‘easy out’ sports journalists have been taking for years. Daniel Snyder is an ass and the Redskins aren’t relevant in the NFC East. It’s that simple, right?

The Redskins will win at least 8 games in 2012, but that kind of prediction is small potatoes, so let me throw one out there that will really rock your paradigm. The pecking order in the NFC East is about to dramatically change, in the words of George Walker Bush…

Big time.

The Redskins aren’t just returning this franchise to respectability and relevance. They’re going to dominate the NFC East for the next decade.

I still love you Colin, despite your ruining today’s run for the border. That’s why I’m saving you a seat on the bandwagon, right next to me :)

Click HERE for more BGO.C.D. blog entries

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Its actually fun to listen to him for an entire show sometimes and track the number of times he contradicts himself in the same show. It is really amazing sometimes. I guess when you flap your gums for three hours at a time just filling airtime, its gonna happen. But it shouldn't happen as much as it does. At least on Sports Nation you get to see Michelle Beadle :D

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This makes me gag more than eating from TacoBell.

And if I see him on the bandwagon I'm kickin' him in the balls

Yeah, well, if it makes you feel better, there may have been a hint of sarcasm there :)

And Gibbs - I come cheap - just ask TK.

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And he has NE & the Pack over 12 wins each. Do you know how hard it is to win 12 games these days. But then again I did hear he slept at the Holiday Inn last night. Next he'll tell us we're better off with Vinny back. He just got dropped off my X-Mas list.

NNT: two years and counting !!!!

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After what he said about Sean Taylor...The Memorial Service hadn't even been held...I swore I would never listen to that jackass again! Been alomst 5 years & I don't miss him one bit!

If my car was on-fire and he was the only man who knew where the water was to put it out...I'd call my family & friends and say there's a cook-out at my car!

Never again will I listen to him...never!

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After what he said about Sean Taylor...The Memorial Service hadn't even been held...I swore I would never listen to that jackass again! Been alomst 5 years & I don't miss him one bit!

If my car was on-fire and he was the only man who knew where the water was to put it out...I'd call my family & friends and say there's a cook-out at my car!

Never again will I listen to him...never!

Yep. Same sentiment over at my place.


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You guys should really turn the dial. Cowherd's show is pretty awful.

Right? I don't know why fans get so worked up over this guy. Anyone with half a brain shouldn't be listening to ESPN's mainstream radio shows anyway. And don't even get me started on the afternoon lineup on ESPN television....

EDIT: I'll re-phrase. Anyone with half a brain shouldn't be buying into what's said on ESPN's mainstream radio shows anyway.

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Nice reply to the Nerd...er....Herd. I don't mind listening to him, though.....even agree with some of his takes. As others have mentioned, our track history is not great over the past few seasons.....so the low expectations by those like Cowherd are somewhat understandable. Our team just needs to play well this season, and in seasons to come. Perceptions will change then.

There are other espn radio voices that grate on my nerves far more, like Gottleib.....i have to turn the channel when he is on.

Of course, that is one reason i now have satellite radio, and listed to NFL radio ch 88.

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That was a great write up Tarhog. I think Cowherd may be underestimating how well the team (especially the running game) will be improved after being together in the same system for a while now. A balanced running attack, and a QB who can throw deep, outside the hashmarks should enhance the offense.

Assuming Brown has finally returned to form, as is being suggested -- this shores up both tackle positions and there's more depth all along the offensive line to be more effective support of the running and passing attacks.

That leaves three main questions in my mind.

---How well does the Skins defensive secondary perform in 2012,

---How quickly (and how well) Griffin III adapts to the NFL's level of play and to mastering Shanahan's offense.

---How big is the 'injury factor' in 2012 (both recovering from 2011's injuries, and avoiding new injuries in 2012.)

If the 2012 Skins get 'good answers' to the above questions -- I do think Cowherd and a lot of other 'mediots' will be clammoring for a seat on the bandwagon next to you.

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How can you love Cowherd? I can't stand him. He's the king know-nothing blowhard. I hate that radio voice he affects too.

I will say one thing though. It doesn't matter what anyone's record was last season. It doesn't matter if we won or lost a bunch of close games last season. Different team, different league each year. An NFL team is like a complex organism that gets reborn each year. It doesn't even matter all that much if most of your players are the same going into the next year. You can be in the Superbowl one season and then two years later be picking first overall. In the NFL, you can't totally assume the future will resemble the past.

Your point about Rex Grossman is a good one. RGIII should be a significant upgrade over him this season. I don't think most people realize how truly terrible Rex is. After seeing the cauldron of hate and criticism a guy like Jason Campbell generated for being a mediocre (developing) QB, I don't think Rex got a proportionate response from the fan base. Rex was god awful last year. The worst veteran starting QB in the league. People will acknowledge he turns the ball over too much and then act like the criticism ends there. No, not only did he turn the ball over at a horrid rate indicating that he was horrible at making decisions and running the game/offense, he was a horrible passer too. His mechanics are terrible and he's got terrible accuracy. When you can't run your offense well, and you can't pass the damn ball well, then you can't play quarterback, no matter what other qualities you bring to the table.

Almost a decade into his career, his play is basically the same as the first and second year QBs last season. He might be the worst veteran QB we've started of the Snyder era. I'm pretty confident RGIII will not be worse. I'm pretty confident Cousins couldn't be worse.

Looking ahead, I think the Redskins will be among the cream of the NFL as RGIII's career unfolds. He's such a talent, and Shanahan has built the seeds of a high powered offense that should probably be top five throughout the next decade. The defense is good and pretty much needs to be maintained going forward (easier said than done, but it's better than having to rebuild it). Romo sits to pee, Vick, and Eli are all aging, no future replacements already in the fold, and Eli isn't that great to begin with. The Giants and Eagles will always be competitive with their current HCs in place, especially since they draft well. But the Cowboys are far less stable than we are now, and they do not draft well. They haven't frightened me for a couple of years.

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This was really a fantastically written piece. VERY well done. I had similar feelings on Turd's "predictions". You allude to what really bothers me about it. Its not that he picked the "under". I mean let's face it, Vegas isn't hating on us. They don't give a damn about our team. They are setting an initial line based on consensus, perception and YES their own independent evaluation of our chances. I understand its about getting bettors to put money on both sides etc but there is an element of evaluation of our chances built into this analysis as well. Vegas is setting its line in part on history too. Every year some team with an over under 6 or 7 wins 9 or 10 and a team with 10 or 11 wins 8 (see eagles last year).

What really bothers me about Hurd and alot of the other mediots is the utter lack of reasoning. An in depth discussion about having to start on the road, the saints having a chip on their shoulder in the first game of the season, having to play the AFC north, the other teams in the division being strong and including the defending super bowl champs, etc etc would all be fine with me. Because those are real reasons we MIGHT not win 7 games. So are injuries. So are alot of factors. But "its the skins" is NOT a a real factor. A throw away line like "they are the cellar dwellers of the east" is such a cheap meaningless "analysis" that the subsequent "prediction" is instantly rendered garbage.

Mediots could AT LEAST mention the other reality that you alluded to in your wonderful post- things are a changin'. National media may not like it but we have the 23 year old franchize stud QB in our stable while the eagles have a 33 year old running QB who simply can't stay healthy, the Cowboys and the Romo sits to pee experiment are clearly on the downward slope to aging, and even the giants lost a significant percentage of their formula with their wide outs and running backs leaving for greener pastures. We are on the rise. No, I am not calling for a 10 win season. Heck, with the wrong injury at the wrong time, Hurd could actually be proved right on the "under" this year. But make no mistake about it - this team is heading upward not down. Teams are gonna see a different team this year.

Anyone who is paying attention has to see a nasty little pass rush developing. A solid front seven filled with "lunch pail" guys. For all the bashing of our oline - we don't exactly have Stephon heyer and Levi Jones as our bookend tackles anymore. We have some depth. You might not buy a jersey with the names Polumbus, Hurt, Smith, Leirebus, Lichtensteiger, Compton or Chester on it but there are only 8 slots for offensive lineman on an NFL roster and this year ALL 8 of them will have people who can play. The days of losing a starter at guard meant a free for all to our QB for the rest of the season are over. It ain't flashy up front but its as good as we've had in a decade and I might suggest that we are as deep up front offensively as anyone else in the division at this point.

We have lacked skill positions. But do we lack them right now? I don't think so. As you pointed out Pierre Garcon is 25. Why exactly is he NOT on his way to stardom in this league? He had over 1000 yards recieving last year on a team that was 1-15 and had curtis painter throwing the ball. Hurd might be the only guy to disagree but I don't need to see a single snap of RG3 to know he is better than Curtis Painter.

Josh Morgan is all about that injury. Sure it might not work out and I'll be the first to say that but it also might workout. He also is in his mid twenties not his mid thirties and showed some amazing flash in San Fran. We have the best tight ends in the division. Sorry. I know everyone is in lov with witten but we have TWO of them and quite frankly again, Davis is on the way up while Witten is on the way down.

Our stable of running backs don't come close to the skill set of a shady mccoy. But between them they can produce 100 yard plus games week in and week out. they did it last year when defenses had absolutely NO dear of a boot off that stretch. This year, you better believe that linebacker freezes a bit more to see who has that ball or our QB can take it to the house with track star speed. When you have a QB who might have the best long ball accuracy coming out of college in the last 15 years, you start to respect the play action which is the hallmark of the shanny system.

You just can't diminish the impact of these changes and I have really only scratched the surface of RG3 who might just be something the whole world has NEVER seen.

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cowherd is an elitist windbag who makes a lot of money pissing off fans of bad teams or teams he doesn't like. he has a west coast/east coast/front running bias and anyone in between is complete garbage and shouldn't even be thought about.

that being said, do you know how many people on this board threw a hissy fit last year when the media had us between 2-6 wins? that was impossible and after 4 weeks we were a powerhouse out to prove everyone wrong.

how did that end up?

the truth is we play in the toughest division in football and we are a rebuilding team. 5-8 wins is more than acceptable, but the progress of the team is more important than the record.

so before you get all pissed off about something some guy in california says about our team, put down the kool aid and look around. we're not good and haven't been for a long time, so maybe that's why no one has faith in us.

until you pull a detroit and actually win convincingly, no one is going to believe in you except hopefully your own fans.

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I will join the mob because the mob is fickle and so am I. However I will admit I enjoy The Herd and like the way Colin antagonizes fan bases. When RGIII is tearing it up and hes talking good about us we will all be saying how much better his show is than First Take....and we'll be right

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But you have to put last season in its proper context. I would love to go back and see how that team had turned out without all the injuries and Rex's pneumonia. I think we finish 8-8. What bugs me, and I think a lot of others, is that fact that these guys are paid to know what they are talking about and don't do their homework. They don't know we had a ton of injuries, and don't bother to look it up, and therefore they just say, oh they were 5-11 they suck and Shanny can't coach without Elway.

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Funny bc every NFL board cries about how he rips their team, especially Cowboy fans. College sports fans are even worse. Colin is awesome and I think he's the best in the biz. He still pisses me off at times and that's what keeps me listening.

Colin calls it the Rush Limbaugh/Howard Stern effect. A significant portion of the audience claims to hate the host, yet they listen regularly.

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