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BGO.C.D.-Bring Me the Head of Colin Cowherd


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After what he said about Sean Taylor...The Memorial Service hadn't even been held...I swore I would never listen to that jackass again! Been alomst 5 years & I don't miss him one bit!

If my car was on-fire and he was the only man who knew where the water was to put it out...I'd call my family & friends and say there's a cook-out at my car!

Never again will I listen to him...never!

Yep same feelings here, to this day I've never listened to that blowhard.

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At least he's not predicting us to possibly go 0-16 like this one so called fan on the London Fletcher article on redskins.com. I don't understand how anyone with half a brain could make the following statement, smh!! And Mods I apoligize if this shouldn't be in this thread, I thought it was strikingly similar to cowturd making such idiotic predictions that maybe other fans would want to see that there are even bigger idiots out there than him. Comment is on page 6 or 7

"247-Yes I stand by that..look the roster is bascially set save a few slots for backup..the starting 22 will be basically save 3 positions that started last yr and went 5-11...and starting a rookie QB is the kiss of death for this team...so yes, 0-16 i most certainly in play but look I said being optimistic, its more like 4-12..Jenksins has not done squat yet and is recovering from a very seriou knee injury..our CBs are laughably bad and who knows who will start at Ss...the secondary will not have been together for even a yr and thats a big problem because teams are going to go deep on us often..another yr in a system that doenst work isnt going to improve anything..so I stand on my post, I would not be surprised at all to see us go 0-16 and you shouldnt either."


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We split with the Cowboys and Eagles two years ago, with McNabb. We've only gotten swept by the Cowboys for one year in a row...

Actually I was referring to the countless years they swept us pre-Gibbs, because yes..we have been a bad team for that long. I know you're offended and I'm not really trying to kill anyone's buzz, just trying to be a little more realistic or cautiously optimistic. We are gonna have to prove ourselves before we get any respect. RG3 will have to prove he isn't just another failed QB riding the QB carousel in DC. I think and hope that he is the real deal, but I thought JC would be, I thought Ramsey would be, I thought McNabb would be, I thought Grossman would at least be better..I can go on and on.

And don't get me wrong, I'm 100% behind the RG3 trade and he is already climbing my list as a favorite..I will be rooting hard for this kid. I just choose to listen to media people with as much of an unbiased opinion as I can. If I was Cowherd, I would bash the Skins too..have you guys ever heard any of the Skins fans that call in and talk to him? They are terrible, obnoxious and think anything other than praise is wrong. Some of the emails,tweets are equally as bad.

The Taylor thing is completely understandable and he deserves every ounce of backlash he gets for that..but don't think he won't give credit where its due as far as the quality of our team if we improve. He had Vinnys sorry butt on and allowed him to "rub it in" when Zorn started off so well his first year and we know how that turned out.

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The Redskins will win at least 8 games in 2012, but that kind of prediction is small potatoes, so let me throw one out there that will really rock your paradigm. The pecking order in the NFC East is about to dramatically change, in the words of George Walker Bush…

Big time.

The Redskins aren’t just returning this franchise to respectability and relevance. They’re going to dominate the NFC East for the next decade.

I still love you Colin, despite your ruining today’s run for the border. That’s why I’m saving you a seat on the bandwagon, right next to me :)

That was a really entertaining rant, very well written! :ols: :applause:

---------- Post added May-27th-2012 at 10:07 PM ----------

Wow, so ST used bad judgement right from birth, through elemetrary, jr high and high school! 23 years of bad judgement REALLY? :bsflag:

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6 wins is the prediction we probably deserve. Stop acting like we haven't been a horrible team for the past 20 years. I love the direction we're heading, but, our reputation and expectations will continue to be low until we get 9 or 10 wins in a season.

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6 wins is the prediction we probably deserve. Stop acting like we haven't been a horrible team for the past 20 years. I love the direction we're heading, but, our reputation and expectations will continue to be low until we get 9 or 10 wins in a season.

That's exactly it though, you're right, but what you're describing isn't what they're supposed to be doing. They're paid to be predictive, when 90% of the time they are really being descriptive. This problem isn't just limited to the Redskins.

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That's exactly it though, you're right, but what you're describing isn't what they're supposed to be doing. They're paid to be predictive, when 90% of the time they are really being descriptive. This problem isn't just limited to the Redskins.

I understand what you're saying and to bring it around to my earlier comment. Most of the time they are basing their predictions on past performance (and ours has been terrible), because it is usually the best indicator of future outcomes, and it is the easy/lazy way to do their job.

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