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Snippets from Bruce Allen's press conference (via Twitter / granthpaulsen)

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Sounds like they are going to let Fletcher test the market. Maybe he's asking for too much considering his age. You know Snyderatto wouldn't hesitate to throw him 50Mil over 7 even if he was 40 already.

They can't be far off from each other, unless the Skin's are really low balling it. Would hate to loose him because of a few $$, not to take anything away from Fletch, but I think his age is a factor with other teams.

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Gotta love the way Bruce handles the media. Even if it is blatantly obvious that we are going after RG3, he never wavered in keeping a tight lid on it.

Yea, he's not gonna talk about guys who aren't already Redskins. He was a little 'candid' about Fletch and Freddy, but no pointless chit-chat.

He's convincing. I believe him when he says they're perfectly comfortable with the situation. Those calling the Redskins desperate and foolish are just haterz, not paying attention. Skins know what they're doing.

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Bruce Allen on cap space: "We have sufficient cap room to execute the plan for this year

and next year. We feel comfortable right now."

For those who think we overpaid to trade up, its important to look at the overall strategy instead of just the trade in isolation.

We've cleared the decks in the uncapped year

We appear to have nailed the 2011 draft pretty much. With a solid FA in 2011 to back that up.

We're going to get our QB this year. And by the looks of it one of the top 5 prospects to hit the draft in maybe 10 years.

We've got cap space to burn. Both this year & enough to carry across to next as well.

Whilst still having a significant number of picks left in 2012, 2013 & 2014.

I am not sure what there is not to like at the moment.

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For those who think we overpaid to trade up' date=' its important to look at the overall strategy instead of just the trade in isolation.

We've cleared the decks in the uncapped year

We appear to have nailed the 2011 draft pretty much. With a solid FA in 2011 to back that up.

We're going to get our QB this year. And by the looks of it one of the top 5 prospects to hit the draft in maybe 10 years.

We've got cap space to burn. Both this year & enough to carry across to next as well.

Whilst still having a significant number of picks left in 2012, 2013 & 2014.

I am not sure what there is not to like at the moment.[/quote']

I am in complete agreement with you, sir. I just feel so comfortable knowing that Snyder has finally let go of the reins and let the real football guys make the decisions around here for a change.

Shanahan and Allen are just two no-nonsense football men that understand talent and what kind of moves it takes to build a great team.

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Good snippets from the Bruce.

So i suppose the million dollar question is how hard do they push to get Rex signed?

Personally I'd like him back for another year or two. If anything to teach the playbook

I want Rex back too. Not so much to teach the playbook; that falls on the coaches. But With Rex here the coaches can give 100% attention to RG3 without the need to coach up his backup. Not to say that Rex wouldn't be helpful in bringing him up to speed, just that his biggest impact would be freeing up the coaches.

---------- Post added March-11th-2012 at 11:29 AM ----------

really curious to know who that other player is that we have fallen in love with...

unfortunately we will probably never know.

I think it's pretty clear that he's talking about Luck. I think that was the final motivating factor in making the trade so early before the Rams have officially made their pick. No matter what happens, we will get one of the two best QB prospects to come out in years. Either one is worthy of being chosen #1 over all so we really cant lose. (though I still want RG3)

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really curious to know who that other player is that we have fallen in love with...

unfortunately we will probably never know.

Interestingly, I was at the game where Phillip Daniels came to the ES Tailgate and back then even he was talking about Robert Griffin III. That was the guy it felt like he wanted and was excited by.

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Interestingly, I was at the game where Phillip Daniels came to the ES Tailgate and back then even he was talking about Robert Griffin III. That was the guy it felt like he wanted and was excited by.

See, I think this is where RGIII will have the most immediate impact, on the attitudes around him, tangible hope and confidence that now we can start to really see what we have at more than just the QB position.

The young WRs we already have suddenly look like weapons, the running game picks up, the O line stops being written off as not good enough, etc., the psychological impact of this will have some momentum no matter what happens with the W/L record initially.

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Born in Burgundy and Gold.

This reply speaks volumes of the direction of the redskins. Folks, with a FO like this and pulling the trigger on hopefully our own franchise QB after like forever, watch some of our late round picks blossom.

Remember watching other teams late round picks blossom and saying to yourself "damn" why we cant ever get so lucky.

Folks, if RGIII is the real deal like we all think, we are set for years to come and no one would give a damn about those draft picks. We pulled the trigger on what the redskins has been missing since most of you can remember "QB". And franchise QB's make everyone around him better mentally, physically and financially :D.

Watch guys like hankerson, Niles etc. start to look like steals. This is what a functional FO with a franchise QB will start to do for later round picks, boost they're confidence.

THANK YOU BRUCE..The Bruce is loose LOL..

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They can't be far off from each other, unless the Skin's are really low balling it. Would hate to loose him because of a few $$, not to take anything away from Fletch, but I think his age is a factor with other teams.

I hope "they" consider more than just on field performance when valuing Fletch. The MOST important aspect ANY organization needs - is LEADERSHIP and our man London provides buckets full - EVERYDAY, EVERY PLAY!

While I get 'this isn't the "same 'ole Skins", if we were to throw in a bit more for somebody???? It's gotta be London Fletcher! He is like the Redskins version of Zimmerman; been here for all the tough years, been the only shinning light, let him be a part of the rising!

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really curious to know who that other player is that we have fallen in love with...

unfortunately we will probably never know.

Obviously I'm not Bruce so can't guarantee what he means, but it sounds to me that he is just trying to hedge his bets in case the Colts take RG3. By saying he's fallen in love with 2 players, and going at #2 guarantees one of them, he is saying he has fallen in love with 2, he means that he is happy with Luck or RG3.

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"You have bled with Vinny....now heal with me!"


Edit: The more I think about it Vinny may be more of the Longshanks variety.

---------- Post added March-11th-2012 at 12:53 PM ----------

I want Rex back too. Not so much to teach the playbook; that falls on the coaches. But With Rex here the coaches can give 100% attention to RG3 without the need to coach up his backup. Not to say that Rex wouldn't be helpful in bringing him up to speed, just that his biggest impact would be freeing up the coaches.

Yeah, unless Rex would just throw a fit, which i seriously doubt he would, it seems best to offer him something reasonable for what the team exects out of him.

Could be totally wrong but there wouldn't be too much of a market for him elsewhere either.

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