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Why the Sky Isn't Falling regarding the Rams deal


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I disagree with all of this high praise for another panic move, paying too much for questionable NFL talent. Yes, RGIII looked like a god at a mediocre school in a gimmick offense in a college league that does not play defense. Admit it: we overpaid. I could see giving up two #1s, but three #1s plus a high number two (38th overall)? We got taken to the cleaners, again. With all of our holes, the poor kid will be carted off on a stretcher within one season.

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Reeks of a desperation. You would never see a quality franchise make a move like this. This is a huge risk, mortgaging at least 3 years of lost time on this. Not what solid franchises do to build up a stable and long-lasting team.

Tell that to the Giants.

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Great post, but yeah we have had our own home grown franchise quarterback opportunities (RG3 is now nothing but an opportunity). If Campbell and Ramsey don't count, Heath Shuler was considered by many a "sure thing".

The idea that we have never tried to have a franchise QB isn't true.

So the sky isn't falling.

But we also don't know if RG3 is rolling into camp like Michael Westbrook did in his new Ferrari with an I got paid attitude or someone who wants to be great in the NFL.

We have Heath Shuler and or Cam Newton on our doorstep.

Lets see who shows up.

Heath Shuler was considered a question mark by many. His hold out was really the Redskins fault BTW.

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I disagree with all of this high praise for another panic move, paying too much for questionable NFL talent. Yes, RGIII looked like a god at a mediocre school in a gimmick offense in a college league that does not play defense. Admit it: we overpaid. I could see giving up two #1s, but three #1s plus a high number two (38th overall)? We got taken to the cleaners, again. With all of our holes, the poor kid will be carted off on a stretcher within one season.

Man I give up...

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I disagree with all of this high praise for another panic move, paying too much for questionable NFL talent. Yes, RGIII looked like a god at a mediocre school in a gimmick offense in a college league that does not play defense. Admit it: we overpaid. I could see giving up two #1s, but three #1s plus a high number two (38th overall)? We got taken to the cleaners, again. With all of our holes, the poor kid will be carted off on a stretcher within one season.

To put it simply dude, I feel what you're saying. What gave up alot to get this kid in DC.....that's a fact!

Swapped 1st, two additional 1st and a 2nd are essentially 4 NFL starters that could have really bolstered our rebuilding program. But hey, if Griffin III is a better "Vick" with the "mind of Steve Young" as I read one expert say.....then we'll all look back and laugh. If Griffin III absolutely fails for whatever reason, we'll be mocked, laughed at, and set back once again. Let's find out which occurs.

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I wish we coulda held on to our 2nd rounder this year but that very likely was the final piece that put us over the Browns. We've been starved for a QB for longer then we all wish to remember. I want the youngens in our fan base to be able to enjoy deep playoff runs and SB wins like I was able to growing up. HTTR!!!

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I bet you the Rams make it to the playoffs before we do. The way to build is the draft no FA

I am glad we got RG3/Luck but not at the price

Um, the ONLY team even to follow as close to that prescription, took almost 40 years to field a consistent team. The key in the NFL since 1937, with only a couple of exceptions, has been having an elite QB and the specifics of how you build outside that have always varied.

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Reeks of a desperation. You would never see a quality franchise make a move like this. This is a huge risk, mortgaging at least 3 years of lost time on this. Not what solid franchises do to build up a stable and long-lasting team.

How the Giants make out?... Oh, that's right they fell to the bottom of the league with 2 SBs in 8 seasons. Poor them.... :doh:

---------- Post added March-10th-2012 at 01:06 PM ----------

I bet you the Rams make it to the playoffs before we do. The way to build is the draft no FA

I am glad we got RG3/Luck but not at the price

Do you realize that we still have 8 picks this year.. And essentially we only gave up this year's #2? Think about that real hard for a sec.

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been depressed and lounging around in bed for the last few days since my Hoyas lost to the bearcats in the BE Tourney. This news finally got me feellig much better. I am not going to get into about some of your complaints about us giving up the house for RG3, righ tnow I am just yeeeehawiiiing about our future franchise QB. GO SKINSSSSS!

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been depressed and lounging around in bed for the last few days since my Hoyas lost to the bearcats in the BE Tourney. This news finally got me feellig much better. I am not going to get into about some of your complaints about we giving up the house for RG3, righ tnow I am just yeeeehawiiiing about our future franchise QB. GO SKINSSSSS!

Don't worry, we didn't give up the house bro.. like i said in my previous post.. Essentially we only gave up (just focusing on this year) our 2nd round pick.. We still have 8 pick this year..

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Don't worry, we didn't give up the house bro.. like i said in my previous post.. Essentially we only gave up (just focusing on this year) our 2nd round pick.. We still have 8 pick this year..

We have 7 picks. You are assuming we get a compensatory pick.

As of now we have 7 picks.

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The 13 and 14 drafts will undoubtedly have certain first rounders the Skins will consider vital. In order to get back into the first round, they will give up multiple picks in compensation. Then, they will have sparse middle round choices to provide depth. Depth has been lacking on this team for years. This is what has kept this team a laughing stock for the better part of twenty years. I hope this move works out, but even a great QB needs a running game and protection.

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If Griffin is as good as advertised, and if Davis and Williams don't toke up, the first question is, what could Griffin have done with last year's team had he been the QB? (Yes, it's counterfactual; I'm not suggesting he had come out a year early and we drafted him.) The starting point for the evaluation is not really so much what we gave up, it's how much better we are. Then you look at what we need and where we get it. QB is probably *the* position in football where the talent/production curve doesn't flatten out. Think about two questions. First, in an absolute sense, how much more of an impact on the game does the best center in the league have over the #16 guy (that's average)? Second, how much more talent do you get out of say, that center (or a CB, etc.) the higher up the rankings you go?

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The 13 and 14 drafts will undoubtedly have certain first rounders the Skins will consider vital. In order to get back into the first round, they will give up multiple picks in compensation. Then, they will have sparse middle round choices to provide depth. Depth has been lacking on this team for years. This is what has kept this team a laughing stock for the better part of twenty years. I hope this move works out, but even a great QB needs a running game and protection.

I don't see them doing that. In fact, they may trade down to acquire more picks since they won't have 1st round picks. The FO did what it had to do to get what the team desperately needed: a potential franchise QB.

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Reeks of a desperation. You would never see a quality franchise make a move like this. This is a huge risk, mortgaging at least 3 years of lost time on this. Not what solid franchises do to build up a stable and long-lasting team.

Unless you are looking for the exact framework, quality franchises do this sort of thing all the time.

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I feel like the price was high but absolutely necessary. I'm extremely surprised that we beat the Browns out...pleasantly surprised.

If Shanny feels RG3 is a capable NFL franchise QB then we had to do it. I'm excited about this move...we'll make trades over the next couple years to get more

draft picks so as long as we draft well, we can be in the midst of a serious turnaround.

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I'm with you KDawg. I think this was move that had to be made, and we still have full drafts for the next two seasons minus the first rounders. We will be fine, and RG3 will be a star. Campbell and Ramsey were never talked about in the light that RG3 has, so comparing him to those two is unfair.

Everybody needs to try to put aside the skepticism for a while, and bask in the moment. We just FINALLY have the guy who can rival Sammy Baugh as the greatest Redskins quarterback ever.

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i look at it this way...

here are three likely scenarios from this trade:

1) griffin becomes at least a probowl QB or at best a top 5 QB... AND those two future first-rounders end up busts or at most decent NFL starters... if that happens, it's an amazing trade for us...

2) griffin busts and those future picks end up as stars... the pick looks very bad... however, who is playing QB with those future picks? orton? rex? in that case, it looks like a bad trade, but we're probably still a mediocre team with those star first-rounders...

3) griffin AND those future firsts turn out to all be pro-bowlers.. say a probowl corner and a pro bowl inside linebacker (what we would likely look to pick, at this point, in the next two drafts) -- which would you rather have? who's going to make you a title-competing team? a probowl QB OR a probowl ILB and CB ? almost everyone will pick the QB... especially if you have a team that hasn't had a franchise QB since jurgensen 40 years ago... that would make him even more valuable to the team and it's still a great trade...

i down really see much of a downside of this trade, no matter how hard i try...

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Not in my recollection. Maybe in retrospect the front office had questions, but at the time he was considered a franchise QB.

Then your memory is faulty or you are being deliberately obtuse because there were many more who questioned Shuler. Casserly openly preferred Dilfer at the time. Many fans didn't even want Turner. The ONLY person of any impact who actually considered him a franchise QB was Norv Turner and even he knew he wasn't anything near a sure thing. This, in part, is why the FO forced him to hold out as we wanted structure a contract from which we could pay him but be able to bail with little cap impact.

---------- Post added March-10th-2012 at 12:20 PM ----------


Well, the Rams do play in a division that just recently saw a 7-9 team win the division and then a 6 win team become a 13 win team in just a season. So, there is recent precedence in that division of very quick turnarounds and questionable teams winning the division.

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I am quite frankly amazed at the doom and gloomers in this thread. Some of which didn't even seem to read anything in the OP or the following posts from various members aside from the title, "Why the Sky Isn't Falling regarding the Rams deal".

Some of the same arguments are being brought up page after page and they were already shot down, or, at the very least they were debated intelligently with facts.

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