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I'm suspicious Gronkowski is a juicer.

The Full Monty

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Our own Sundberg broke his arm blocking on a punt. Just saying.

I don't think he's saying breaking your arm on special teams is suspicious. It's that he breaks his arm and then breaks it again soon after which is a very common story among PED users.

That said, just because he's ridiculously jacked doesn't mean he's raging. David Boston, Michael Westbrook, Laron Landry. All guys who workout way to much and it's cost them their careers. Not PEDs though.

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A friend of mine made it to the NFL. 8th grade he was a scrawny little guy. Come in for freshman year of high school, dude is all of a sudden built like a truck. The whole high school team was juicing. I believe he stopped once he started playing college ball, but I bet a lot of these guys did it when they were younger, perhaps Gronk included.

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I don't think he's saying breaking your arm on special teams is suspicious. It's that he breaks his arm and then breaks it again soon after which is a very common story among PED users.

That said, just because he's ridiculously jacked doesn't mean he's raging. David Boston, Michael Westbrook, Laron Landry. All guys who workout way to much and it's cost them their careers. Not PEDs though.

Uhh...Boston was a pretty well known steroid user. And about 80% of ES was convinced that Landry was on PED's of some kind. Most likely HGH.

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I don't think he's saying breaking your arm on special teams is suspicious. It's that he breaks his arm and then breaks it again soon after which is a very common story among PED users.

That said, just because he's ridiculously jacked doesn't mean he's raging. David Boston, Michael Westbrook, Laron Landry. All guys who workout way to much and it's cost them their careers. Not PEDs though.

Uhh...Boston was a pretty well known steroid user. And about 80% of ES was convinced that Landry was on PED's of some kind. Most likely HGH.

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This is what Bibi Jones, Pornstar, had to say about him. I left out a couple of the cuss words.:

Going back to Rob, if you will. He got injured at the end of this year, but he still parties a lot. What’s he like to be with?

Yeah. He’s obsessed with the music group LMAFO, the Party Rock from like a year ago. He’s still is constantly doing the Party Rock. He loves to party. He loves Vegas. He just let’s lose He’s fun, yeah. But I don’t think that’s the best for his career. Too much partying is never good. It’s good to party and have fun, but he has an amazing talent and not a lot of people have a chance to be in the NFL. He’s the highest paid tight end – don’t lose it.

There’s also the rumor that Digital Playground is offering Rob Gronkowski $3.75M to do a scene with you. Talk a little bit about that. What’s your reaction?

I woke up this morning and I found out on Twitter. I was like, “What the is going on? What are people talking about?” and then I read this article. I think it’s kind of funny because Rob is never going to do that. It’s flattering to know that they’re offering someone over $3 mil. I mean, that’s kinda cool, right?


My thought is if a pornstar is telling you that you party too much and that it might hurt your career, then you probably are. I told my friend who is a Pats fan that Jimmy Graham will have a better career and will last longer in the league just because he takes care of himself. All of these partying TEs careers suck within a few years. Shockey and Cooley are the recent examples.

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To reiterate my point since this thread was started over a year ago: I suspect Gronk is a PED user because he had a solid but unspectacular college career, a decent rookie year, then followed with a record shattering history-making 2nd year that showcased freakish power and athleticism.

I can sort of buy the idea that Gronk is that strong --I don't buy the idea that he is naturally that fast. His acceleration on the sideline play against us, which I mentioned in the OP, that's really when I started to wonder...

Anyways, his big year in 2011 gets marred by a bad injury in the playoffs. Skip ahead a year, and again he starts off on a great note---then consecutive breaks of apparently the most fragile forearm in pro sports.

I think 95 percent of the NFL is on something and the other 5 percent are lying.

That may be true. But I despise Gronk because he's probably using way more of that "something" than the 95% of the NFL--because the other 31 starting TE's don't annihilate records their 2nd year after a non-descript rookie year after a non-descript college career.

---------- Post added March-22nd-2013 at 12:39 AM ----------

It's ok though, his descent to injury-prone mediocrity seems to have already begun---combine that with his party animal lifestyle and it's a wrap.

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To reiterate my point since this thread was started over a year ago: I suspect Gronk is a PED user because he had a solid but unspectacular college career, a decent rookie year, then followed with a record shattering history-making 2nd year that showcased freakish power and athleticism.

I can sort of buy the idea that Gronk is that strong --I don't buy the idea that he is naturally that fast. His acceleration on the sideline play against us, which I mentioned in the OP, that's really when I started to wonder...

Anyways, his big year in 2011 gets marred by a bad injury in the playoffs. Skip ahead a year, and again he starts off on a great note---then consecutive breaks of apparently the most fragile forearm in pro sports.

That may be true. But I despise Gronk because he's probably using way more of that "something" than the 95% of the NFL--because the other 31 starting TE's don't annihilate records their 2nd year after a non-descript rookie year after a non-descript college career.

It's ok though, his descent to injury-prone mediocrity seems to have already begun---combine that with his party animal lifestyle and it's a wrap.

You buy that Gronkowski is that strong... but that the PEDs gave him speed? You do realize that speed is largely a function of strength, right?

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You buy that Gronkowski is that strong... but that the PEDs gave him speed? You do realize that speed is largely a function of strength, right?

One of my favorite posters, EA.

I don't get your question. I don't buy that he was, especially in 2011, both that strong/physical AND fast/athletic. If you want to get into the independent/dependent variables of athletic performance, ok, speed is a function of strength. The conclusion on my end is that he's PED user. His strength isn't natural. And his body is breaking down now as a result.

I don't see men that big and strong move that fast (at 6-6/265) one year after not showing anything like that as a rookie and two years after never showing anything like that in college. Oh wow, he dragged a PAC-10 safety when he was at Arizona. Sorry, I don't count that.

Then this supposed elite physical specimen has successive forearm breaks. One on an extra point and another while falling to the ground off an average collision. That about sealed it for me. I was suspicious before. I'm more certain now.

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His arm broke the second time along the metal plate installed after the first break. It's a known, but unlikely, risk with a plate like that. It takes pressure away from the center of the plate, which is over the original healed break, and disperses it to the edges of the plate. It freakishly caused a second break along the edge of the plate. It's not his body breaking down from PED's, it's physics.

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One of my favorite posters, EA.

I don't get your question. I don't buy that he was, especially in 2011, both that strong/physical AND fast/athletic. If you want to get into the independent/dependent variables of athletic performance, ok, speed is a function of strength. The conclusion on my end is that he's PED user. His strength isn't natural. And his body is breaking down now as a result.

I don't see men that big and strong move that fast (at 6-6/265) one year after not showing anything like that as a rookie and two years after never showing anything like that in college. Oh wow, he dragged a PAC-10 safety when he was at Arizona. Sorry, I don't count that.

Then this supposed elite physical specimen has successive forearm breaks. One on an extra point and another while falling to the ground off an average collision. That about sealed it for me. I was suspicious before. I'm more certain now.

I don't think he's as fast as you make him seem. He's fast for his size, for sure, but he's not Vernon Davis fast and he doesn't seem any faster to me now than his 4.6 combine time would indicate (which ALL of his brothers ran in the immediate vicinity of, by the way). Even looking back at that Pats game... Kerrigan made a really poor effort on that tackle you spoke of and I remember Perry Riley being able to make a play from behind on Gronk to stop another potential long touchdown play.

I wouldn't be surprised at all if he did use PEDs at some point, of course, but I just feel that your reasoning in this thread is a little flimsy.

I don't think breaking a bone is indicative of PED use. Usually, you see a breakdown in soft tissues like tendons and ligaments, but I don't think broken bones indicate anything about ped use.

It can be but that's a more rare and more long-term side effect of certain steroids. The soft tissue injuries are what you'd expect first and foremost.

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My sister broke her leg when she was little and she had 3 casts on. Each time they thought it had healed, it rebroke. She as a child back then around 8 or 9. Sometimes bones don't heal like you want them to. Of course back in the 70s, they rarely did surgery on broken bones. I had a near compound fracture of my left forearm (bone was sticking up when you looked at my arm like it wanted to come through the skin) and all they did was set it in the ER and put a cast from my fingers to my armpit.

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Gronk's just a big, dumb caveman. When the DNA called for one order of brains, and one order of muscles, he got a double dose of muscles instead.

With that said, he's no more freakish than any of the other unreal players out there. Look at our own Silverback for crying out loud.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Man there is just a lot of crap talked about Gronk for no reason really. Not sure why everyone here seems to dislike him and throw around PEDs with at best, anecdotal evidence.

Like I said earlier in this thread, he has always been that big, and that strong compared to the other players on the field. In Highschool I watched him literally carry 4 guys into the end-zone, some of which were not corners. Maybe, just maybe he was on PED's when he was 16, but I doubt it.

I expect the media to make blind assumptions for their own gain and ratings, but not sure why people on a redskins board should just be throwing it out there for no reason other than hopes that he is on something so they have a "see I told you..." moment.

As far as not having a spectacular College Career, neither did Brady, I suppose we should also be testing Brady for HGH, Steroids, and something else that makes him read Defenses much better in the NFL. Give me a break, have some actual evidence before spouting crap.

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A fourth surgery!

Any bets on when he'll get a fifth?


Yeah, seriously, what a douchebag for breaking his arm and getting a horrible infection. They should just let him die instead. Or just murder him. **** it, it's not like he's an actual human being or anything.


And I don't buy the original premise. His rookie season was not pedestrian. It wasn't exceptional, but there were many, many flashes. He certainly wasn't an unknown quantity going into year two. The leap wasn't all that huge (talent/performance-wise, anyway; of course it was stat-wise). It's much more likely that he was, you know, a season more experienced in year two. Freak injuries happen. Could he be a juicer? Maybe. There isn't really any evidence, though.

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His arm broke the second time along the metal plate installed after the first break. It's a known, but unlikely, risk with a plate like that. It takes pressure away from the center of the plate, which is over the original healed break, and disperses it to the edges of the plate. It freakishly caused a second break along the edge of the plate. It's not his body breaking down from PED's, it's physics.

My God that has to be painful.

I'd be surprised if anybody in the league is NOT using PEDs at some point. You just don't naturally get that big and fast naturally. It's not possible. You can't have guys who weigh 275 running a 40 under 6 seconds. I don't care how hard they work. Might as well stop testing and let them go crazy. As violent as football is, they are our gladiators.

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One of my favorite posters, EA.

I don't get your question. I don't buy that he was, especially in 2011, both that strong/physical AND fast/athletic. If you want to get into the independent/dependent variables of athletic performance, ok, speed is a function of strength. The conclusion on my end is that he's PED user. His strength isn't natural. And his body is breaking down now as a result.

I don't see men that big and strong move that fast (at 6-6/265) one year after not showing anything like that as a rookie and two years after never showing anything like that in college. Oh wow, he dragged a PAC-10 safety when he was at Arizona. Sorry, I don't count that.

Then this supposed elite physical specimen has successive forearm breaks. One on an extra point and another while falling to the ground off an average collision. That about sealed it for me. I was suspicious before. I'm more certain now.

Here are your arguments:

Premise 1: He is Strong, and Fast

Premise 2: He had a much stronger 2nd NFL season vs his Rookie Year (SHOCKING!)

Premise 3: He has broken his forearm.

Premise 4: People who use PED's bodies are weaker when they reject the drugs

Conclusion: Given P4, it is safe to assume he has been using performance enhancing drugs.

That is possibly one of the oddest, and most ridiculous arguments I've read on this site.

Using your "logic" (I use that term loosely), I'm going to say that Louisville's Kevin Ware was DEFINITELY on PEDs when he broke his leg into 2 pieces.

P1.) Kevin Ware was fast and Athletic

P2.) He had much less playing time in his Freshman Year than his Sophomore Year.

P3.) He broke his leg, much more aggressively than Gronk, with less weight falling on it.

P4.) People who use PED's bodies are weaker when they reject drugs

Conclusion: Kevin Ware is a dirty, dirty cheater who uses PED's. I know this because his body is rejecting the drugs and bones break easier. I now have anecdotal proof to talk trash about a player who must've stole my girlfriend because I have an unnatural hatred of him for no reason.

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Yeah, seriously, what a douchebag for breaking his arm and getting a horrible infection. They should just let him die instead. Or just murder him. **** it, it's not like he's an actual human being or anything.


You're right. He should continue to ignore his body when it reminds him that he is mortal. I'm sure a few more months of this won't hinder his recovery.


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