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What age did you first get cable tv ?


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I believe I was 13 or 14. Late 80s. My family and I lived out in the middle of nowhere so it took a long time to get down there. Before cable I remember my dad trying to watch Penn State football games through terrible snowy reception. Now that I think about it, that's probably why I remember him listening to the games on the radio even more.

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I was thirteen when we moved to New Mexico from NOVA and there wasn't anything over the air so my dad buckled under and got it for us. Just about the same time we got our beta-max I believe, maybe a year earlier. I gave it up a year ago...I loves the internet and the power of the signals, due to upgrades in technology no doubt, from the El Paso stations are strong enough now that I can get them with a roof top antenna.

Funny, I read a book that made reference to Max Robinson and it made me think of just this issue a couple weeks ago.

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wasn't it cool to actually record TV?

It was very cool. Damn thing flashed 12:00 at us for a year before anyone figured out how to set it, with the Lake Placid Olympics being the motivation. That was common among all appliances with digital clock back then. Figuring out how to make gadgets easy for normal non-techies took a long time. Still happening today I figure.

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Did yours have the little dials and switches to tune/set each channel? :ols:

With the advent of cable the channel limit(14?) of them was a pain

It must have been pretty similar there weren't a whole lot options out there at first. I remember a whole lot of little gray buttons with white numbers and they were mechanical. It was an enormous setup with two boxes each of which was about twice as big as a modern dvd player. Truth is when I was 13 I didn't watch much tv, I was too busy with sports pretty much year round. When I got a little older and narrowed it down to one sport with an off-season we already had a newer less massive/mom friendly model.

Added: that's funny with the Grampa Simpsons pic. It'll get you too before you know it, you whipper snapper! ;)

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I remember ours usually responded to hitting the side with an open hand. Did yours?

Yeah,the tubes got loose or something and a good whack would usually bring er back....pulling the back off em in the dark was great fun too....it glows ,it glows

PP.......Yeeeees:pfft;): , though I don't think we got one till 65 or so

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I want to say in 67,but not sure

I should have read first before I made my joke. :ols: I remember the first show I saw in color---it was Bonanza,and I'm thinking it was about the same time, twa.

Do you remember that crap they started selling in drug stroes and in the back of comics? A "poor mans" way to convert your b&w tv into color? It was a thin cellophane type sheet with bands of red, green, and blue sections that you taped over your screen. :ols:

---------- Post added January-14th-2012 at 10:23 PM ----------

A lot of old fogies in this thread. :)

I remember back in the day in Alaska where we'd just hunt down cowboy fans (or Texans in general) wherever we found them and disappear 'em out there in the tundra. :cool:

I wonder if there's an internet version of that---oh wait. :evilg:

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My wife grew up in a family that always had cable. They view it as an absolute necessity of life. I on the other hand as I mentioned before in the post didn't grow up with cable, or watching much TV for that matter. It isn't like I wasn't allowed to watch TV, I just liked playing outside when I got home from school, or in the evening playing videogames since I could control and interact with them. I have always hated watching hour after hour of television. My wife's family will literally get together to have dinner, then go sit in front of the TV and watch stuff from 6:00 until 11:00.

The other thing is, I always watched the news every night even when I was little. My parents said it was important stuff and we always talked about some of the news stories. My wife's family never watches the news. They don't read newspapers either which I don't know many people from my generation (outside of D.C. where the Washington Post is big) who read the newspaper with regularity. Her family sits down and wants to watch 2 hours of "most hilarious stupid crap caught on tape" or whatever the hell its called where they have a bunch of crappy non-celebrities do bland, scripted idiotic comments on videos.

I also noticed they don't mute the TV during a commercial. They all think its weird when we're at my parent's house and watching something like, say, a Redskins game and the TV gets muted right away. They asked my wife one time wait why do they mute the commercials? She said "because they don't want to listen to advertisements" then they asked what we do until the show comes back to which she replied "they talk about something, sometimes the show, sometimes something completely different" they all got a look on their face and said that's weird.

Also I got in trouble for constantly commenting on programs while they were on. Apparently you're not supposed to talk to each other at all while watching TV. They also laugh loudly at things on TV a lot more frequently than I ever do, sometimes they even laugh when prompted to by laugh tracks at things which I'm not even sure they found all that funny.

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I also noticed they don't mute the TV during a commercial. They all think its weird when we're at my parent's house and watching something like, say, a Redskins game and the TV gets muted right away. They asked my wife one time wait why do they mute the commercials? She said "because they don't want to listen to advertisements" then they asked what we do until the show comes back to which she replied "they talk about something, sometimes the show, sometimes something completely different" they all got a look on their face and said that's weird.

haha, That is exactly what happens when we all go to my parent's house to watch a game. The TV has to be muted the minute a commercial comes on. :doh: My Dad will look around for the remote and whoever is sitting closest to the remote basically becomes the "muter" during the game or until they think they have had enough. It's a habit my Dad developed over the years because we never muted the commercials when I was a kid.

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The TV was already invented by 1967?

Hey, it was a good year for new inventions!

---------- Post added January-15th-2012 at 07:46 AM ----------

I was told it was the devils handiwork....I got my own TV,VCR and cable quick as I could (and a lock for the door)

That was one use I didn't discover for the old Sony. They actually rented them at the mall in the back room. Taped video was so high end they could afford the highest retail space in town, the mall was pretty new then, to hawk movies. I have to say I couldn't imagine any XXX at the mall today. In some ways we've gotten more prudish.

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