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Haywire - Gina Carano's new movie! Official Trailer inside - NSFW


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Mallory Kane (Carano) is a highly trained operative who works for a government security contractor in the dirtiest, most dangerous corners of the world. After successfully freeing a Chinese journalist held hostage, she is double crossed and left for dead by someone close to her in her own agency. Suddenly the target of skilled assassins who know her every move, Mallory must find the truth in order to stay alive. Using her black-ops military training, she devises an ingenious—and dangerous—trap. But when things go haywire, Mallory realizes she’ll be killed in the blink of an eye unless she finds a way to turn the tables on her ruthless adversary.

Give Carano credit - not only can she realistically pull off a variety of martial arts stunts and fighting moves like no one else on film, it’s all the more fun watching her take down powerful-looking fellows like Channing Tatum and Michael Fassbender in this trailer. There’s no indication yet that Carano will be the most expressive actress, but given the nature of her character in Soderbergh’s film, it’s not exactly a role that requires her to be anything but convincingly robotic.

Beyond scenes of Carano kickin’ some serious butt, though, there’s not a whole lot on display in this Haywire footage that really leaves a strong impression. This preview essentially makes the movie look like most deadly-government-agent-on-the-run flicks that have been made (see:

Salt, The Bourne Identity, the first Mission: Impossible, etc.). Between the generic voiceover narration and the familiar plot points, this Haywire trailer feels like something we’ve seen many times before - much like the preview for Soderbergh’s Contagion (see: Screen Rant‘s own Contagion/Outbreak trailer mashup).

Haywire does have the added benefit of great supporting stars like Ewan McGregor, Michael Douglas, Antonio Banderas, and Bill Paxton; plus, the film was scripted by Lem Dobbs, the writer behind Soderbergh’s The Limey and Frank Oz’s The Score, two solid thrillers in their own right. It’s also rare for Soderbergh to deliver a film that’s either really conventional, bland, or straight-up bad, so maybe Haywire will ultimately prove to be more memorable than the trailer suggests.

Haywire is slated for theatrical release on January 20th, 2012.

Source: Relativity Media

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I saw the trailer when I went to see Immortals and the movie actually looks pretty good, and Carano is hot as hell!

Oh.... and Merry Christmas below ;)
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So she made the jump from MMA to acting? Well, the review has it right, she doesn't really have to act, just be "convincingly robotic."

Well she WAS an American Gladiator.

It'll be refreshing to see a female lead in an action movie who's actually believable rather than some 90 pound light-weight who doesn't know how to fight kick ass in high heels.

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There are several 1 star reviews on Netflix already.

That's silly. What's the point of a review if they haven't even seen the movie yet? Sounds like Netflix needs to change their system so that you can't review a movie until it has either been released, or has had preview showings.

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That's silly. What's the point of a review if they haven't even seen the movie yet? Sounds like Netflix needs to change their system so that you can't review a movie until it has either been released, or has had preview showings.
It's people that have seen advance screenings of the movie.
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like I really care about the screen play in this one... ill be drooling in the opening credits.

The negative ratings and advanced screening crowd was probably jealous girlfriends and wives that wish they were Gina Carano and gave it a bad rating just so guys would sway away from seeing it.... bam, nailed it!

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