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Graziano: Redskins aren't packing it in

Commander PK

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Expecting anything this good from Matt Mosley would have been a pipe dream. Graziano pretty much hits it on the head, although I think there is little more for the fans to do now but look to the draft. I don't hope the team loses from here out, but honestly if they do it won't upset me much. The emotional investment in a single game is now for the most part gone for me, and I'm trying to look at the larger long-term picture.

In any case, nice write-up.


You know, all week I do these radio spots, and I did one in Dallas on Friday where they just kept trying to get me to say there was no chance the Washington Redskins could upset the Dallas Cowboys. But I cover the NFL, you see, and while certain segments of the league's fan base refuse to learn such week-to-week lessons as "Any team can win any game at any time," I tend to try and keep things in perspective. So I was giving the guys at "The Ben & Skin Show" a bunch of, "Well, of course there's a chance," and they were coming back at me with "Come on, you don't really think that," until I finally caved in and said the Cowboys would have to play a bad game and turn the ball over a bunch of times for the Redskins to have a chance.

Well, that's not exactly the way it worked out, but the Redskins sure did have a chance to upset the Cowboys on Sunday and derail Dallas' playoff hopes. They beat them up and down the field on special teams, hung tough on defense and made plays on offense for the first time in a month. Had Graham Gano's 52-yard overtime field goal attempt stayed just a bit truer, they'd have won it. The fact that it didn't leaves Redskins fans dealing with the pain of a sixth straight loss in a season gone off the rails as they lost 27-24.

The players feel the same way. They're disappointed. They feel like they let one get away. DeAngelo Hall blamed himself for letting Dez Bryant get open on that last drive and was so upset about it that he said he'd cut himself if he worked in the front office. A loss like this, where you miss by so little, hurts deeply, and I'm not expecting the Redskins or their fans to want to hear anything about moral victories.

But I think this game said a lot about the Redskins. First of all, it said a lot about their defense, which has been asked to do pretty much everything over the past month as the offense has effectively shut down. Hall's quotes in that link right there indicate a high level of disappointment rooted in the fact that the offense finally put enough points on the board to win and the defense couldn't make it happen. But that late breakdown aside, this was a gusty performance by the Redskins' defense. They bottled up running back DeMarco Murray, especially between the tackles, which is something no one else has been able to do yet. And while they still can't get anything going in the run game no matter which running back they rotate in and out of there, Rex Grossman showed why he should be the starting quarterback ahead of John Beck. He's a legitimate professional quarterback with the ability to hang in the pocket and make throws down the field, whereas Beck is not.

There's been a lot of talk in recent weeks among Redskins fans about next year's draft, and being okay with the idea of losing enough games to improve the position from which they can pick their quarterback of the future. I never understand the idea of fans wanting the team into which they pour so much emotion and energy to lose the games they play once a week, but oh well. You need to get your frustrations out some way, and if your hunt for silver lining forces you to look ahead and imagine Matt Barkley or Landry Jones in burgundy and gold, be my guest.

But if I were a Redskins fan, I'd be proud of my team for not playing that way. I'd be happy that they gave me a game today I thought they could win -- a gritty effort against a bitter rival that went right down to the end. Too many Redskins weeks recently have been devoid of hope. This one had it. This was a week in which Redskins fans could believe something great would happen. And even better, if you went into this game thinking they had no chance to win another game this season, there's no way you came out of it with the same feeling.

Professional athletes don't quit on seasons, and they don't concern themselves with their team's draft position in November. If I were a Redskins fan, I believe the most important thing to me would be to know that my team was still doing its best to win every game it played. I think you saw that Sunday. The Redskins are outmanned right now. They're missing too many key starters to be a contending team. They won't be making the playoffs. They're rebuilding, and you see the progress on defense. The offense needs to be the focal point of the next offseason, starting with quarterback, and I believe it will. In the meantime, what they did today was throw a serious scare into the Cowboys, who have more talent than they do at almost every position. And I think Redskins fans would do well to remember how much fun it was right up until the disappointing end.

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this article makes so much sense because its the truth we are rebuilding and the defence is playing lights out every snap but the spend so much time on the paddock they do get tired i am always proud of the redskins win lose or draw i see the improvements on and off the field adn i cant wait for the offence to catch up to the standard the defence plays with look out NFL the redskins are coming

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I completely agree, the defense is way better then people give credit for, they, coming into this week allowed the 2nd fewest points in the conference, they know how to get to the QB and we haven't said that about a skins team since the '91 team maybe '92. Our focus should be Offense in the offseason, maybe depth at the dline and linebacker. Fixing the Oline and getting a QB should be top priority, Bruce Allen has already impressed me with his draft choices and moves and I was thinking we were 4-5 years away from being something but I think we could be closer then people think maybe 2-3 years. I feel it, we're on the verge of starting a dynasty here in DC quote me on that.. But we're not there yet..

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I skim through most Skins related sites everyday, Graz does a nice job at staying unbiased and usually only inserts his opinion begrudgingly. The majority of his info and articles are left open-ended, allowing you to take what you will from it. Huge upgrade over the good ole' Matt Mosely.

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That was well said. As a longtime Redskin fan, I can deal with the disappointing loss to a bitter rival like Dallas. I would have been angry had they displayed the same unwatchable performance that they gave against Buffalo. They actually came out and played hard football for 60 plus minutes. Whether the Redskins win or lose, that's mainly what I want to see. The competitive fire.

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Wow, he put it perfectly. I gotta say, I haven't kept up with his blog but it seems like it's a massive upgrade from Mosley's "NFC East and the Cowboys" blog.

I actually look forward to what he has to say after a game, because he tells it like it is, but he doesn't make **** up, embellish the truth, or take cheap shots like Mosley did. I think he's very fair, and gives pretty solid assessments of all four teams. Mosley was a straight Cowboy homer, and he never failed to rub salt in the wounds when talking about anything Redskins.

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this is my team, and i do believe we have turned a corner in the area of Heart, professionalism and want to. we do have alot of holes, the whole oline just about ;qb, a wr; cb and safety and an increase in team speed. we are headed in the right direction. a question i have for everyone is this, do you think it was a good decision to pass on signing fa's guard davin joseph and cb johnathan joseph ?HTTR

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Great Article and it was a fun game to watch. I for one have hope for the future of this team thats something I haven't had in a long time. We don't have a team of overpriced over the hill vets.The vets we do have are hardworking,team first guys who aren't overpaid well besides D Hall. We have a team of young guys who are learning to play in the NFL. Guys like Ryan Kerrigan who sure as hell doesn't look like a rookie. Can you imagine this guy when he hits his prime. Who hasn't loved watching Perry Riley play the last 2 weeks. Dejon Gomes looked good until he got hurt. Hankerson was showing what he was capable of until he went down, hopefully he can come back and not have lingering issues and I can't wait to Jarvis Jenkins next year.Roy Helu should be getting the bulk of the carries, but whatever he looks good when he's in there. Yeah we aren't winning games but there is finally some hope instead of frustration about why we suck so bad after spending so much damn money.Plus we don't have to worry about reworking contracts of already overpaid vets just so we can get under the cap to sign another overpriced FA. Be patient and enjoy watching our young guys and think of the possibilities.

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I read this just before you posted it. And I loved every word. I wanted to plaster it all over the threads where people are saying this team isn't playing with emotion and that they players and coaches obviously don't care.

This is a team that cares and is working its ass off. The problem is we just don't quite have the talent yet. Just wait a couple seasons as this rebuilding project continues and be prepared for some great Redskins football.

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The article was good and I agree that they have played their hearts out on the field especially on defense but addressing the QB issue will only happen if they have a top 5 pick because pick 10 or higher makes it a good possibility that you won't be getting one unless you trade up in the draft. The only thing that the Redskins have to offer is a good draft pick and nothing else. So based on history we will pick outside the top 5 again because we will win 2 or 3 more ball games to ensure that. We have nothing to lose now because we are out of the playoff race or even the divisional race with this latest loss. That is the team we root for based on the past 10 years.

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If we have not already, we should send ES information to Dan, just so he can see the respect he gets here...unlike the Giants fans which seem to think he is out to get their team. MM was so biased, and now in his new job, he can just report on Dallas stuff all the time. With Dan, the blog is updated daily, several times, covers just about every viewpoint and is actually entertaining. His wit along with his fairness has made it the best NFL blog over at the 4 letter.

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as it stand right now, we would be picking @ #5 in the draft... The only teams ahead of us are as follows:

#4 Carolina - (already has QB in Newton)

#3 Minnesota - (already has QB in Ponder)

#2 St. Louis - (already has QB in Bradford)

#1 Indianapolis - (they will get Luck)

-If the draft position could remain like this, then we have the opportunity to get first dibs on any QB (not named Luck). :)

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as it stand right now, we would be picking @ #5 in the draft... The only teams ahead of us are as follows:

#4 Carolina - (already has QB in Newton)

#3 Minnesota - (already has QB in Ponder)

#2 St. Louis - (already has QB in Bradford)

#1 Indianapolis - (they will get Luck)

-If the draft position could remain like this, then we have the opportunity to get first dibs on any QB (not named Luck). :)

I agree that Carolina will not pick a QB three years in a row, depending on Bradford's injury he stays sure. Minnesota though? are they Really sold on Ponder? I'm not convinced.

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Moral victories don't really mean much to me. A loss to a bitter rival is still a loss to a bitter rival. Just like a "win is a win" when you win a game that you should have lost. Seeing the cowboys and their fans go home with big smiles on their faces after the game really struck a nerve. I would have much rather beat the cowboys and risk draft position than lose to them like we did yesterday.

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I agree that Carolina will not pick a QB three years in a row, depending on Bradford's injury he stays sure. Minnesota though? are they Really sold on Ponder? I'm not convinced.

Minny will not draft a QB unless Ponder turns into John Beck the rest of the season.

I know a lot of Rams fans who are already sick of Bradford but no way the team gives up on him. Not much around him and has a huge contract.

We will take a QB in the first two rounds -- most likely the first. And build the offensive line. And look for a playmaker. And a corner. And the list goes on.

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I agree that Carolina will not pick a QB three years in a row, depending on Bradford's injury he stays sure. Minnesota though? are they Really sold on Ponder? I'm not convinced.

They're not going to give up on ponder after 1/2 of a season. I don't see them drafting a QB. I can see them drafting a stud WR or a top defensive player, though.

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Moral victories don't really mean much to me. A loss to a bitter rival is still a loss to a bitter rival. Just like a "win is a win" when you win a game that you should have lost. Seeing the cowboys and their fans go home with big smiles on their faces after the game really struck a nerve. I would have much rather beat the cowboys and risk draft position than lose to them like we did yesterday.

I agree the moral victories aren't worth anything. The Redskins have lost a lot of games over the years that they "should have" won, and it seems like 75% of them were against the Cowboys. It's a joke that we didn't at least get a split. Cowboys were 8 for 8 in field goal attempts against us over the two games and I think we were 4 for 7. For all our problems, a couple of missed field goals is the difference between 0 - 2 and 2 - 0 against the Cowboys and still having a season left. It's a similar story every season and you just wonder if it can ever change.

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