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Tonight's 8pm:Cnn- Great Western Republican Debate


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The main problem I see with Romney, and it's pretty huge as I perceive it...

The whole national health care issue. That's one thing he'll have trouble arguing the counter point against Obama. Especially considering that one of the main objections against Obama is that he didn't "go for the economy", he went for "Obamacare". Romney certainly is a strong debater though, I'll give him that.

Perhaps he can say that Obama tried to copy him and screwed things up, over applying something that was meant for one state....

(personally I don't have a problem with obama care though, it isn't really an issue to me)

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Dont blame Mitt. That's SOP. Obama did the same thing 3 years ago

Don't blame Kilmer. Claiming "Obama did it, too!" is SOP. Even when he can't think of a single time Obama tried to blame Bush for things that happened six months before he took office.

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In the primaries they won't, in the general they'll suck it up. That's what primaries are for.

You don't understand the tea party. You can stop Obama from doing any damage as long as you control congress and they will focus their efforts there. Tea Party is about purification and they will only support the pure tea partier.

Let's say the ticket is Romney- Cain. I doubt you will see much Tea Partiers doing anything for Romney. Instead they will all be helping Cain and focusing congress. With Tea Party on the ticket; that will turn off the swing vote.

This election will be close but in the end, OBama will get 4 more years.

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Perhaps he can say that Obama tried to copy him and screwed things up, over applying something that was meant for one state....

(personally I don't have a problem with obama care though, it isn't really an issue to me)

I've heard that argument before. I'll tell you this. It won't go over well with stupid people such as myself.

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Don't blame Kilmer. Claiming "Obama did it, too!" is SOP. Even when he can't think of a single time Obama tried to blame Bush for things that happened six months before he took office.

Over the line Larry. nobody is going to buy that you, the leftist of the left, believes that line of crap.

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I missed the whole 9-9-9 thing...

So Cain is going to **** me with a 9% sales tax and a 5% VA state sales tax? 14% sales tax in VA? Bull ****ing ****. No way will I vote for that man.

Just think of all the people that don't pay income tax right now cause they are poor. 9% income tax. 9% sales tax increase. They will have a immediate 18% decrease in purchasing power... unless they buy used items in which case it's only 9%.

Cains tax plan is lunacy.

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You don't understand the tea party. You can stop Obama from doing any damage as long as you control congress and they will focus their efforts there. Tea Party is about purification and they will only support the pure tea partier.

First thing, I do understand the Tea Party, i considered myself one before they went all crazy. Secondly, I'll go to my grave saying they will fall lock in step in the general election to support the republican candidate. That does Obama the most damage, becuase it gets him out of office. Conservatives complain every single election cycle, its nothing new.

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The cake is big?

No Pastels?

What the **** is Michelle talking about????????????????

This nut took the pastel comment from a 1975 Reagan speech...here ya go:

"Our people look for a cause to believe in. Is it a third party we need, or is it a new and revitalized second party, raising a banner of no pale pastels, but bold colors which make it unmistakably clear where we stand on all of the issues troubling the people?" -R. Reagan

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Health care has to be reformed and I'm pretty sure Romney is the only one that actually understands the concept. I do agree that that will hurt him with GOP voters.

Maybe he learned from his mistake in Mass that is a fiscal nightmare?

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The main problem I see with Romney, and it's pretty huge as I perceive it...

The whole national health care issue. That's one thing he'll have trouble arguing the counter point against Obama. Especially considering that one of the main objections against Obama is that he didn't "go for the economy", he went for "Obamacare". Romney certainly is a strong debater though, I'll give him that.

To be honest I think most people with a decent command of the english language would look strong while on the same stage with most of this crew.

Newt can debate well as far as his command of the facts but he just comes off as unlikeable. Bachmann is insane, Cain is just a suit full of catchphrases (and a healthy dose of flip flopping), Perry looks like someone hit him with a baseball bat whenever asked to answer or respond to something, Santorum nobody even cares about. Paul is the only one who has the chops but he doesn't have the "look" and his views in some areas are too out of line with red meat republicans to mean much to them.

Romney looks incredibly polished next to the others and he is very slick but, again, weak field. I think he is a good debater but I wouldn't put him on a pedestal considering the surrounding talent level. I've certainly seen him falter and get flustered in the past. On this stage, with these other candidates, it is easy for him to take the mantle of "adult".

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Just think of all the people that don't pay income tax right now cause they are poor. 9% income tax. 9% sales tax increase. They will have a immediate 18% decrease in purchasing power... unless they buy used items in which case it's only 9%.

Cains tax plan is lunacy.

If his plan means I won't be able to claim interest on the house I'm buying this month there is no way in hell I'll vote for him. Nope. Negative, no way no how.

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Good grief do we still think Iran is actually a threat?

Don't know about you, but yeah, I do.

No, not a threat to conquer the US, or anything. But yeah, a nuclar Iran would make things a whole lot worse, for a whole bunch of people. Including us.

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I've heard that argument before. I'll tell you this. It won't go over well with stupid people such as myself.

Fair enough...

But I think it's a decent argument to make if Obama says that they have the same plan.

Romeny can just say that he knows the plan better and when and where it works.

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To be honest I think most people with a decent command of the english language would look strong while on the same stage with most of this crew.

Newt can debate well as far as his command of the facts but he just comes off as unlikeable. Bachmann is insane, Cain is just a suit full of catchphrases (and a healthy dose of flip flopping), Perry looks like someone hit him with a baseball bat whenever asked to answer or respond to something, Santorum nobody even cares about. Paul is the only one who has the chops but he doesn't have the "look" and his views in some areas are too out of line with red meat republicans to mean much to them.

Romney looks incredibly polished next to the others and he is very slick but, again, weak field. I think he is a good debater but I wouldn't put him on a pedestal considering the surrounding talent level. I've certainly seen him falter and get flustered in the past. On this state, with these other candidates, it is easy for him to take the mantle of "adult".

Well, I think that what it will take against Obama is an "adult". Not an old man, not a loon. Somebody who can capture the same audience that Obama has and not look weak to that audience.

Romney looks pretty good against these folks, as well as Paul. I might like Paul's ideals a little bit more but he'll look like McCain against Obama. I don't think that Romney will. He'll put up a fight and he's fairly centrist on some things to garner some interest from the middle.

Fair enough...

But I think it's a decent argument to make if Obama says that they have the same plan.

Romeny can just say that he knows the plan better and when and where it works.

I don't honestly think that I'm dumb. Compared to some posters here, perhaps. Compared to voting Americans, I'm probably pretty smart.

I don't think, when it comes down to it, that America will see "Obamacare" (I hate that term) any different than "Romneycare" (also a stupid term that I just made up). I don't think that Romney would be able to claim that his plan is any better than Obama's because "Obamacare" hasn't even been enacted largley (AFAIK). Nobody really knows what negative effects that "Obamacare" will have on the economy.

All we know is that republicans hate socialized health care.

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You don't understand the tea party. You can stop Obama from doing any damage as long as you control congress and they will focus their efforts there. Tea Party is about purification and they will only support the pure tea partier.

Let's say the ticket is Romney- Cain. I doubt you will see much Tea Partiers doing anything for Romney. Instead they will all be helping Cain and focusing congress. With Tea Party on the ticket; that will turn off the swing vote.

This election will be close but in the end, OBama will get 4 more years.

So what you're saying is, Cain would do for Romney what Sarah did for McCain?

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