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Chris Cooley's Blog: Reigniting a Rivalry


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In my weekly appearance on 106.7 The Fan with Chad Dukes and LaVar Arrington I made some comments regarding Tony Romo sits to pee. “It's amazing, amazing to watch him choke like that … there's no way that Detroit is gonna drive on you that many times. The only way you're gonna give up that many points is turnovers, right? It was hilarious to watch him throw pick-sixes, too, back to back. I loved it.” The conversation then turned to a hypothetical cage match between Romo sits to pee and myself, which I insinuated that I would win because of my wrestling background. And now, a joking, lighthearted situation, which in my opinion, has received 15 times the 15 minutes of fame it deserved, warrants my response.

In a league full of glad-handing and ass slapping between competing teams, I actually care about the organization and fan base that has supported me throughout my 8-year career. While I feel an honest respect for all NFL players, I show no remorse in cheering against another team, especially the Cowboys. If it sounded like I was delighted by Tony Romo sits to pee’s failure last week, I was. Though I have no personal vendetta toward Romo sits to pee, my feelings for him had nothing to do with me reveling in a divisional foe blowing the biggest 2nd half lead in the history of its proud franchise. Now before the rivalry-igniting defense of my comments, I would like to state a couple of facts:

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Pretty cool but couldn't he find something better to do? like knock boots with his wife, lift weights, get treatment for his knee, relax, or watch film?

He is human, you know? He's just like us, except he's in the NFL. So what if he took an hour out of his day to post on his blog?

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Pretty cool but couldn't he find something better to do? like knock boots with his wife, lift weights, get treatment for his knee, relax, or watch film?

Sure...but you could be knocking boots with your wife, jogging, or studying for a certification in whatever field earns you a living...we all could. But we're reading a message board.

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He is human, you know? He's just like us, except he's in the NFL. So what if he took an hour out of his day to post on his blog?

Hey I'm not knocking him, I was entertained!

However if I were him, I wouldn't want that kind of attention or would consider that type of banter with fans appropriate. I wouldn't be surprised if Shanahan has a talk with him.

CC47 better bring his A++ game to the Eagles game or the media and eventually our fans will be on his case! :ols:

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I never understood why anybody in the NFL community got so butt hurt over what he said. This isn't SYC football. These aren't little kids, they're grown men. They say all kinds of **** to each other on the field. People want to get on Cooley because he said he was happy a player on his most hated rival team had a horrible game? Really?

God the NFL is becoming a community full of sissies. It must be a reflection of all the B.S. rules the NFL has put in place over the past couple of years. What's a penalty now-a-days was a great play ten years ago. What used to be rival teams talking smack has now become "how dare you say something so mean Cooley! Romo sits to pee tried his very best and he's a great person how could you! :( "

Please. Thank you for speaking your mind Cooley.

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