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NFL.com (Video): Jamie Dukes likes the Skins going 4-0


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Did you watch the video? Do you have NFLN? If so turn it on right now and listen to what he says.
I watched the video. I have NFLN. I'm sorry, but if you can't read "backhanded compliment" from his prediction, that's on you. If the Cowboys were healthy, he would NOT be picking the Redskins. When he picks the Redskins to beat a better-than-average team that is not decimated by injuries, then you can wake me up and let me know. But from where I sit, he just wanted to hear himself say the Redskins would be 4-0 for the sheer absurdity of the situation (in his mind). Kind of like the time Californians woke up and remarked to themselves, "Holy ****. Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to be governor!"
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I watched the video. I have NFLN. I'm sorry, but if you can't read "backhanded compliment" from his prediction, that's on you. If the Cowboys were healthy, he would NOT be picking the Redskins. When he picks the Redskins to beat a better-than-average team that is not decimated by injuries, then you can wake me up and let me know. But from where I sit, he just wanted to hear himself say the Redskins would be 4-0 for the sheer absurdity of the situation (in his mind). Kind of like the time Californians woke up and remarked to themselves, "Holy ****. Arnold Schwarzenegger is going to be governor!"

I didn't ask you the question because I didn't recognize what it was that I thought Jamie Dukes was doing, I asked you the question because I wanted to know why you felt we were 4-0 pretenders? I thought perhaps you heard something from Dukes, either in the video or on the segment that just aired on NFLN, that was convincing enough to agree with him that we could actually end up being 4-0 pretenders (which is actually a completely new level from where he had us earlier in the week when we simply 2-0 pretenders).

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If we start 4-0, the game against the Eagles will be one of the biggest in a long long time. But lets not get ahead of ourselves.

I have no problem getting ahead of myself, I have no effect on the outcome of the game. I'm pumped up and dying to watch the Cowboy's game , and have been for a week or so. But that doesn't mean my mind doesn't wander to the future and "what if's". We're fans. We can do that pretty safely.

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I have no problem getting ahead of myself, I have no effect on the outcome of the game. I'm pumped up and dying to watch the Cowboy's game , and have been for a week or so. But that doesn't mean my mind doesn't wander to the future and "what if's". We're fans. We can do that pretty safely.

oh i know that. the getting ahead of ourselves part was more about lets not write up long posts or analysis that might be meaningless in 48 hours. Granted, some people have time for it so fire away

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oh i know that. the getting ahead of ourselves part was more about lets not write up long posts or analysis that might be meaningless in 48 hours. Granted, some people have time for it so fire away

Now THAT'S fair haha. But it'll happen anyways.

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I don't see why people put any weight into the opinions of the media in general.

Threads are started, and discussions shaped by headlines. The truth is, the poster that says we are doomed because of Dukes' scripted antics is as close to reality as most of what passes for "journalism" across the board. Not very, and what's more, most of what you fine people post here is more entertaining and informative.

Ok, back to lurking. Enjoy. Myself, I'm waiting to see the actual game, not listen to the lot of deceptive, uninformed trolls known as the corporate media.

Remember, Tony Romo sits to pee died for our sins. Its in the King Jones bible.

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Actually, the truth is the Redskins could go 11-0 and still be pretenders. Due to a fairly weak schedule and player injuries, I don't see a ridiculously tough game until we play the Jets in December. That's not to say that we will not have close games or that Bad Rex doesn't show-up to screw-up some games before then. But, in December, we will start to see the wheels come apart and really see that this team with Rex Grossman as the starter is just a pretender.

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First, Dukes got decimated in the best rivalry debate despite picking the correct rivalry. Mascots you idiot? He said the Skins/Cowpies rivalry is the best because of the mascots... And then he pretends to yawn when the other talking head gives great reasons as to why the Bears/Packers rivalry is great (because the guy did his research).

After saying that it should be no surprise that Dukes is just covering all his bases with the 4-0 prediction. Earlier in the week he calls the Skins 2-0 pretenders because of a "fortuitous schedule." That's fine, I'm okay with the media not hopping on the bandwagon. However, to say a few days later that the Skins could go 4-0 into the bye? That allows this ***clown to come on after week 4 and either say "I told you they were pretenders" or "you heard the Skins were gonna go 4-0 from me first!"

He needs to stop talking about the Redskins

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This is about as football-newsworthy as Star Jones saying the Redskins could go 4-0.



but true

Dukes' opinion isn't of any value no matter what he says, good or bad. He has pretty much shown his true colors already as far as his ability to add anything of worth to the conversation, so all he deserves is to be ignored.

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I really hate Jamie Dukes as well, and I hate the fact that he 1) picked the Redskins of all teams as his prediction to go undefeated the longest and 2) tried to play it off like he was the one and only to make the prediction by adding the "you heard it here first" comment.

PLEASE don't hitch your wagon to this train Jaime, we don't want you!

I also think it's funny that Jaime "lost" that segment for not choosing the Patriots and for choosing the Redskins, when the Bills made sure that that other guys prediction is already wrong. Looks like Jaime should have won that segment, for the simple reason that we're undeafeted for at least one more day, at a minimum.

Go Skins!

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After saying that it should be no surprise that Dukes is just covering all his bases with the 4-0 prediction. Earlier in the week he calls the Skins 2-0 pretenders because of a "fortuitous schedule." That's fine, I'm okay with the media not hopping on the bandwagon. However, to say a few days later that the Skins could go 4-0 into the bye? That allows this ***clown to come on after week 4 and either say "I told you they were pretenders" or "you heard the Skins were gonna go 4-0 from me first!"

He needs to stop talking about the Redskins

He should run for office- sounds just like a politician

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