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ExtremeSkins = Extreme Mess


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The thread that was similar was locked because mods felt we shouldn't discuss Plaxico until his release. My friend was banned for being a "problem child" not for posting a duplicate thread.
This thread? http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?320098-Dan-Hellie-Twitter-Skins-Talking-to-Plaxico-Burress

No one wanted to consider bringing in a guy who was going to spend the entire upcoming season in prison. Suggesting that waiting until his release was actually a good idea so that we wouldn't have to have a guy taking up a roster spot IN JAIL. Then when the thread was locked, he started it again. Are you seriously defending this?

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I whole-heartedly agree with the poster!!! Ever since this board basically became "employees" of the Skins it has become one of the worst team forums on the net. Most of the replies did nothing but prove your point about the juvenile name callings and such!!! It all boils down to the MODS have way too much power and I believe it goes to their heads! Half of you take up for said MODS and label them as cool and witty and you know absolutely nothing about them besides what they post on this board! Sad really!! One should be able to say what he wants in a discussion board w/o the fear of getting banned for said comments!!! I too have been banned for a pretty petty reason! If you are one of the MODS "favorites" you can basically bash another poster w/ very little if any reprocussions. Then if you respond in kind you will be banned w/o hesitation. Look folks this is not the only Skins forum on the web. ES USED to be the best but now sorry to say it is one of the worst so far as censorship goes!! Dan knew what he was doing when he "took over" this forum! He can now mold the views and news coming out of Redskins park! Dont know if I'll get banned for this post and at this point could care less! However, if I do I will promise to NEVER come back to this board and will make it my mission to expose the truths about ES on every social media outlet I can! GO SKINS!!!!

Um really? First off some of us have quite a few friends on social networks bro. Second thing I don't like threats and you get my favorite avi...


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I agree with the OP. Even the mods sling insults at people on here. There are a few that think they know it all and any opinion that differs from theirs it's fair game to trash the 'offending' poster. This is not whining, just the way it is. I've gotten to the point that I'll be just as juvenile as others on here.

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This thread? http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?320098-Dan-Hellie-Twitter-Skins-Talking-to-Plaxico-Burress

No one wanted to consider bringing in a guy who was going to spend the entire upcoming season in prison. Suggesting that waiting until his release was actually a good idea. Then when the thread was locked, he started it again. Are you seriously defending this?

He didn't start the original thread, he wanted to join the discussion, but mods deemed it unfit for discussion! Why would the mods stifle talk about bringing in a player whose agent was talking to our team?

---------- Post added August-25th-2011 at 10:15 AM ----------

He didn't start the original thread, he wanted to join the discussion, but mods deemed it unfit for discussion! Why would the mods stifle talk about bringing in a player whose agent was talking to our team?

And, banned for LIFE for it? That doesn't seem crazy?

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I am ThePreciating, and pathetic as it sounds, I was crushed when I was banned. I loved coming here to talk Redskins, but it infuriated me when valid topics were deemed unworthy by the mods.

I trolled a bit when I first joined, but I quickly became a contributing member, though eternal optimist. When I got angry was when Nazi comparisons came up or when people wished bodily harm or cancer on Redskins team members.

I tried to rejoin now that I have a new job and new email, but it's not the same. I want to be ThePreciating. I want to be back in the club. :-( :violin:

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This thread? http://www.extremeskins.com/showthread.php?320098-Dan-Hellie-Twitter-Skins-Talking-to-Plaxico-Burress

No one wanted to consider bringing in a guy who was going to spend the entire upcoming season in prison. Suggesting that waiting until his release was actually a good idea so that we wouldn't have to have a guy taking up a roster spot IN JAIL. Then when the thread was locked, he started it again. Are you seriously defending this?

i wrote this in that thread:

with the plans shanny has for kelly i don't think this is real.

oh man, how young and naive i was back then.

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He didn't start the original thread, he wanted to join the discussion, but mods deemed it unfit for discussion! Why would the mods stifle talk about bringing in a player whose agent was talking to our team?

---------- Post added August-25th-2011 at 10:15 AM ----------

And, banned for LIFE for it? That doesn't seem crazy?

Plaxico was NEVER in DCs plans for him or the team.

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So why hasnt this guy been banned for this post?! Is it because he has over 7k posts? Sorry guys but there is this thing I like to do called living which doesnt allow me to post on a message board over 7k times!! LMAO

Do you have anything worthwhile to add to this thread?

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Why dont we have something good come out of this thread.

How about the MOD's reinstate your friend that was banned for life but he has to agree that if he breaks another was ExtremeSkins gets his soul. :evilg:

I cant wait for the game tonight. This thread is boring at this point.

---------- Post added August-25th-2011 at 01:32 PM ----------

Plaxico was NEVER in DCs plans for him or the team.

You can still have discussions on hypothetical situations.

---------- Post added August-25th-2011 at 01:33 PM ----------

Why do we all meet at my house for a group hug.

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Here's the sneaky ES secret.

You can talk down to people too. However, there's a trick to it. The trick requires brains and intelligence and quick thinking and complete thoughts. Thus you should stick to not understanding why you are different, cause you are different, lesser and irrelevant. And the good part is NOW you know it. You are free of that ignorance, finally.

What should he do with his mattress now, the return policy is quite specific about the tags and staining?


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TK just said to me "one of the reasons I like these threads because they always bring out a few of the other (I forget what term he used, so I'll use one of mine) like-minded igwads. :pfft:

Back to that thought in a minute, but first, to ThePreciating, like every similar story I've reviewed mod-wise, and opinions on "personalities" aside, I find you never received any undue action. But instead of trying to talk to us about coming back in a productive and adult manner you broke yet another key rule (one for which permanent banning is typical) and created the fake acct.

As for the handful who support the OP, I know I don't care if any (or how many) ambulatory post-op brain donors have "social/internet" issues. I know the other mods well enough to know they share a similar lack of perceived threat or damage to their fragile self-esteem from people who think we suck. :)

But I do care about this board---a great deal. And for the last 7 years I have shared it with the current other active mods the whole time, day in day out, and know how much they care. And I know a great number of members, newer and older, have shown in their words and conduct here how much they care. So I'm happy. :)

But to return to the thought that I said I would :evilg: , in honor of the addition of skinsfan913's heartfelt comments in support of the OP's courageous and so totally not pathetic, whiny, and inaccurate blithering indictment of the ego-mad grinding-iron-heel of oppression the mods apply to the weak and infirmed :D, I thought I'd share some of skinsfan913 actual football opinions as support for the quality of football posting he brings to our cyber wasteland. :helmet:

Here's just one sample:

Originally posted by skinsfan913

Dude why dont you STFU and stop looking at the Skins through your rose colored glasses!!! We are what everybody thinks we are and that is absolute GARBAGE!! if Shanny was so good then why isnt her still coaching in Denver?! I'll tell you why, its because he sucks as a head coach!! Mcnabb was real overrated especially all those times when he basically beat us by his self or dont you remember those games?! You dont go get a QB thats been in the league with as much success as DMac has had and try and change him to your BS scheme! All GREAT coaches tailor their scheme to fit their personnel and not the other way around you idiot!! So the next time you feel like telling someone to STFU look at the REAL facts and not some storyline you've read on the Skins boards!!! SMFH at the ignorance on this board!!

For the potential further edification (and hopefully entertainment) of my brethren, I recommend searching "skinsfan913" in the thread search feature on the link below and really learning the truth about this team and its coach. :cool:


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For the potential further edification (and hopefully entertainment) of my brethren, I recommend searching "skinsfan913" in the thread search feature on the link below and really learning the truth about this team and its coach. :cool:


expose jose. Thank YOU Jumbo. clapping3jp.gif

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Originally posted by skinsfan913

Dude why dont you STFU and stop looking at the Skins through your rose colored glasses!!! We are what everybody thinks we are and that is absolute GARBAGE!! if Shanny was so good then why isnt her still coaching in Denver?! I'll tell you why, its because he sucks as a head coach!! Mcnabb was real overrated especially all those times when he basically beat us by his self or dont you remember those games?! You dont go get a QB thats been in the league with as much success as DMac has had and try and change him to your BS scheme! All GREAT coaches tailor their scheme to fit their personnel and not the other way around you idiot!! So the next time you feel like telling someone to STFU look at the REAL facts and not some storyline you've read on the Skins boards!!! SMFH at the ignorance on this board!!

LOL! DMac? He was a waste of space. What's a SMFH? Oh.....

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For the potential further edification (and hopefully entertainment) of my brethren, I recommend searching "skinsfan913" in the thread search feature on the link below and really learning the truth about this team and its coach. :cool:


expose jose. Thank YOU Jumbo. clapping3jp.gif

Yea that's good stuff.

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I too agree with what the OP said.

Welcome to the site....Why did you join?

---------- Post added August-25th-2011 at 02:29 PM ----------

Damn that sounds cool, all i have is one of those pukey green ones.

You need to take this thread more seriously....green is cool!

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